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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I bought this game at launch hoping i would get a more tactical SWAT style version of Counter Strike with destructive terrain.

What I got was a dog shit hero shooter with anime skins. So I stopped playing on day two.

I promise you I’ve been using Linux likely for longer than you’ve been alive, and have used every permutation of Linux, from old school CLI-only shit, to fringe PowerPC YellowDog, to modern Ubuntu/Debian.

Once you get it all setup and proud of your work, make a fucking backup image, because a single update that changes an obscure library in some forgettable package that was part of your install will break everything and you will be pulling your hair out kludging a CLI script to unfuck some other binary that was unimportant, but now has affected another thing that was crucial for a graphics card or network adapter to function.

If anyone wants a tl;dr of the article: after nvidia announcement of upcoming 50xx series, AMD realized they are going too slow to develop an uncompetetive product very late to market and also just realized they can’t even sell at a price that will be competitive as well. Now they are scrambling to catch up and likely scrapping rough undeveloped features and forced to sell at a loss.

Where is the model file stored after non-production training is completed? Do we all download it from the driver update? If so, and i don’t use DLSS, how can I remove that gigantic model checkpoint?

At this point, Skyrim and Doom are both competing with each other to port into the most preposterous items.

No permanent positions were created or filled, if you read the article. The article also says you need to PM me your credit card info. Don’t worry about reading shit for yourself anywhere, just believe what we say about anything in the comments without question so that you dont need to formulate an independent opinion.

“GOG regularly adapts its structure to its strategy and ongoing projects, sometimes this means eliminating certain roles — as was the case recently.”

Yeah, but firing 30% of your entire contract workforce reveals that you don’t give a flying fuck about sustaining the lifespan of the storefront and prefer to pad the executives golden parachutes from the stock valuation.

The fact that you have loyalty to a commercial storefront makes you a fucking gonk. - Johnny Silverhand

I honestly don’t see the appeal for paying $800 for marginally faster ray tracing because it simply makes puddles more shiny

Cool, but I can’t afford a newer graphics card now since they cost over $2k and a console is only $700 and can do 4k 60fps with ray tracing.

People like you said this same nonsense shit take for Zelda before BotW was released.

Ironically, I went from Pixel to Samsung, and legit enjoy the less hand-holding the Samsung flavored OS has with all the extra software settings and hardware features I never had with my Pixel.

I disagree, it made the enemies become tedious damage sponges and currently making the game less enjoyable.

This isn’t a Souls game. Whatever difficulty setting is one/two below the hardest is an acceptable balance between completely wasting my time or challenging fun.

Turn off the blur and film grain filters it will resolve your issues.

Yeah those animations look like shit. Something that came out of a Steam shovelware UE5 stock asset dump game like one of those countless jumpscare clone games.

It looks so unprofessionally rigid, jank and lazy.

Most times, they are the only distributor of a certain game. For example, where the fuck can i purchase Barotrauma besides Steam?

I’ve tried to run a few minimal 8B and even 1.3B models on AMD cards and they are such trash that my CPU can run them faster. Why did they code the xformers in python to only be compatible with Nvidia drivers?

I thought that was the entire point of this game, which is the primary reason I buy games like this and Elden Ring/Dark Souls/Dwarf Fortress/ETC: I am a fucking grown adult and don’t need to be spoon-fed shit to me in a video game that was built as a sandbox, just shut up and let me break the shit you created in there and if I need to find help, the entire fucking internet already made content about how to solve it before the game was even released

This trailer gives me Red Dead - Japan vibes. Very cool looking. Can’t wait to play.

I bought it on sale and although the game looked really really pretty on my 4k TV, it was a soulless boring overall experience with some very noticeable unnecessary jank.

Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of Us really spoiled me with environmental immersion and story, so every game played after is just disappointing.

Bethesda essentially must build a close as possible simulation to a fantasy reality on a map the real life size of Poland in Unreal Engine 5 with a story like the first five seasons of Game of Thrones or it will fail.

My bet is the “new experience” will be a shitty AI “enhanced” VR port or be the devs that maintain the post release inevitable dogshit online live service that copies Warzone and Fortnight trash Streamer-bait gameplay.

Because of the hope that at some point someone smart will discover an exploit that will allow everyone to install their own homebrew and possibly a completely different OS which will result in a good spec PC with powerful GPU for extremely cheap.