Once you get it all setup and proud of your work, make a fucking backup image, because a single update that changes an obscure library in some forgettable package that was part of your install will break everything and you will be pulling your hair out kludging a CLI script to unfuck some other binary that was unimportant, but now has affected another thing that was crucial for a graphics card or network adapter to function.
If anyone wants a tl;dr of the article: after nvidia announcement of upcoming 50xx series, AMD realized they are going too slow to develop an uncompetetive product very late to market and also just realized they can’t even sell at a price that will be competitive as well. Now they are scrambling to catch up and likely scrapping rough undeveloped features and forced to sell at a loss.
doom running on a pregnancy test
doom running on a Magellan Roadmate GPS made in 2008
doom running on a thermostat using its ancient ARM9 CPU
doom running on an IPAC2 bank ATM
doom runningon an Intel Edison
doom running on a TI nSpire calculator
doom running on a god damned oscilloscope
doom running on a kitchen bump bar made in circa 2001
No permanent positions were created or filled, if you read the article. The article also says you need to PM me your credit card info. Don’t worry about reading shit for yourself anywhere, just believe what we say about anything in the comments without question so that you dont need to formulate an independent opinion.
“GOG regularly adapts its structure to its strategy and ongoing projects, sometimes this means eliminating certain roles — as was the case recently.”
Yeah, but firing 30% of your entire contract workforce reveals that you don’t give a flying fuck about sustaining the lifespan of the storefront and prefer to pad the executives golden parachutes from the stock valuation.
I thought that was the entire point of this game, which is the primary reason I buy games like this and Elden Ring/Dark Souls/Dwarf Fortress/ETC: I am a fucking grown adult and don’t need to be spoon-fed shit to me in a video game that was built as a sandbox, just shut up and let me break the shit you created in there and if I need to find help, the entire fucking internet already made content about how to solve it before the game was even released
Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of Us really spoiled me with environmental immersion and story, so every game played after is just disappointing.
Bethesda essentially must build a close as possible simulation to a fantasy reality on a map the real life size of Poland in Unreal Engine 5 with a story like the first five seasons of Game of Thrones or it will fail.
I bought this game at launch hoping i would get a more tactical SWAT style version of Counter Strike with destructive terrain.
What I got was a dog shit hero shooter with anime skins. So I stopped playing on day two.