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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


Used unity for my last 3 games and I’m getting really really tired of their shithouse performance over the last 3-4 years. They’ve gone from constantly making new features, tutorials and systems to barely doing anything.

Engines need constant feature packed updates, not bare bones rubbish. For example there’s no DLSS support for URP, it only works in HDRP. There’s also “no plans” for it according to the devs, which boggles the mind considering URP is arguably the better platform for mobile, console and regular console gaming.

Game engines should be rapidly evolving and supporting these features, they should take 3-4 years to get commonly implements features or to have to rely on third party plugins to make them happen.

Be very keen to see steam OS everywhere, there’s a vetted interest in valve getting this widely adopted (more devices running it means more eyes on steam and more potential sales)

I’m keen to see the hardware variations device manufacturers come up with when they can just throw steam os on them and it all “just works”

Also worth noting that Skylines 2 comes out on Xbox game pass day 1. You can usually pick up a trial for a fortnight, that’s a pretty perfect opportunity to try this on PC (to see how bad it runs for you)

That’s what I’ll be doing, trying it out and most likely skipping it for a few months while they polish it up

You can pick up game pass (which skylines 2 will be coming out on the 24th)

It’s only a buck for 14 days (though that might be region specific) so I’m definitely going to pick it up and give it a go to see how bad the performance is

They’re ugly looking now, that’s the issue. skylines 2 definitely is an improvement over 1, but it’s not an astronomical improvement (like the difference you’d notice with some franchises moving from unreal engine 4 to 5)

The amount of raw performance needed to power this game is what’s shocking. It’s just a lack of optimisation.

I think I’m pretty confident in saying most people aren’t interested in sub 60 FPS, especially if it’s at 1080p and looking the way it does (which is mostly flat and unimpressive)

That’s the most shocking part, the high-end hardware needed to brute force a 1080p game at acceptable framerates

Really disappointed that after a solid 3-4 months of dev diaries, open communication and hype for the game, they drop this performance bombshell on us at the last moment.

They get points for at least giving everyone a weeks notice, but that’s clearly a calculated move (compared to if they kept it quiet entirely and it launched with people unaware)

I’m not instead on playing sub 60 FPS games at 1080p, especially not when I’ve got a 4090+13900k and it crushes almost every other game in existence. The game isn’t pretty enough to justify such terrible performance, it’s just purely unoptimized now.

Why there’s no DLSS / FSR also at launch is baffling, it helps GPU bottlenecked necked games greatly (even if boosting from a native 30 to 60 is a bit yuck)

Really disappointed

Tired of these half baked shithouse total war games like pharaoh, troy and britannia. It must be so hard to develop a sequel to medieval, Rome or any of the other successful franchises that people actually want to play

They can’t be trusted. They already tried to slip their hand into your pocket and now that it’s been successfully smacked away they’re trying to act apologetic. The only time I want people getting their hands in my pocket is when I’m getting a handy, not when they’re trying to take unearned dollars because they need to boost their bottom line

At least one head rolled from that fiasco. The rest of the board needs to be yeeted out the window also while we’re at it

Hand of Fate 2 was great on switch years ago, a hybrid card / tabletop / combat game

Back when you could actually have funny ads and not worry about people whinging about it online

Who didn’t see this coming? Kill all good third party apps and funnel everyone into their dogshit, undercooked app and then leverage every metric and interaction for advertising

1 and 2 are great games. Should be top quality too on Steamdeck. Never got around to finishing the remake of 1 but one day I’ll get to it lol

I’ve worked on older projects such as 2019 and overall they all work very similar, so I’m assuming people will still start projects on 2020/2021 LTS given they’re fairly stable

The only thing I’d be keen on in be versions of unity would be if they came with better versions of FSR / DLSS baked in, instead of having to wait on third party addons

If the changes were launched this way, being tied to a new version in 2024 then this would have been a perfectly fair approach, you could stick with 2022 / 23 LTS for your projects and only if you want ‘new’ features would you pick up 2024 LTS and agree to the new terms.

I’ve honestly not seen much difference between major versions e.g. 2021 - 2022 LTS, so unless these new versions come out with amazing new features, devs can still stick to these old reliable versions.

It’s much better overall but the way they’ve handled this has been shithouse

Another reason for not piling everything onto Nexus mods, their site, their rules unfortunately.

Seems like a no-brainer to have a custom campaign system given the number of people who’ve picked this one up. You think they’d want to capitalize on their success regardless of how tired they are

“not always possible for other developers”, mostly because they’re busy shitting out rubbish, buggy titles riddled with micro transactions (or whatever nonsense they can get away with to nickel and dime their customers)

People took note of how great BG3 is because it’s just a good game, you’re not be treated as a resource they can squeeze to get extra cash

Great clickbait title from them. This is a US / NA specific issue and thankfully isn’t fully reflective everywhere else

Heard it’s been getting rapid updates though so that’s always encouraging. Maybe in 3-6 months it’ll be super refined. Keen to give this one a go once I wrap up Pathfinder

You could give studios unlimited budgets and they’d still complain they don’t have enough time / money to get things right. The rhetoric is that “games are just so complex nowadays” and that justifies their 4/5/6 year development periods.

I’m not seeing the complexity that warrants that type of long development period. The visual fidelity on some games is impressive, but is it actually worth that 5 year dev time?