It’s important to note that this is not an SOS feature — like the iPhone’s Emergency SOS — that’s meant to be used only in emergencies. This means you won’t be limited to messaging emergency services; you’ll be able to message anyone you want. It also means the feature can be used anytime your mobile connection disappears.
Neat, I thought it was going to be restricted to emergency use.
It should be noted that if a hacker is able to exploit this, they’d need a lot of access and you’d already be boned. This is no where as bad as what Intel is going through right now.
Saying that you have to “basically throw away your computer” is very misleading to say especially in a subtitle, when that exact thing is actually what is happening with Intel CPUs.
Fair, but I guess my point was I haven’t personally needed those things in some time. At least, not enough to warrant exposing myself to vulnerability like before. Ad blocking especially, since you can do that via VPN or by using your VPN slot if you don’t want to use something like pihole. App + data backups are built into many custom roms as well, including the one I use (graphene).
I stopped playing shortly after OW2 came out. They killed my favorite role (tank) by throwing one of the tanks away, making the tank role miserable to play since the team fights were always on my shoulders. Then, on top of that, they unbalanced everything even more, and had to update maps for 5v5, forever removing some of them from the game.
That was all after the slap in the face that was taking away a game I paid money for to replace it with a broken, microtransaction-ridden experience.
I might be willing to look past the microtransaction BS and play again if they bring 6v6 with some of the original, unmodified OW1 maps.
that’s not a fair comparison because pc has people who running on hardware worse than a ps3.
This is a benefit of using PC, not a downside. Unlike consoles, you aren’t forced to upgrade every few years and you actually have the ability to change graphics settings. Even if you want to upgrade your PC, you don’t need to get an entirely new build.
That’s also missing the fact that plenty of people don’t need or want to play the latest AAA title.
OW1 was so much better, and I can guarantee they would’ve made more money from that model over OW2’s BS. The change to 5v5 unbalanced the entire game and required significant map changes.
It boils down to greed; some MBAs in the company were absolutely convinced that they’d make more money from this new model. Their greed sunk the whole game. Classic Blizzard.
Missing ROPs and all!