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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


I’ll sell my ps4 and emulate Bloodborne on my PC

Fans are desperate for an official next-gen patch that would make the game run at 60fps, up from 30fps, …

“”““30 fps””“”

If the game’s net code is good, you shouldn’t have to lead or trail. But yeah, it’s annoying not being able to see it.

Perhaps they don’t want you to know how shit their servers are lol

You’re right. Words like “I” are gender neutral.

For that reason, speaking in the third person like Bot is doing doesn’t make sense to me (as a trans person myself). I can’t think of any motive for someone to want others to constantly refer to them in the third person… Except for one, but it’s controversial in some communities haha.

Looking at Bot’s comment history, they only decided to speak in the third person today, while the rest of their account’s comments are written normally. Do with that information what you will.

OldSchool RuneScape restored my faith in the industry. RuneScape was ruined by microtransactions, but Jagex grew an enormous pair of balls and released an older version of the game and started fresh without any of the bullshit.

To this day it’s my favorite RPG. I could write a truly ridiculous amount about why I love it, but I recommend just playing it for yourself.

gamepad control implementation

That’s huge. Every time I tried playing it, it gave me a strong “bedtime game” vibe and I just wanted to play it on my Steam Deck.

Bloons Tower Defense 5/6 are great for kids. They do have microtransactions but they don’t nag you to buy anything, and everything is easily obtainable just by playing. Also, nothing that you can buy is “content.”

If you’re able/willing to download ROMs and emulators, the first handful of generations of Pokemon games are great for touchscreen/mobile. My favorite was always Pokemon Emerald (GBA) but you can easily emulate all the games up to about X2/Y2 (DS) on any modern Android device. (I use “MyBoy!” for the GBA games, but PokeMMO is good for combining both the DS and GBA games into more of a mobile game experience rather than an emulator experience, if that makes sense. Everything is just easier, and probably a lot more accessible for a primary school kid.)

It’s also worth noting that girls like a lot of the same kinds of games boys like. 🤷‍♀️ Just give her as many good options as you can find and let her decide what she finds fun. Me and my sister had a blast playing CoD Zombies on our aunt’s tablet when we were kids.

You have to buy the battlepass to use the newest characters. And the cosmetics used to be free.

They monetized competitive gameplay elements and cosmetics that were supposed to come with the $60 I spent. Both of these are microtransactions.

I suggest you do not take the “Deluxe” version and sitck to the original one


After finishing these two fights (I’m at the Nameless Puppet now🫠), however, I kind of feel like I’ve robbed myself of a “worthy” victory because it was soo much easier with the summons than without them.

There is no “right way to play,” just what you find most satisfying. There’s merit to both this and playing without summons.

If you don’t have the patience to pull off a more satisfying victory you can always go back and beat them solo later.

If you like the older Pokemon games and can get the ROMs on your phone, PokeMMO is really cool. It’s an emulator that turns the first 5 generations of games into an MMO where you can take the same character across each region.

There’s a handful of changes to the base game, but most are small: Berry farming is changed, there’s an Exp Share for EVs now, Sweet Scent is used to summon a 1v5 against wild Pokemon… There’s character customization… There’s some QoL stuff like shiny encounters having a sound effect and adding a confirmation box so you don’t accidentally flee, and the stats page for your Pokemon is way more detailed.

Games are about entertainment. They’re not a career.

They’re all skills that you have to develop, and things people do because they like doing them. And if you’re not willing to learn to develop those skills, you won’t be able to participate.

Zelda games aren’t gatekeeping me when I die a lot and they don’t give me more health. Portal 2 isn’t gatekeeping me when I can’t solve the puzzles and they won’t give me the answers. Undertale isn’t gatekeeping me because I’m bad at bullet hells and they won’t slow down time for me. The whole point of the game is to develop a skill and overcome a challenge.

I already named several mechanics Elden Ring gives you to deal with the difficulty, and engaging with them is what the game is about. It can be as easy or as hard as you make it. If you choose not to utilize those options, that’s your prerogative.

they have opted to take actions that make the game unenjoyable for a significant number of gamers despite it having no positive benefit for ANY gamer

Like what

I don’t have the tools to mod Bloodborne

Miyazaki himself said he wants a PC port but Sony won’t do it. We’re definitely on the same page there, and so is the CEO of From Software.

Learning to play the guitar or code also doesn’t have a difficulty slider, but people of all abled-ness manage it anyways. It’s a matter of patience and practice just like any other skill.

But this particular skill has in-game mechanics like leveling up, upgrading equipment, and summoning up to two whole extra players to do the work for you. Then there’s mods…

Some of us, especially older gamers, just don’t have the reflexes for that type of game.

I hear what you’re saying, but to be fair, younger players don’t start out with those reflexes either. It’s probably harder for older players, but I’m not convinced it’s that much more of a challenge that it’s not worth trying. Maybe it’s my lack of perspective talking, but I’m willing to bet that if older folks can learn to play a guitar or code, they could learn to play Elden Ring given the same amount of practice and motivation.

It took me over 6 hours total just to learn to parry, and even then I’d say my success rate is still only like 60% at best. I learned to do it for 1 specific DLC boss, and that was after 200 hours in the base game without using once, so I had to completely abandon my muscle memory. But man, the one run I managed to pull off where I hit just enough parries to make it out alive by the skin of my teeth, it was beautiful. I recorded it, and watching it back is like watching a dance. (Like a dancer with two left feet, but still, lol)

Unfortunately for us, Fromsoft writes GREAT stories and Let’sPlays are still kinda boring.

I don’t normally watch lets plays anymore either, but this one really hooked me. Gray and Lark both have a lot of charisma and bounce off of each other really well since they’re childhood friends. The stories they tell are entertaining enough that, for the first time ever, I decided to watch a livestream (instead of the edited version I linked).

Vaati Vidya also has a lot of good videos if you just want the raw lore.

They can, it’s just not in the form of 1 button.

It’s an RPG, if you want the game to be easier then level up your character to have adequate HP/defense/attack power. Not enough? Upgrade your weapons/shield. Still not enough? You can summon two whole extra players to do all the work for you.

Still not enough? There’s mods.

Was it >!Rellana!<? I’ve been avoiding spoilers so idk who’s the most complained about, but I sat down and used a shield for the first time and parried her to death. It took 5 hours but it was fun lmao.

I didn’t say it did affect me or that I’m against it. I’m just saying the problem people are having already has a solution, it’s just not as simple as 1 button.

There already is an “easy mode”. It’s an RPG, you can just over-level yourself and max out your weapon upgrades if it’s too hard. If that’s not enough you can summon two whole players to do the fighting for you.

To prep for the DLC I made a new character, beelined it to my favorite spot to grind runes, and with my character at level 100 I just went through the world 1/2-shotting all the mobs. Then for all the bosses I couldn’t kill in a handful of shots I just summoned two people to help. It does take patience but you can make the base game an absolute cakewalk.

There is an easy mode. You can summon a whole second player for any challenge. If that’s not enough, go level up. Still not enough? Use guides.

Purists are in the minority, hence “most.”

The people in line one of your comment are practically mutually exclusive to the people in line two.

Tbf both of those are completely optional. But to continue tbf, the lord souls are damn near impossible to find if you don’t have the golden fog gate locations memorized / didn’t find them before the lordvessel in the first place.

Still my favorite soulslike tho lol

I wouldn’t mind it so much if it weren’t so bland. Advanced movement should be a skill that rewards you with extra options, but what we got was paths to the next arena littered with basic obstacles.

This is so sad… I hope a new site just like it pops up in its place. Vimms was so reliable, I’m really gonna miss it.

Common anti-consumer move by huge companies against the consumers who made them rich. What’s new?

It’s an unpopular opinion but I do agree with this. Google deserves to get a lot of shit for a lot of things, but even after how far downhill YouTube has gone it’s still the best hosting/streaming service out there.

Between podcasts at work and normal videos at home I probably watch more than 8hrs of YouTube a day with no issues. I may as well pay for it like I would Netflix, considering I get, like, 20x more out of it in comparison.

If there was a non-enshittified alternative, though, I’d gladly pay for it.

IMO the graphics look great, it’s just that it’s so clearly built on the creation engine. Like, the models and textures and lighting are great, but the animation is just so…creation engine

Right, you only read the last sentence because you already made up your mind.

Cope lol

Yeah, at first i thought it was you the original op, because its funny how triggered you are

Lmao, no, you thought I was “the original op” because you skipped everything about me not being him or agreeing with him, and only read the last sentence.

Maybe read more than 1 sentence. I know it’s too much to ask, but before saying stupid things, sometimes, it might be better to read more than 1 sentence.

Lmao fair, I didn’t read it at first. I did read it after the first guy responded, though, and I assumed you responded to something further down the chain

I did read it. I said I wouldn’t blame him for not reading it given how much garbage is getting published.

But y’all love getting on your high horse over false assumptions 🤷‍♀️