$70 at release. Unless you need a play a game right now that price can easily drop by half or more if you wait a year for sales. There are almost no games I buy on day-one anymore.
This has the added bonus of them usually being patched to be less buggy with more quality of life improvements.
Also, $70 is still pretty cheap in the grand scheme of hobbies. Google tells me the average price of a movie ticket is $11. So rounded up that’s 1 game = 6.5 movies. If a movie is 2 hours long that’s 13 hours of enjoyment. I can easily sink 50+ hours into an AAA title (hell my wife just put 110 hours into FF VII Rebirth). That doesn’t count replayability.
I see your point, but I’m not sure I would argue gaming is an expensive hobby. You can pick up a second-hand console and a handful of games under $500. PC gaming is a different beast (obviously).
To me this number just makes logical sense. A 55 year old could easily have grown up playing video games and leaning into that towards and into retirement seems like a pretty normal next step.
I would fully expect and hope that when I retire in ~25 years I’ll join the ranks of older gamers.
Without digging too far, seems hit net worth is around $6 billion. Obviously that’s nothing compared to say Bezos but if he wanted to ride a dick-shaped rocket into space I’m sure he could arrange it. He does, however, own the sub that holds the records for deepest crewed dives in all 5 oceans: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSV_Limiting_Factor
As you said though, he seems to be pretty much chill and until the day he passes away I think Valve is safe. And that will be a sad day…
In this case, “beat” is causing the game to crash, lol. You can also roll the levels over (in theory) from 255 back to 0. The game gets glitchy at level 138 though so a human rolling over back to 0 seems fairly unlikely.
This is a great article I was reading earlier about it: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/01/someone-has-finally-beaten-nes-tetris/
This video sums it up pretty well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMh7lv8wmHs
I like Samsung hardware a LOT, they are usually pretty cutting edge. I’m decidedly less a fan of their software. They run a custom launcher which is very meh.
Contrasted with Google, their hardware leaves a lot to be desired especially at the flagship price. The software (stock Android) is solid though. You are also guaranteed updates, I believe now the Pixel 8 is for 7 years. I don’t know of any other Android devices that will get updates for that long.
Google support is also pretty lackluster. I haven’t had to deal with Samsung so cannot comment there. I hear it’s better.
Really, you can’t go wrong with either one.
I’d like to expand on this and say, as a 37 year old parent with a house that barely has time to play a game ONCE it’s complete and utter bullshit. I’m doing good just to finish a game, there is pretty much zero chance I’m going to play it again.
I’ll shamelessly say I do reference walkthroughs if I expect there to be choices the impact the game in big ways.
It’s not even their research/article. They have summarized the great article Scharon put together here: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/09/are-reddits-replacement-mods-fit-to-fight-misinformation/
She’s been working on that for weeks now, talking to previous and current mods.
Honestly, this is why I game almost exclusively on console. I can download a game, press play, and it just works.
I have a Steam Deck too but I find myself not using it a lot. I loved it when I got it, but anymore it seems like there are just too many quirks(?) to make it an enjoyable experience. I swear even some verified games I have to do this tweak or that tweak to make it run right.
I’m married with kids and a house and 4 cars to maintain and when I get time to game I just want to play. I don’t want to think about if there is something special I need to do or some driver I need to update or whatever.