A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it’s price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don’t meet the system requirements, or just haven’t had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
I never really understood the complaints when it first came out. I had a few graphics glitches here and there, but nothing really significant. I think maybe one or two of the quests had bugs. The game had beautiful graphics (especially with RTX), a great story, and it was a lot of fun. I’ve played through 3 times already.
I am aware that a lot of people had bugs, though, but I have to wonder who. Maybe I just got lucky with my hardware combination (i7-5960x and 2080TI)?
I think a lot of it came from the fact that it was impossible to upgrade hardware when CP77 first launched. 30 series GPUs were selling for well over $2,000 so most people just tried playing the game with their outdated hardware.
I played it on the first day, and played it for days. It was actually really fun and I had a lot fewer issues with it than I had with Dragon Age 1 that I played a little while beforehand.
Supposedly the console releases were particularly bad. I played it on a laptop with a 2060.
Exactly this. I’m hearing all these folks like “so glad I waited!” but they probably would have liked it had they just played it when it came out and ignored the hype train and the de-hype train.
I loved it from day 1. Great game, at least on PC. Admittedly it should never have come out on last-gen, but update 2.0 isn’t on those either.
I think the biggest problem was last gen consoles, being barely able to run it and having massive problems.
I haven’t seen many complaints from the PC version as far as bugs/glitches went.
The game was missing the life it advertised, but I still had fun playing it
It didn’t meet the promises made, the game was ok, but it’s not the game they advertised
I played it with a 3080ti at launch and it was a buggy mess, shallow as hell, it skipped over all character introductions at the start of the story with a cutscene which just made me not care about anyone talking to me, the gunplay was simplistic, the open world was the least immersive I’d ever seen, with disappearing npcs and teleporting cops and cars driving through barriers everywhere with seemingly nothing reacting to your presence in ways that other open world games had been doing for years. The performance was bad, and even on psycho RTX there weren’t any real reflection because they didn’t bother finishing the third person character model, so there were just grey panes in bathrooms.
Overall it was just super underwhelming and full of unfinished areas that were clearly meant to be in the game but got cut.
It wasn’t an issue with consoles, it was an issue with the game being bad. Seems like everyone’s whitewashing the release as if it was perfect on pc.
I didn’t experience any of that. I do remember a bug where I would pop out the roof of my car, but it only happened a few times. Maybe I didn’t notice any of the other problems, or maybe I just got lucky. Out of all the games I’ve played in the last several years, Cyberpunk 2077 is the only one I’ve played through 3 times. I legitimately felt bad for the developers when it was first released because of how much people were shitting on it; judging from my own personal experience,a lot of the criticism was undeserved.