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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Dec 04, 2023


Not to be confused with the german -fall game No Unfall.

I would say that map size never was “most important”, at least not to the players, they’ve been complaining about huge but empty maps for years (the poster child of this, AC Odyssey was released in 2018, six years ago). It was just something devs and publishers pushed to one up each other in some kind of “bigger = better” way.

Yeah, the digital price only goes down for sales, otherwise even years after release you’re paying full price. With discs you can buy from whatever store you want and usually prices go down a lot within a year (which you should wait anyway because games are too buggy at release).

Their publisher was bought by Embracer shortly after the release of Kingdom Come Deliverance, maybe they’re to blame here.

How is gamer defined here? I don’t have access to the full report but apparently it mentions Candy Crush, so I wonder how the statistics would look like if you removed games like that.

If it’s bland and unexciting then it fits very well into Disney Star Wars and Disney should be very happy about it being so on brand.

Sony shuts down all of their Japanese studios and redirects their efforts into developing “cinematic” experiences to appeal to western gamers

They shut down Japan Studio, that’s a name, they still have studios in Japan.

Yeah, it’s the wrong generation and has a little too much power, the closest would probably be a 3060 which was available shortly after the launch of the PS5. But it was still more than half the price of a PS5 and you need more than a GPU for a computer.

Good game, had a lot of fun with it. It seems a lot of people didn’t like the game because the graphics got downgraded from what they showd in the first trailers. They only real complaint I have is the handling of cars is weird.

Not the name, the AC game mechanics. It could’ve been an even better pirate game if it had focused on its strengths and dropped the AC baggage.

Would’ve been a really great game if it weren’t an Assassin’s Creed, but just a pirate game.

More like an open hub world and several linear levels instead of the interconnected linear levels of Fallen Order.

I don’t think the game allows you to kill Boglings, in Jedi Survivor you can pet them.

Survivor has fast travel. But it also has a different general level design for the two main planets which are much more open compared to Fallen Order.

Look at it from console generations. The Xbox 360/PS3 generation got two GTAs (GTA IV even got two add-ons), RDR, and if you want to count it L.A. Noire. The PS4/Xbox One generation got RDR 2 and a rerelease of GTA V. I doubt it’s about scale, they just wanted to milk GTA Online and didn’t care about anything else.

That’s just lame, if I put my computer in my fridge I wouldn’t say that my fridge is then able to run Crysis.

In Borderlands 1 very few NPCs speak, you have to read stuff. In Borderlands 2 everyone is constantly talking, never shutting up. I like both games, but Borderlands 2 can be a bit much sometimes compared to the first game, almost feels flanderised, but I think that actually started in the Borderlands 1 DLCs.

I’m pretty sure there were reports about this shortly after GTA Online’s relaunch, that they had moved everyone from DLCs to fix Online.

Good to hear, never dug to much into it. Then there’s even less reason to keep it in Night City/America, maybe something in Japan.

It doesn’t have to, but it’s based on the Cyberpunk tabletop rpg which is mostly centered around Night City. So most of the existing lore is focused on America. Personally I’d prefer more games/movies/… outside the US in general, I’ve seen enough fictional versions of NYC and LA.

Initially I had some hope when Embracer bought a bunch of studios from Square Enix, because Square Enix sucks and it could only get better, but once their funding dried up it turned out Emberacer sucks just as much as them.

Gonna finish my second playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 and then ask myself what to play next.

It’s Avi Arad and he was producer of all Spider-Man movies starting with Spider-Man 2 all the way to the Spider-Verse movies, so quite a lot of bad movies, but also some good ones. I wonder why they didn’t put Morbius in that list.

I think some game developers think like this too, that’s why they try to turn their games into movies, either directly or by making their games more “cinematic”.

It’s a good example for how inflation isn’t something constant that affects everything equally. Game development costs are mostly wages, if wages stay below inflation then development costs stay below inflation unless teams get larger, and especially game development is known for paying rather low wages.

Probably, especially if you consider that the first Helldivers game was a top-down shooter.

Activision wasn’t just a studio, it was a huge publisher with several studios, that’s why they needed approval from competition regulators. I doubt they will stop buying studios over this in the short-term.