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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


What’s awesome is you will still catch Twitch streamers actively encouraging people to use their free prime gaming sub to their channel or any channel because “fuck Jeff Bezos” lol

IANAL but I do believe in some places not only is an apology and admission of guilt but it can also be used against you

I’m calling it right now. Mark my words Minecraft will move to a subscription model in the near future.

I want to add to this that valve is also very clearly an anomaly in todays business environment. They are not striving for infinite growth but methodical, strategic steady growth.

Please don’t take this the wrong way but I’m sitting here genuinely going “what the fuck?!”. I’m happy for you in recognizing and killing the addiction even if it took you multiple attempts.

If I can implore people anything its to understand that the problem is addiction and it comes in many forms. To many people they quit one addiction and they move to another because as an example, gambling is not the problem. The unhealthy relationship to it is

I’m saying this as someone who is immensely close with a functional alcoholic and when they have “quit” the alcohol is simply replaced with something else. The addiction is the underlying problem.

I honestly think the generalization of parents here are GenX where we grew up on Atari, colicovision and then the original NES.

Anecdotal but in my career in corporate this has been the order of operations

  1. Employees get any old equipment free if asked
  2. Employees can pay for any old equipment if asked at a reduced cost
  3. Employees can’t get any old equipment

The reason was they company wasn’t getting any benefit to give away the equipment. Then it was too much of a hassle to write paperwork for the sales which are then used to write down refreshes. Then they just blanket sold to another company which as an employee you then have to engage but with no discounts.

These big businesses make money hands over feet but god forbid they let Joe Employee keep his old laptop for his kid as an unofficial perk of working there.

Had the game day 1 (Xbox). I understand and appreciate it was a different experience for PC users but I experienced no major technical flaws specifically those that worsened my experience.

That said, never pre-order personally but I will be buying day 1 regardless of media.

FML don’t remind me. Numerous attempts figuring out that puzzle.

Seriously this take is fucked up. Let’s put gamers in a bucket of mental cases because they like to play Tetris lol

Lies of P is amazing get around to it. Parry is a bit more clunky but still amazing.

I keep passing it on gamepass but now you have my attention

Maybe this is where we differ then. I agree with everything you’re saying but at the same time in no way do I feel like my choice to choose is being taken away. I am not being forced to buy anything.

Just out of curiosity how old are you? My sense is your opinion is probably shared by those younger people who came of age during the beginning of the death throws of cable.

I’m not saying your opinion is wrong for you. But I’m 46 now. I grew up inundated by commercials. They have always done all those things you mention. We were raised in an environment where media literacy included commercials allowing us to better see and smell the bullshit. Maybe that is what is lacking?

They are definitely not an “assault on free will” as you put it. Advertising is one of the oldest industries known to man and it will continue to exist and evolve.

That said, you are very correct in that it has gotten worse in recent years. This is predominantly (I feel) because government has stopped regulating specifically what is marketed to kids (thanks 1980’s!). There is also an angle that we stopped teaching media literacy like we used to.

There is a weird vibe over there. Like a city full of plastic people.

Perfect summary.

To be clear as well I’ve been on reddit 10+ years. It’s “different” now. Uncanny valley. I’m trying to be objective. I don’t have near the vitreol of many people here on lemmy. I’m actually fairly indifferent outside of them running their site into the ground.

Also worth mentioning it’s more visible in large subs. My city sub is real ppl. I got the weird vibe from a top 10 sub.

Same. My reddit consumption and engagement has dropped drastically when they fucked over their power users. I believe that has hurt them immeasurably but at the same time they’re massive.

Anecdotally I was on a thread yesterday reading the comments and my god it’s not disgusting but it’s a weird uncanny valley. Methinks they have internally masked the impact by building out bots using LLMs.

I got 4 posts to a reply on my cake day. That to me is abnormal behaviour.

I saw a comment get a reply linking the exact same YouTube link not as a quote but in the reply with very generated language. That was then followed with very much “this is a reply my fellow good human” type replies.

I honestly think they’re fucked. I think they’re just hiding they’re fucked.

People on sites like this really need to understand that for good or bad we are a vocal minority. People by and large understand “if you aren’t paying for it you’re the product”. Many people have come to terms with this be it reddit, or Facebook, Amazon, Google, etc.

Does it make it right? Or course it doesn’t.

But I seriously don’t know, outside of a serious privacy breach involving hundreds of deaths, how do we effectively change the narrative in a way the masses can not only consume but understand?

I’m in my echo chamber here but at the same time I’ve come to terms that if it’s online expect it to be sold and nothing is private.

I agree with you but let’s cut the hyperbole please? It is not “a brazen assault on our psyche”. Ain’t no one of sound mind seeking out a therapist for trauma because reddit changes it TOS.

I disagree. This is all the system working as expected. There is no such thing as infinite growth and yet we are conditioned to always need it or else it’s a failure.

We are on an ever accelerated race to the bottom.

The definition of success is woefully broken.

Okay so make communal housing/bathrooms for cheaper rent or invest in expanding the plumbing

This is how you get dystopian highrise slums

Someone feel free to refresh me but I think it’s Samsung in the US you can only disable Facebook not delete it and it still calls home even if disabled. Probably other manufacturers as well. If you roll with android over apple 100% get a pixel. Yes fuck Google as well but they don’t have any 3rd party shit collecting your data unless you install it.