Theyre also going against small gaming hobby stores which while not everywhere they can offer secondary services not reliant on reselling games multiple times. Such as offering LAN parties for old games, table top games, or even movie nights. These are just things I know the shop one of my kin in Arkansas goes to does.
Sounds like a skill issue. Joking aside I play largely old school games as a baseline, but maybe try playing some newer CRPGs to ease into it like Pillars of Eternity, Tyranny, or really any of Owlcats games. Also it could be worse ya couldve tried playing Arcanum which is rough even for me to play.
Ive met enough old bastards who lived through the great depression and while most of them are dead they wouldve all laughed. One of them got porn banned on a base dedicated to R&D because of the sheer quantity of privates caught jacking their privates in the toilets. That man was my great grandfather who was one leg on the porn smuggling market.
Its pretty solid but… limited. You can tell just by looking at the map that they intend to fill it out with DLC over the next couple years. Which is honestly on brand for a TRPG based game especially a games workshop IP.
Is it bad that I dont consider it all that bad since expansion modules have been a thing in RPGs for decades and DLC are just a further evolution therein?
Its restrictive because Bethesda has no creativity anymore. A lot of the old ideas cor the world back around the time of Van Burens development is really interesting. For example a solid chunk of the south was supposed to be overrun by a jungle from a corrupted GECK. The midwestern Brotherhood of Steel had more in common with Caesars Legion, and also recruited ghouls, super mutants, and sapient deathclaws. And just look at the New Vegas DLC for an idea of what the plans were for in the southwest, most of the DLCs are based on different areas in the Van Buren design Docs.
If not outside of America at least less common areas Chicago, Nasheville, Atlanta hell even rural regions like West Virginia. Hell if you are gonna do it in California or New York do it in less known areas, like Albany or San Bernardino yes I know Albany is the capital of New York but well New Yor, New york gets all the attention.
I feel like the main difference is that Elden Rings difficulty is innately linked to its game design. A similar game in a largely different genre is Underrail which is basically designed with CRPG fans who want to be kicked in the dick… repeatedly. Seriously Underrails combat is weirdly complex and frankly speaking even on easier difficulties is still a bitch.
I get that accessibility is a factor and all but theres only so much one can do thatll help without compromising the game design. I think the current situation is for the best, folks can mod the game to make it easier but there shouldnt be any official fuckery.
Also go play Underrail if you like Isometric CRPGs it hurts so good.
What ya dont want to gawk at the gangster spongebob shirts that seem to be at every stall?