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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


I felt nostalgic and was playing Beatles Rock Band on my 360. The dlc I bought couldnt be accessed in-game or through my purchase history (which had a lot of content unavailable in it). Most other stuff was there it seemed.

I wasn’t patient with this one and have no regrets. The base game was good but the dlc adds a lot of interesting gameplay options. Buying the complete game is a steal now.

Except now many loyalty cards are now required to get sale prices that were previously available without them. It is a bleak world where folks have to potentially choose between affording groceries and protecting their privacy.

It doesn’t even matter if Gamepass or Xbox is currently profitable or not. It’s about whether it can be more profitable. They originally thought the path to that was through exclusivity - now they don’t (just as Sony changed course in regards to putting stuff on PC). Anyone who thinks that corporate decision-making is ever based on anything else is being naive.

The practical concern here for me is at what point does MS find it most profitable to stop supporting my ability to use my accumulated physical and digital xbox software. Another reason walled gardens suck.

I just moved from a Samsung - migration was a lot of manual work for me. Whether it’s worth it depends on how much the increased security and control are worth to you. They were to me - I haven’t had any issues otherwise.

I agree. I have had major show-stopping bugs with main story quests in Act 3 and more crashes on the PS5 than I have experienced in any game by a huge margin. I love the game but it has been buggier than CP2077 for me as well.