Unrelated, but anyone remember “VCR+”? Man I’m old…
Edit: I guess it was actually “VCR Plus+” which is dumb af (it’s not a C++ reference. I assure you that the marketing people at the time had no idea what that was. I’m 99% it was just a bad logo that has “plus” and a ‘+’).
I guess it might vary depending on how much we’re talking… If they’re correct that credit card companies are requried by law and banks are not, then I can imagine a bank deciding to refuse to refund a purchase if they feel as if it’s too much money. At which point, it becomes much more of a hassle (lawyers getting involved, etc.) to get the money back.
Sales of physical copies of games is where consoles truly shine. It’s not as great as a few years ago (getting surplus steelbook games for like $10 sometimes), but you can still regularly pick up AAA games that are a handful of months old for $20 or sometimes less.
Check sites like dekudeals and psprices (steamDB is great too for making sure you’re not being over charged on Steam).
It’s just being a savvy consumer.
But yeah, when it comes to Nintendo hardware, the only reason to have it imo is the first party games, and those will never go on sale so you might as well just pony up. You can do the voucher thing and save $10 on each if you get two games (dunno if that’s still a thing).
Really bad take. Take it down a notch.
And this is coming from someone who didn’t play the game until it was released on Steam due to the inaccessibility.
Graphics aren’t everything. DF is, by far, the deepest simulation game ever created. The complexity is unmatched. You should put some respect on their name.
For sure. The game can be beat without prosthetics at all if that’s your bag. I personally found it fun to mix it up with some of the mini boss fights and some of the harder “regular fights”. I don’t think it takes anything away from the satisfaction, because they really aren’t that effective even when you max them out.
but for a boss, it’s faster to just learn the fight than spend time farming tokens to try to grind it out with prosthetics.
Eh not always… Not going to spoil anything but there are bosses that were designed for specific tools to be helpful. As in there are unique animations and effects when you use them on them.
I say let them play like they want to play.
Sekiro is possibly my favorite game of all time, and for sure my favorite From Software game. I can’t even describe how much I love this game.
The feeling you get when you finally beat a boss that initially seemed literally impossible (looking at you Sword Saint Isshin) is incomparable. Just the biggest dopamine rush ever.
And it’s like riding a bike. Once you get it, that muscle memory stays. I went a year or so without playing it, and within 5 or 10 minutes I was right back where I was.
Truly a gaming masterpiece. Enjoy it. Also, if you find yourself getting stuck on a boss and you find yourself getting into a loop of doing the wrong thing over and over, try giving it a rest for a bit and come back with fresh eyes.
I was struggling on the final boss for hours until I rage quit and went to bed. Tried again next morning and literally beat him on my second try.
Yeah that’s not what they’re doing with FFVII. These are three, very large, separate games. I’m nearly 100 hours into Rebirth and I’m probably about halfway through. Remake took me 80+, and the Intergrade was maybe 20 or so.
And not a moment of it has felt wasted or boring to me. Even the card game in Rebirth is incredible. I think they’re maybe even making an irl card game out of it.
Maybe it’s nostalgia as the original was a massive part of my childhood. But I love what they’re doing and where they’re going with the new series.
I switched to EndeavourOS (no dual boot to fall back on needed since I received a “work laptop” with Windows 11) about a year ago, first time using Linux period, let alone as a daily driver, and all I can say is that it has been a wonderful experience. I will never use Windows on a personal machine again.
Full disclosure: I have a brother who has been using Linux for a while that helped me through the install process, and basically showed me how to search Google (and the Arch wiki) if I run into any issues, and I have yet to run into anything serious enough to require his attention (which I’m sure he’s thankful for). Small things here or there that I’ve been able to fix myself have gone a long way to helping me grasp (at least a little bit) what’s going on under the hood.
Additionally, while I don’t have a background in comp sci, I grew up during a time where we needed to know how computers worked beyond “press the button on the screen for the thing to start”, so I was already pretty comfortable with the command line and all that.
So I had a little help, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that I haven’t needed his direct help since installation.
As far as games are concerned, most of my PC gaming these days is on my Steam Deck, and even on there I’ve gotten games that Steam labels “unsupported” to work. For example, Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition with DSFix works great despite being “unsupported” on Steam.
As others have said, check out protondb.
Because gamers are dumb fucks lol
Edit: ohhh struck a nerve. As a gamer myself, I’d be a fucking liar if I said that the average gamer isn’t a complete fucking moron.
But yes, I’m aware of the state of FO76 at release. I honestly could not care less about this game then or now.
The point was that it doesn’t matter how much of the game may have been fixed. It could literally be the greatest MMO ever now, and people would say it’s the worst game ever because their knowledge of the game begins and ends at the broken launch. And there’s a sense of pride in that ignorance. And that’s gamers being fucking stupid.
I guess this was just one level of abstraction too much for you huh?
The entire issue here is AI being trained on people’s data without them knowing or giving permission. The question of who’s likenesses and which photos are being used is an excellent question and it’s a big part of the problem here.
Are fans of the series liking season 1? I thought it was kind of not great…
Edit: Just to clarify, any issues I have with the show are completely unrelated to it not being faithful enough to the source material, or for it being “woke” or some stupid bullshit… It’s merely just a taste thing regarding the visuals, pacing, dialogue… Maybe it’s just a general trend for TV shows, but it just has this… look to it, that I’m not a fan of. I can’t really describe it much more than that. Everything is so goddamn shiny (despite being post apocalyptic ) and I found it super distracting for some reason.
I switched for the first time last year after using Windows exclusively for the past ~30 years, and have had no issues whatsoever. I understand I might be an outlier in that I always had a compulsion to dig as deep as possible into my Windows install to change little things I didn’t like about it, so maybe I just already had the base knowledge to more easily switch.
But I’ve been using EndeavourOS, and it’s been an absolute joy.
From what I’ve seen, don’t expect a polished, marketable “Beta” or “Early Access” even. It seems like they really rushed to get this one released by the date they chose in advance (one of the dev’s birthday I think?), and therefore is missing tons of features and in many cases just straight up broken.
I’m gonna wait til this one is a little more baked before giving it a try, otherwise I’m worried the ensuing frustration might ruin the mode for me once it’s actually working as intended.
I realized an error so edited my previous comment, and just ended up putting my feelings there if you want to read them.
But yeah totally, if done correctly. And we’re looking backwards from 2024, it’s a relatively recent phenomenon that a dev can turn a rectangle into a character you get attached to. But it was not like that before. Shit, games used to literally be entirely about high score. They might have had a silly little mascot, but it was just a vehicle to get points… Few exceptions of course, and the ones who started breaking the mold like Nintendo. But even still, I love Mario games and can’t wait for Odyssey 2. But I couldn’t give a single shit about the plot, and I never have in any Mario game I’ve ever played. Some of the best games ever.
Dunno if I was making a point just rambling.
Game is so intense. I really like the way it does inventory though