He/Him bi guy that shitposts some of the day

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


Mirror’s Edge and it’s sequel don’t have a hud at all

Just play indie games lol. I’ve been having a blast playing through Ultrakill and Hrot.

I hate Arial as much as a person could possibly hate a font for this exact reason.

Never too late, this is the patient gamers sub after all. Thanks for the great list!

Yeah I’m much more into indie games. The only aaa game that I bought on launch was doom eternal because 2016 had no problems around launch.

What Are Some Good Card Videogames?
I've been playing a lot of inscryption and while kaycee's mod is fun, it can get a little boring after a while. Is there anything that will scratch that itch? (that's not magic the gathering, too predatory). Edit: Just bought slay the spire and it is really fun so far. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.

Quake 2 also holds up really well. The remaster added a guide compass to point you to the next objective that is a godsend.

I prefer uninverted purely because that is what I grew up with. On the og xbox there weren’t many options to change controls, so you had to put up with what the game gave you. I can play with inverted controls, but it feels like writing with my left hand.

Doom 2016 on the switch is almost unplayable without motion blur, but is a decent experience with it on.

They lost their touch after Saints Row 2 and Red Faction

Yeah, it’s also easy enough to set up that a coding website not doing it is almost embarrassing.

Osmand with some of these custom maps that add address data to the normal maps. It works amazingly and is also entirely offline.