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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Sheesh, I remember playing the first one on my PSP and really enjoying it.

I wonder if it’s possible to jump back in to the series after all this time?

My wife doesn’t game either but holding a tablet for hours and months gave her “tennis elbow” and she was finally essentially ordered to quit by her doctor. Lmao.

This game is hella addicting.

“Well that can’t be right because it’s made more money in 25 years than the entire house of mouse did in like 100” -Some Executive numbers guy, probably.

I’m specifically referencing all the fear mongers who think the AI is some evil threat and are still against its usage even under such a fair and restrictive contract.

This is really the best of both worlds for all parties, and as far as I could tell, the only people that might suffer are the consumers if the quality of the AI isn’t very good, but everybody else is still getting paid the same and more.

If you’re upset about that just because of the letters, AI then yeah you deserve to lose your job.


I have no idea how you got there from me noticing the pertinent points of the contract, but if it matters I think all that loot box shit should be regulated or maybe even made illegal.

The agreement has two parts–a development contract that governs the recording and creation of an AI voice (called a “digital replica” in the contract), and a contract that covers licensing and use of said digital replicas to develop a game.

In terms of compensation, voice actors will be paid a standard union fee for the initial recording session to create a digital replica, and further compensation if they wish to allow Replica Studio to continue to use the replica after a certain timeframe. Actors can also negotiate compensation for a replica to be created from previously recorded material, with the minimum payment equal to a standard recording session–this also covers deceased performers, if an agreement can be reached with their estate.

Actors can then license their digital replica to be used in games, with payment calculated per every 300 lines of dialogue or 3,000 words (with “words” also including other sounds such as monster noises.) Studios can also pay actors to get access to their digital replica for pre-production–for instance, using the AI voice for placeholder dialogue. If any of the replica’s dialogue is used in a publicly released version of the game, the actor is entitled to further compensation.

They’re going to literally be getting more money for letting a computer talk for them only in the places and ways they allow them to, yet some people are STILL angry just hearing the letters AI and that’s good enough for them.

Jesus Christ, at this point they deserve to lose their work.

It doesn’t do food but I highly recommend StrongLifts 5x5. I’d never lifted weights in my life and it got my going in my 30s and it’s been life changing.

One thing I’d add if you take it up is to start extremely light on the weights if you’ve never lifted, and most importantly, just try to be consistent. Turn each workout into a mental link on a chain you’re building internally and make sure you stick with the three times a week schedule. Don’t break the chain!

It only takes about 15-20 mins to complete the workout and you’ll be so much healthier and happier for doing it just three times a week.

Good luck!

*I use the iOS version with my Apple watch for easier tracking, but this is the android version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stronglifts.app&hl=en_US&gl=US

Probably part 2, because it’s got the best evolution of the originals gameplay, without going too crazy deep into mechanics like the later games do.

Well this sucks.

Loved this dudes contributions to the genre.

…ever heard of a little thing called Fortnite? I hear it makes a tiny bit of cash money for them.

Alternatively you can apply the Little Brother technique and just let them win more than they lose in whatever “competitive” game y’all are playing.

Just try to do it in a non-obvious way.

I just want to play the resident evil I missed out on growing up. C’mon Capcom, remake Code Veronica already!

I’m mad that people are being sunk by consumerism.


Naw their criticisms are extremely fair.

When this thing was first announced it was met with mostly people all over going “what’s the point of this thing, nobody is going to buy such a useless thing when they can just play on their phone or some adapter” etc.

Then when the pre-orders where announced to be selling out, it didn’t shift to “people want this thing”, they just pivoted to “they are just lying to hype it up”

And now that it’s sold out everywhere, they have no choice but to either admit it was wanted and they were wrong, or just keep going with the idea that, no, it’s everyone else that is wrong.

Net financial position is negative EUR21 million from EUR15.2 million net of IFRS 16 and in line with expectations.

From your own article…

Maybe I’m just high, but I can’t for the life of me understand what the fuck this means…lol

Absolutely stacked year, I don’t think I could choose!

Hope I don’t get dragged through the coals but I have to offer a differing opinion for people.

I really didn’t enjoy playing this game. The gun combat felt extremely limited with only two weapons to swap between on the fly.

The abilities were fun and useful and maybe the best part of the gameplay, but not enough to redeem it for me.

The story started out great but really falls flat and felt extremely unsatisfying at the end, to the point I ran around for a few hours thinking I had missed something, until eventually looking it up online to confirm, that yes, that IS where they decided to end it. Felt very incomplete like we were waiting on an extra DLC that never came. (I played the original dlcs, to be clear)

The difficulty spikes were frustrating af. You’d be flying through the game no problem and then suddenly encounter a room where the enemies just took 90% of your health like perfect aim snipers from across the room.

The defensive abilities were key to survival, but it still suffered these issues if you just mistimed a single button press.

I loved the setting but hated the map and backtracking. Seriously, worst map of any game I’ve played recently. If your game is going for 3d Metroid, then at least make the map fucking clear.

Eventually a lot of the areas look a ton alike…

Some of the unkillable enemies were just cheesy.

Figuring out the boss fights sometimes felt more annoying than fun, one particular dlc enemy I think, involving lights was super annoying.

The Maze was one of the best things I’ve ever played/experienced, though. Unfortunately that high of a bar just made the rest of the lows for me feel lower.

All in all I’m glad lots of people like or love it, but for me I’d give it a solid 5 out of 10.

So just a heads up, it may not be for everyone.

I thought maybe you were exaggerating so I loaded it up and literally DURING THE OPENING SCENES it ran cars on unending blackness for about two seconds before loading the track and stuff 😂. Bro, wtf.

*edit: game is really fun though, solid gameplay and fun to level up cars

I guess the “benefit” they serve is to increase the payout % for the people at the top of the ladder and their goal is to do that until the breaking point that some higher up takes the blame and they fall with a golden parachute before landing at another company exactly the same as the last one.

Rinse and repeat until you’re Summering on a yacht? Seems pretty straightforward to me.

The point is to make as much money as possible while paying the workers as little as is possible. Same as it ever was.

They could always pay us more, but we’re just supposed to be happy they aren’t sending the Pinkertons to shoot our women and children anymore, I guess?

Ah yes, that thing my brother likes to do where he VPNs into another country and then buys them at the greatly reduced local prices.

Guess they were attempting to crack down on purchase frauds and legitimate buyers got burned too?

“…and a mouse and keyboard and an android phone to access cloud services, along with an entourage of fellow hackers that are mostly still at large all over the world” doesn’t have the same ring to it, I guess.

It has some of the most amazing haptic feedback on the app. So that’s something more than the browser, I guess.

The iOS version is lovely to use just for the haptics, I hope it carries over to Android.

Thanks for reminding me to clean the dust out of my system, it’s been a while now.