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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Y’know, it really takes the fun out of my overly broad and unnecessarily spiteful pronouncements when you force me to contemplate real stuff like that.

Anyone stupid enough to be using edge on purpose deserves what they get at this point.

I just started playing this based on a similar thread I saw earlier this week, and I haven’t put it down. It shows its age but it is an fantastaic and absorbing game. Easy to switch between mission focus and just killing Nazis for fun.

Easily Fallout 4 or No Man’s Sky

Its likely that Baldur’s Gate has more name recognition among readers of this paper than Larian does, so anchoring on that makes sense.

Who is they?

To my knowledge, an individual NMS employee with no named affiliation in his handle tweeted about the situation, certainly with a note of personal pride. Is that what you find inappropriate? That a person was individually proud of something that you find unremarkable?

Because if HelloGames has been pushing this beyond a retweet or something, I wasn’t aware.

Are you saying they commissioned this article or something?

Not accusing you of this, but I still encounter holdovers with an irrational amount of hatred for HG/No Man’s Sky from the butchered launch, 8 years ago.

Its hard to make sense of the disparagement implied by your comment otherwise though.

I love all types of games but for real immersion and escape nothing beats a single player FPS

Fallout, the game series, is way better at lore than story, in my opinion, and that’s what makes it such a great setting for well-written stories like this adaptation. They can literally 1:1 all of the visual assets and pull from a well developed cultural and geo-political landscape, and yet there isn’t any specific character that they really have to ‘get right’, other than, like, Mr. Handy. That’s a huge advantage for a good creative team.

The fact that this is probably a fairly non-controversial pick in a year that arguably had a bumper crop of great games really underscores just what an amazing game this is.

Google rocketed past ‘icky’ long ago, around the time they awkwardly removed ‘don’t be evil’ from their motto.

It was probably meant more for the community than the consumers, two overlapping but distinct groups.