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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 26, 2023


Personally I can’t run steam and a game on a my laptops. They’re good enough to run games like subnautica and stalker on wine but steam requires like 1gb of RAM and runs like shit.

Edit: on older Ubuntu lts versions, not 24

I’ve heard more stories about CSGO over the years compared to other gambling games, but never heard people criticize the game like they do FIFA. It’s just my corner of the world, where Valve is a holy corporation.

Blockland… played a lot, for years. Before Minecraft, before it came to steam. It turned me onto Tribes.

Why don’t people reach out to “Dirk Bosmans, Director General PEGI S.A.”?

PEGI isn’t a living creature. PEGI isn’t giving out biased ratings. It’s the people working there, and the person in charge. Actual people that actually exist here on this planet with us. “Talking” to a company is imaginary bullshit.

I’m surprised to see ED brought up. They gave up console players and won’t even push token updates, like when they balanced engineers for PC players to reduce the grinding. Tried to get back into it but I guess it’s now a legacy game and Frontier straight up bailed.

The game isn’t shut down though. I can still buy their MTX stuff. That’s got to count against them.

The first notes you hear after entering the castle are etched into my memory. Even when running the game later as an adult those notes can still affect me.

Exactly, they know how often their AI fails and they understand the damages you incur from fake phishing accusations. They combined the two, and used exploits to make the registrar panic.


As a kid you get your village burned down but you’re rescued at the last minute by a Hero.

You’re raised in the Heroes Guild and become one yourself. You help people, kick some chickens, and learn magic.

And then you fight a god, twice.

I can barely run steam and the games I bought on steam at the same time, which is required for most games. Steam disabled certain features and bloated the software – their launcher takes more resources than actual games. AAA games. (From a decade ago, but still.)

Other launchers might be garbage but the bar seems to be pretty low. Only thing anyone can say is “get a better computer” because in their mind that is a great rebuttal to “why is a game tied to a launcher which takes up 4x as many resources as my entire OS?”

My favorite part of Transformers was when my government had the script changed to include Marines being heroic in a movie about giant alien robots. We really needed good PR after that whole Afghanistan and Iraq thing.

Wow, and I consider steam to be utter trash. It uses more resources than the games I want to play. A web browsing engine, in the software that’s the only way to launch the game you paid for, just to show bargain bin shit. But I’m not interested in that, I just want to have a place to shop, and then the ability to use the things I bought. I don’t want to drive to Walmart to play the music I bought, I don’t want my computer to load Walmart just so I can play a game. It’s crazy how bad Steam has become.

It’s gross to arbitrarily destroy an individual’s life to make an example of them when it’s the state’s failure to effectively stop the problem. They went overboard with their punishment, and nothing will change. A corporation was ‘harmed’ so they harmed an actual person.

Interesting, I thought they were more… disposable? But now that I think about it, in ark, you had your near and dear creatures and then you had the faceless workers.

Yeah I would like a better Pokemon game, not an fps survival with monsters. The idea is that people looking for a Pokemon game probably aren’t simply looking for a collectible monster game, they want the things that are associated with Pokemon games.

I like Pokemon games for the adventure, turn based combat, and polished stable of monsters. Does palworld have those things?

I contributed a viewpoint of someone who has been “replaced” by technology and you are just calling people / comments stupid.

Bet you can’t articulate why

Wouldn’t the artists be jealous of the programmers? You never see artists stick up for programmers being replaced by game engines. Programmers had no problem giving independence to artists. But artists have a huge problem giving back to programmers. I should be able to make a Stardew Valley with no artistic skill just like Stardew Valley was made with no programming skill. We’re leveling the playing field, and look whose whining.

MW2 and MW3 were the first CoDs I played since Black Ops 2. I never appreciated just how good these games were. Feels a bit reminiscent of old school fast paced shooters, just… modern. And different.

Well, MW3 feels like it, while MW2 has a bad rhythm problem with the movement.

I usually play grandpa games. Rather play the Sims, Crusader Kings, Alan Wake, etc. I found it easy to do well in MW3. People mainly operate on reflexes so if you’ve been playing games for decades then you’ll also find it easy to do well, assuming you’ve been paying attention all these years.

Aside from the price, MW3 is a great entry. Worth checking out if you’re willing to expend a tiny morsel of effort.

Fundamentally this is a studio developing games with deliberately missing pieces, missing QoL features, and endemic bugs. And then they’re taking money for people adding those pieces, adding those features, fixing those bugs.

I’m guessing things like the unofficial patch or other bug fixes won’t be sold, and they’ll stick to nice things like new armor and niche mechanics. But even then it feels like mods are a less obvious selling point for Bethesda games the more they monetize the scene.

I’m excited for a Tribes game. It would be fun to go up against new people instead of booting up one of the old games and playing against such hardened players.

You can tell this game is beloved. I don’t think I’ve seen this many bugs talked about as funny / cute quirks when they’re just… bugs. It isn’t cats getting drunk in DF, it’s a memory issue that affects your save the longer you play.

It reinforces the idea that the devs are treating players right and making a game that people want to succeed.