I think what he means is that AI is needed to keep making substantial improvements in graphic quality, and he phrased it badly. Your interpretation kind of presumes he’s not only lying, but that he thinks we’re all idiots. Given that he’s not running for office as a Republican, I think that’s a very flawed assumption.
That’s about $32k in today’s money, using the “Other goods and services” category at in2013dollars.com.
A lot of people learned it wrong, myself included. I found out when I went to confirm that “Hap’s Burgers” is a funny as I thought. Sadly no.
I swore off early access after Phoenix Point. It sucks to already be bored with a game before it has the major kinks worked out.
Dead Cells is kind of a counterpoint, though. I’m not sure if I got it as “early access” per se, but since I bought it, they made some major balance changes that completely changed the meta, and those changes got me playing way more enthusiastically than I was before.
Making money isn’t capitalism. A market economy isn’t capitalism. You can look up the textbook definition, but to me capitalism means organizing absolutely everything around the pursuit of profit for the ownership class. Indie developers by and large aren’t in it for the money; that would make no sense, because they could make better money doing something else.
I think if I really wanted to contribute open source have code, I’d look into working on something longer Godot.
The main issue i see with open source gaming is that most games rely at least as much on things like artwork and level design as they do on coding, but the open source ethos isn’t very popular with artists and art-adjacent professionals, so fully open source games usually have to make do with very little art, or amateurish art.
If you contribute to an open source engine, you’re writing code that will go into real games without needing non-software people to work for free.
Is the difficulty in 4 as broken as it is in 3? I gave up in disgust after realizing I could win most encounters by literally just standing still and holding down the A button.