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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


Pokemon Silver. Beat the Elite 4 and surprise now you get to go back to Kanto.

Wouldn’t the battery indicator already be fucked because of this? Do those cells match what it came with?

Honestly I don’t really give a shit if China invades my privacy I have nothing they’d care about anyway. I just don’t want American corporations doing it to try to sell me more shit.

I tried it for a couple weeks and enjoyed it but I felt like I got the gist of it in that time. I had a set of bases going that could make me tons of money every couple days and after that I was just like… welp what now? If the flight mechanics had been more like Elite Dangerous or the X series it would have hooked me longer probably. It certainly has more to do than than ED does but it didn’t keep me engaged nearly as long. The flying around is way more fun when it doesn’t feel like you’re on rails.

I owe my IT career to my parents trying to restrict my access with parental controls. I learned a lot figuring out how to circumvent those things and cover my tracks.

Damn, one more reason to add to the list of why I can’t replace my LG V20…

My biggest hangup is Fusion360. Supposedly someone figured out how to get it working but It’s not officially supported and I haven’t had time to test it.

Okay, that’s 2.5 examples between us then. I’d hardly consider that to be “everywhere”.

There’s Red Dead Revolver, Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. Revolver is thematically similar but beyond that isn’t related to the other two. RDR and RDR2 are continuing the same story but the events of RDR2 take place before RDR.

I can’t think of another example where a title with a 2 in it had a story that took place before the first one. The closest I can think of is The Godfather 2 (assuming I’m even remembering right) and that had the prequel parts as flashbacks within a story that took place after the first one.

Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s not a sequel. Love the game though.

I haven’t played it like the 3rd expansion but back then we had or bank raided by some guy that hacked out Mgs account and they were able restore it and his items when he got his account back. It did take some time to do though so maybe they can’t do that on a large scale.

There is demand though, it’s just not as high. They could make a smaller number of them just to capture the people who want it. Same goes for all the other features that are hard to find on a phone anymore. I think a lot of people are confusing “lack of demand” for “the features they want aren’t available so they just buy whatever the corporations are jamming down their throat when they need a new phone”. I for one haven’t purchased a new phone since 2016 because there’s no option that has more features than my current one. If it were to break I would be forced to buy a new shittier phone that can’t do everything I want.

I don’t understand the obsession with thinness. My phone has a case on it and already is like 2x as thick as a current phone and it’s fine. If anything it makes it easier to hold on to and type on. While I don’t care about having a physical keyboard, there’s a lot of other stuff they could do if they didn’t care so much about making it as thin as possible.

Nah, I already have Steam. I’m not installing another launcher.

I really liked Fallen Order. I kind of forgot about Survivor. Need to make a note to watch for it to be on sale.

This game isn’t even listed on steam anyway, no wonder it’s not selling.

Doesn’t seem to be available on Steam and they’re already pushing a season pass.

If that happens I’ll just start pirating the games I want again unless there’s a decent competitor. Until then the convenience steam offers is worth the money.

I prefer to keep it locked in a cage and disable as much of it’s bullshit as I can

I’m still rocking an LG V20. Haven’t seen anything since I got it that interests me enough to switch. The fact that I’d lose so much functionality is a big reason for that. Thankfully it’s really tough and the battery is trivial to replace. I imagine the days are numbered before apps stop supporting it but until that becomes a problem I don’t see myself replacing it. It’s sad really. I was so optimistic for the future possibilities of what smart phones could do when I got this one and it turned out to be just about the last one before they all started stripping every feature they could think of.

Or when people in GTA online shoot you?

Yea actually, I quit playing because tgose assholes flying around on the motorcycle things kept killing me when I was trying to do the delivery for the one business I was able to afford. Which took like real life hours to restock. So I could never actually get money to do anything cool. Fuck that. There’s nothing fun about that.

One of my friends was trying to talk me into playing it because I like space games. When I found out about the wipes I was no longer interested. I don’t want to put a bunch of time into a game if I’m just going to lose everything periodically.

I played summoner wars for 100s of hours at my last call center job and never spent a dime it.

For evolution to fix a problem that problem has to kill off everyone that isn’t immune to it before they can breed. If that doesn’t happen people with shitty teeth just keep getting born even if some have a mutation to regrow them.

When I press the winkey and search (which is the most efficient way to search the start menu) I get web search shit in the results. This is not desirable.

No one needs search queries from the web in their start menu. If I want to search the web I’ll use a web browser.

I don’t even see downvotes or the downvote button on mine. Which is fine. If I disagree with someone I’ll do it via a comment. Downvoting is just lazy.

Simply put, if companies determined the market need for 3.5mm port was valuable enough they’d leave it on there.

The reason it’s not “valuable” is that they want to force people to buy expensive earbuds every year when they crap out. This is demonstrated by the fact that none of these phones that have removed it have added anything new in it’s place and they’ve only gotten more expensive. Practically every phone on the market is just a copycat phone, camera, social media browsing device. Maybe a few have a stylus. The only thing that differentiates them is specs. My 6 year old phone has more features than anything available today and I dread finally reaching the point where my work apps stop functioning due to it’s age and I have to downgrade to some garbage that can’t do half the things I used to.

You can get 3.5mm to (whatever usb port) that will as far as I know work in every phone. Just because it doesn’t have a dedicated port doesn’t mean you can’t wire in your headphones.

not if you want to charge it as well.

Lol, bring on your down votes. I bet if you surveyed a hundred random people on the street if they really want a headphone port on your phone and are committed to using it you’d get less than ten people, definitely less than 20. It’s not realistic to support every legacy hardware function on a modern device because a few tech enthusiasts want it, especially when there’s a very easy way to support it.

If you’re the only option with a headphone jack that’s a guaranteed 10% of the market buying your device. More if you also include other things tech enthusiasts want that are no longer widely available.

That’s kind of the problem, and it’s a big reason why male streamers are annoyed by how female streamers present themselves on Twitch. Hell, even female streamers who just want to play games are annoyed at this shit.

Maybe people just aren’t that into streamers and what they actually want is the sexed up stuff with some gaming on the side.

These are my sentiments as well. In summary their existence has made things worse. Had they not been greedy assholes I would be neutral to them.

Children don’t listen to age requirements on sites anyway. It’s up to parents to monitor what they’re doing online.

We can end this discussion and just accept that Twitch should begin to identify itself as an adult only streaming platform,

Then end it. It’s been clear that twitch isn’t appropriate for unsupervised children from the jump.