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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I know this is unpopular, but I don’t understand why people care so much about which storefront they use to buy a game. I buy it where it is cheapest.

Hell, Epic takes less of a share of the sale. It is better for devs.

For me, the social aspect of the store I buy games from is irrelevant.

More likely, they’ve been doing this for many years and it is basically obsolete, so they are spilling the beans now.

Or not and we really are doomed.

I do it every time I update. It was pretty straightforward last time.

That’s said, I really hope this new app doesn’t change something or force me to download it to get the same functionality I have now.

Yes and yes. I don’t install this shit and just install drivers directly from nvidias website without logging in.

In my opinion, where this “movement” failed was in the messaging.

“Stop Killing Games” is a great slogan written by a young person without much experience.

No company or government will pass a law that says, “you must indefinitely support every game you ever release”. Now, I understand that this isn’t what the group was calling for, but this is the message that comes across. Because of that, it immediately loses support from anyone in any type of software industry and likely many other industries as we know it isn’t realistic.

It is just a store. People want to buy games from a social platform for some reason.

I buy devices like Apple TV to replace the built in shitty smart tv functionality on smart tvs. I do not want ads so I do not connect my tv to the internet, and instead connect my streaming box.

I still believe their naming conventions has destroyed the brand.

Grandma that wants to buy a toy for their kids can go to the store and buy the next PlayStation. Xbox… which one do they buy? They don’t, they buy the easy option.

Definitely a good idea if you are able. For people that have long commutes requiring driving on a freeway, it is probably not an option.

Bikes are great! I ride mine as often as possible, but many trips are not possible with bikes, in the US.

Exactly my thoughts.

This reads like a paid “review”. Or an extreme naive reviewer that somehow thinks 3 hours is enough to judge a game as the best ever made.

The tutorial takes longer than an hour, but I understand and agree with your point. The game needs more endgame content.

The repetitive missions would be fine if there were also additional difficult goal type activities. It’s a fun core game that needs a solid progression loop.

Hot take: it is a really good game that is a ton of fun. It got really bad press from “professional” gamers because they can’t play it 10 hours a day for the next year.

The main deficiency with the game is the lack of end game content. The story was fun, the end game is fun, but there isn’t enough of it.

There were 2 characters in BL3 that were annoying, and no not the twins. Ava and Lorelei. Both extremely annoying.

I’m on the other side, why use either? Microblogging seems quite dated and the format is not conducive to conversation. I prefer Lemmy style posts and comments to microblogging.

Let’s not even get started on how stupid people sound when they talk about skeets and toots.

I know the game gets a lot of hate, but i think it is worth $20. It was a good bit of fun for a while, but it’s no masterpiece.

Gameplay, movement, and shooting are all super fun. The story is silly, but exactly what you’d expect.

This is just clickbait. Yea, there was a bug for the first few people that changes their location to New Zealand to play early, but 99% of people did not experience that bug.

Suicide Squad.

I started last night after work and had to force myself to go to bed. The movement and combat in the game are a ton of fun and giving me Doom Eternal vibes. Dancing around the battlefield, using the right attack on the right npc, and just making things explode.

It’s damn fun.

I may be ignorant about this topic, but has Tencent ever done anything for gaming other than buy up already successful companies?

No. It is not. If you’d like a crime to compare it to, forgery would be more accurate.

Nothing is wrong with it. It is just another games store.

Opening an app and clicking claim is a risk to your sanity? You may want to talk to someone.

Based on NetEases previous titles, I imagine it’ll age poorly.

That said, if not, I’ll be pleasantly surprised and give it a try.

So it’ll be a well balanced predatory mobile game. Unfortunate that GhostCrawler is mixed up with NetEase.

Ahh well, just yet another shitty macrotransaction game to ignore, probably.

This is exactly the right path to take, imo.

The only goal of playing a game should be to have fun and/or enjoy yourself. Any other goal can aid in that original goal but as soon as a goal (finish the game) becomes a chore, I quit and move to another game.

We need to remind ourselves (me included) that games are for entertainment and to waste time. That’s it.

Hard agree.

If it wasn’t made by Facebook, I’d have bought quest 1, 2, and pro. Easily.

But that’s not the case so I have an OG vive and a psvr2. I don’t really do much PC VR these days.

Since no one writes quality articles anymore, this seems to be the only way to actually get a good view of the game.

I don’t want to watch and listen to some dude rant about a game. I want to read about it. Barring that, pure gameplay is the best.

We do. Our users can configure sms email or totp.

Funny you mention grandmas. Our user base is highly educated and the majority fall in the 30-50 year old range.

Simple answer. Our users complained about downloading an app to login to the app they just downloaded.

Users don’t care. They don’t want to download yet another app just to login. They want to use what they already have, like sms or email.

While they didn’t directly address the retroactive license changes, they did counter the argument. The following text being relevant.

The Runtime Fee policy will only apply beginning with the next LTS version of Unity shipping in 2024 and beyond. Your games that are currently shipped and the projects you are currently working on will not be included – unless you choose to upgrade them to this new version of Unity.

We will make sure that you can stay on the terms applicable for the version of Unity editor you are using – as long as you keep using that version.

Borderlands and Diablo style games are so great for music farming sessions. Good times man.

When I have on the video game music and sound effects. That means I’m totally in it.

Otherwise I’ll have Netflix/Hulu/whatever streaming or music playing.

Call me an old geezer, but I can’t stand videos for about 95% of all video game guides. They are either too slow or too fast, and include 10 mins of talking for “and the hot key you are looking for is H”.

Agreed. I had a blast with the first two, but I fully expect this one to an over monetized mobile game masquerading as a real game.

Shhhh. You are supposed to have forgotten about Stadia.

Now, here’s googles brand new tech! YouTubia!

This is the best D&D experience I’ve had in a video game.

This is the exact quote I’ve been using to explain this game to anyone that asks. So much truth!

It works great day one. Multiplayer actually works and is easy to do. No shitty mobile game features. No shitty micro transactions. No shitty battle pass that keeps blinking in the corner reminding you that you haven’t bought it.

No predatory user hostile features.

See, every other video game company, it can still be done!

Hey, this is awesome to see. I worked on Eternal back before launch.

I thought it was a great digital version of mtg.