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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Aug 29, 2024


"It’s not that it adds overhead on top, it’s just that it adds to the top some head over.

Listen, theyve got a history of producing shit, journalists are telling you its shit, and I’m giving you my own past experience of dealing with their shit.

If you’re skeptical of it in fact being shit then I didnt ask.

Recently a gamer news magazine reported that they cannot reccomend the game to anyone due to bad performance and gamebreaking bugs. Just like the World launch which sparked protests over Capcoms 0 refund ever policy.

Console Gamers I reckon. Monster Hunter World was the same way, a “huge success” despite being an undercooked mess.

Won’t be me.

TBH I used to be a huge Monster Hunter fan, pre-ordered MH: World but it was such a huge disappointment that I will never purchase any capcom game ever again.

Anybody surprised about the state of wilds hasn’t been paying attention.

You say ignore the reviews but idk why I should

Bluedrake42, the studio head behind Operation: Harsh Doorstop, threw a hissy fit and started going after content creators, accusing them of being paid by competitors without any evidence. Meanwhile, he himself promoted a company he had a stake in without disclosing it. It’s also important to note that there hasn’t been an update to the game since March 3, 2024. Avoid this game.

Sounds pretty credible to me, whats your counter to these claims?

Also they’re selling bundles for like $50 on the store page.

Still, it doesn’t look like there is any security risks as with some other chinese rootkit games that come out these days. Probably worth playing.

Short version: You can make free stuff for them but they still own all of it and still require people to purchase a copy to use the derivatives.

The PC Parts industry basically stopped making new hardware for games so we should pretty much give up on the notion of things improving substantially past this point.

My LTSC still has time but yeah, the rest of us should be switching to Linux.

In Command and Conquer: Red Alert and it’s sequel all the nazis have already been erased from history by Albert Einstein’s time machine…

But the USSR in the games conquered Europe and is cartoonishly evil so they’re fun to fight.

You never had anything to gain by choosing a different word in this discussion, your goal is to prove my chosen word wrong, and you’ve failed so far.

Yeah, I guess, but as long as the challenge is still achievable I can dig a large field.

It’s easier to place and organize finished assets than to create new ones, though, so after a while a lot of it starts to feel copy-pasted. I’m sure that noticeable lack of effort will only be exasperated by modern automation.



Dang, I was feeling real smug looking down on these people with my 4134.1 hours.

To clarify they can all be played perfectly normally without any adult content unless the user installs mods.

“Wow you’ve got a lot of 40 minute sessions on Sims 4, Fallout 4, and Skyrim.”

“Yeah I’m a completionist.”

“Do you play with mods?”

“What? No. Why? What have you heard?”

NGL the title always seemed like it wanted to be a mobile game so the studio saying this doesn’t surprise me.


The fact that we’re wasting time talking about this means NBC’s strategy is working.

That’s exactly the sort of thing his work improved. He figured out that graphics hardware assumed all lighting intensities were linear when in fact it scaled dramatically as the RGB value increased.

Example: Red value is 128 out of 255 should be 50% of the maximum brightness, that’s what the graphics cards and likely the programmers assumed, but the actual output was 22% brightness.

So you would have areas that were extremely bright immediately cut off into areas that were extremely dark.

“It’s a bit technical,” begins Birdwell, "but the simple version is that graphics cards at the time always stored RGB textures and even displayed everything as non linear intensities, meaning that an 8 bit RGB value of 128 encodes a pixel that’s about 22% as bright as a value of 255, but the graphics hardware was doing lighting calculations as though everything was linear.

“The net result was that lighting always looked off. If you were trying to shade something that was curved, the dimming due to the surface angle aiming away from the light source would get darker way too quickly. Just like the example above, something that was supposed to end up looking 50% as bright as full intensity ended up looking only 22% as bright on the display. It looked very unnatural, instead of a nice curve everything was shaded way too extreme, rounded shapes looked oddly exaggerated and there wasn’t any way to get things to work in the general case.”

I’m happy that they’re talking about moving the Unreal Engine off the platform.

Honestly, that guy had a great visual overhaul mod and nobody would have given them any crap for a genitals mod if they had simply separated the two.

This game seems to attract all the strangest modders.

Jason but they pronounce it “Jay Sohn.”

Also “Holy shit, its snow white!” as they’re being gunned down from the brush.

EDIT: oh and of course “Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?”