I’m not sure I even made it 1/10 of the way. I want to like the game but there was just nothing compelling me to continue or to pick it back up. The combat was especially disappointing. They captured the monotony of an rpg button masher without the ability to just zone out or multitask while playing. Also seems way to reliant on the moonerang.
Master of Orion I loved I and II. The third apparently bombed and reboots have failed.
Sim City I mean the real Sim city as Maxis would have made it. Not a cash grab, not a mobile game, not a “city painter” where any simulation takes a back seat to decorating with DLC assets.
Super Mario RPG no those other, spiritual successors do not count. They are fine games on their own but not the same.
Lost in Blue not the fanciest games, but I enjoyed them. There are plenty of modern games in the genre, but I haven’t found one that quite fits…
I liked Gensin Impact for the first few years, but last time I played it, that game was the worst example of this.
Teleport to location. Chat with npc for 5 minutes. Teleport to next location. Chat with another npc rehashing the first conversation for 5 minutes. Quick fight with trivial enemies. Teleport back to first npc Chat about random crap, slow walk to another npc, rehash the earlier conversation again, walk back to starting location, receive the most basic of rewards.
The game is 90% dialog of which very little is relevant or meaningful and none can be skipped. There is an auto advance option for conversations, but so many meaningless dialog prompts (with options are always the same semanticly) that it doesn’t work.
Of course this is all by design as the real goal is to sell you characters, not play a game.
I had the same problem. Never noticed the drift until tears of the kingdom and then it made the game nearly unplayable. Decided to buy a pro controller only to discover it sold out nearly everywhere with many being sold online for scalper prices.
However, once I found one it was a game changer. The thing fits very well in my hands and works well. I don’t regret buying it, but will be pissed if it does not work with the next console.
I don’t disagree, but I’ve heard this before. Assembly devs complaining about compiled languages. C/c++ devs complaining about every newer language. Traditional devs complaining about web developers. Backend web developers complaining about blogs/cms tools. Nearly everyone complaining about electron.
And honestly I think those folks had a point. The old stuff written when the tools were simple and memory scarce were almost works of art. The quality of software development (especially with regard to optimization) has been going downhill for decades. What ever the llms do will just be part of this trend.
Windows is everywhere but the Microsoft Surface products still have value to Microsoft. Or for that matter, Steam is everywhere but Valve still made the steam deck. There seems to be some value to software companies making hardware if only to help set the tone and introduce features or ideas they hope other companies who use their software will follow.
That said, I wonder if we won’t see the Xbox brand transition to software only with a line of gamer targeted Microsoft surfaces advertised as Xbox ready.
Even the iPod was entering an already established market (consider the Sony Walkman).
Although that is interesting… I found some stats and 385 million walkmans were sold over 30 years. About 10. Million per year. Another report claims 51 million VR headsets in the last 5 years or about 10 million per year… (I started this comment planing to be negative, but now I wonder if Apple is not hitting the market at just the right time…)
I used to think this way, then I realized physical property is not real either. Both are defined by the state, recorded on paper somewhere, and protected by force.
Just because you can actually physically go to my property does not change the fact that it is only my property because I have a deed.
I’m still not sure how to feel about IP but I’m less dismissive of it for now.
I loved D2 and yes D3. But 4… I’ve tried to play it twice and gave up. It is just such a giant expanse of soul sucking nothing that I’ve not been able to find any “fun” in the game.