I took 3 days off work when it dropped to play it… Errr… Or rather to watch it play itself.
I’m so excited for this game.
I’m sure there’s a mini game for that.
It’s still ongoing? I totally need to catch up, but I am so far behind, I was waiting for it to finish.
Thanks. I used to the button on Sync. Might have to file a bug.
By chance, they encounter the enigmatic Nazamil, a powerful young girl who is the daughter of a Renan lord and a Dahnan slave.
I’m confused because weren’t >!Renans actually those creatures found on Rena and not the “lords” we thought they were?!<
The time-police whispers are trying to find a way to delete this comment.
Sea of Stars JUST dropped.
Stop trying to make Bing happen. IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
This times 100. I’m a massive FF fan. While there is debate in my mind about the combat system, I can’t even play it because I don’t have a PS5.
Hoping to get one eventually but the PS4 and Switch still have value. If SE want my money, they’ll have to wait.
I took 3 days off work when it dropped to play it… Errr… Or rather to watch it play itself.