Oh come on, LLMs don’t hallucinate 24/7. For that, you have to ask a chatbot to say something it wasn’t properly trained for. But generating simple texts for background chatter? That’s safe and easy. The real issue is the amount of resources required by modern LLMs. But technologies tend to become better with time.
My favorite recent example:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1493640/Banishers_Ghosts_of_New_Eden/ (50 EUR)
https://www.playstation.com/de-de/games/banishers-ghosts-of-new-eden/ (60 EUR)
PS5 game on sale did cost 2 EUR less than the regular price on Steam. I don’t think Steam overcharges me. It’s not like the game is cheaper somewhere else on PC either: https://store.epicgames.com/de/p/banishers-ghosts-of-new-eden-f9e3f2?lang=de (50 EUR)
I used to play TF2 a lot in my school years, but today I find it too intimidating. I’ve never been good at competitive games, and I’m even worse in my 30s :D But I like the idea that TF2 is still alive, people are playing, and I could return at some point. Alas, with the alleged development of a new hero shooter by Valve I don’t expect them to pay real attention to TF2.
I don’t like this requirement, but I can understand that this is their product and they can do that. The real problem is that I can’t even buy these games as Sony isn’t selling them in my country. What is more hilarious is that I can get Ghosts of Tsushima or God of War for PS5 on a physical disk, but I can’t buy them on Steam. Sony even has official stores where they sell PS5 in some of these countries, including mine. That looks incredibly strange. I wonder what Sony is trying to achieve. Apparently, they think that the end justifies the means. I guess we’ll find out soon enough. I’d bet on an independent PC store.
If you roughly convert your hourly salary, how much money did you spend working on this game?