Cashew nuts are the best nut
I feel like a lot of corporate bullshit is designed to exploit young and/or naive people. In my early 20s I happily worked until 10pm on projects in the office.
Late 20s I’d become a (junior) company director and helped hire people*.
After that I studied contracts with a fine-comb. Refused to sign for a surface-level great job with DRP Group cos they expected me to sign a contract without seeing the company employment manual.
It’s why companies prefer employing younger people. They often don’t know their rights. They won’t know about thins like employment tribunals.
After people have been company directors or freelance they often don’t want to go back into employment. There’s a reason for that - they know it’s a shit deal!
*The older director ‘coached’ me to look for younger employees (easily manipulated) and not women in their late-20s to early-30s. Because we “didn’t want to have to deal with maternity”. Is it sexist and ageist? Of course it is, but how’re you gonna prove it?
Nevermind I found it.
There’s like three guys.
Oh no. There’s an American with a stupid name called “Forthewyn”. WTF does that even mean?
Oh god he’s from “Masachooshits” or whatever it’s called. Can we kick that guy? I hate Americans. They shoot people for no reason and their king is a talking citrus fruit.
Nope we need to ban that guy. I’m not even sure Americans have electricity. It’s all horses and oil lamps on ranches.
Humankind just straight up fell on its face.
Hol up! I fucking loved Humankind - I dunno why people hate on it. I think if you play it without expectations of playing Civ then it’s a great game in it’s own right. It’s got some neat features and cool gameplay mechanics. It’s also got a nice clean UI.
Civ may have more depth but it’s on it’s 6th iteration and it’s UI is still a confusing mess.
Granted I didn’t pay for it so maybe I’m biased!
Are YOU stupid?
How DARE you!
You get all of those but improved no. 3 because you bypass any national blocks and rights blocks. For example you can’t watch Channel 4 Youtube videos if you have a UK IP. But you can outside the UK.
Also point 1 is more private if you go outside your nation so the exit server can’t be seized. Highly unlikely but if you’re going to use a VPN why not use it properly with no downsides?
So it’s always best to use a VPN that’s outside the country you’re in.
So a Canadian using a Seppo or a Brit using a Dutch.
Do you know if you can play version of D3 on Linux? Does it work on Steam Deck?
My fucking mobile does this now when it gets hot! If I play a game or put it on charge the screen will ping up but green-tinted and sometimes with part of it missing. As long as the temp is low it works A-OK.
Though, I threw my phone from the third floor of a hospital after a suicide attempt to stop the brain scanning tech inside from frying my brain and allowing UK armed-response police from tracking me.
The nurses rescued it from a puddle in a tarpauline covering the ground within 30mins.
3 days later I realised the brain scanning was a delusion and I was just “insane in the membrain” after the OD.
Are there any repos worth adding?