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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: May 03, 2024


That’s how I feel about it. I don’t know if I would buy one but independence from Facebook is a prerequisite. Can these even be used without logging in?

Yes. I would like to have biometric and PIN. If I’m feeling like trusting the device to keep the biometric data local.

I really love those doofy detachable Joycons. However I have instead gone with the Steam Deck as it is open to the point of allowing custom OS and they advertise capability for DIY repairs.

They can do a new map DLC for every major shooting, that’d start to get the point across when there are hours of content.

I am fighting this trend by not buying those games. Online connection for single player means I don’t buy it. Unnecessary third-party account means I don’t buy it. Packing a rootkit installer means I don’t buy it.

Use “less” for countable nouns and “fewer” for uncountable nouns as a little language prank.

Open world just somehow means placing the exact same mid gameplay events far apart so you have to spend a minute walking from one to the next.

If they want me to buy AAA releases when they come out; they need to be actually fun, no rootkits, no microtransactions.

Who does this? I am only aware of far-right bros angrily making lists of games that have black and/or gay characters.

I’m still on the fence if they’re doing satire or were in a boardroom meeting.

Do you have an example? I’m cynical, I believe companies would add diverse but two-dimensional characters to pander to an audience.

But then I thought only actual bigots were called out, like if they’re screeching that some “anachronistic” black character exists in a game that also contains magic spells and dragons. I thought normal complaints like “story is awful and characters have no depth” are generally received without an antagonistic response.

I would like to help them out with that. Unfortunately it seems like Rebirth is only on PS5 and XVI has Denuvo, so my hands are tied.

That’s hilarious. Unfortunately that is what is happening already. Large corporations are buying ridiculously low taxes by spending a few million up front.

That’s so devastating. I feel awful when kids are let down like that.

The fact that the OS is replaceable sealed the deal for me. Then the marketing page is claiming they will make parts available for DIY repairs? Incredible.

If I am being honest, I prefer the Switch form factor with the dumb little controllers. I like it so much that I could maybe accept its lesser performance. But it is locked down, centralized store, some subscription bullshit…

I’ve found a Steam Deck fits really comfortably in the hands. I can settle for having an additional wireless controller to play it from afar.

Oh, go figure. I thought a Steam Deck was a handheld device running off of a battery. Yeah, if you’ve got a desktop computer with a high-wattage GPU you’d expect better performance on the latest AAA graphics, huh? Weird. Cannot possibly be worthwhile to own, I guess.

I really love the Switch form factor and detachable controls. I bought a Steam Deck instead, though.

I am interested in solving them. Here’s how: if you get any phone call that makes you even the slightest bit irritated, you hit a button and receive a quarter paid by the caller. This is traced through carriers. If the trace cannot continue for any reason or exits US jurisdiction, the most recent carrier foots the bill. I guarantee that spam calls will suddenly cease to exist overnight.

Both phone calls and emails are so full of ad-ridden garbage that they are useless for communication.

Texts are better signal-to-noise ratio, for me it is more like only 1% con artist identity thieves compared to the 99% coming via phone call.

Is there a good alternative? I used to buy exclusively Newegg. It used to be so easy to put together a computer having a trusted source.

If such a thing existed, the price would have to be completely insane to keep me away.

That’s insane. How can they be doing security hardware and leave a timing attack in there?

Thank you for those links, really interesting stuff.

Do you have an article on that handy? I like reading about side channel and timing attacks.

I’ve been wanting to play this for a while and that price made it an instant buy. Really glad I did. Some of the strawberries are hard and unfair tho, haha.

I wish we had better open source options. I don’t want to download Chrome to update firmware on stuff.

I thought they were already up there on Threadrippers, or am I misunderstanding and that’s either not counting as a CPU or not a single die?

“Your license doesn’t do what you say it does.”

“Haha, joke’s on you, I don’t want it to do what I say it does.”

Glad we figured that one out.

You are writing “anti-commercial AI,” they are making their work explicitly available to republish non-commercially. You have completely different motivations. One major difference between you and ProPublica is they must have interacted with some actual lawyers explaining how copyright works.

I don’t think the license does anything at all, but it is weird to me that you are not also including some unique phrase or UUID. How are you going to prove their models used specifically your copyrighted content in the event that courts rule it is not fair use to do so? If you had a unique phrase you could probably trigger the model into repeating it as evidence.