My phone is way thinner than the laptop lid but the cameras front and back are better, even inscreen holepunch camera is better on a phone than any laptop
There’s hidden mmr so the game calculates your rank based on your impact in the game, it easily detects smurfs as well. So you just play and you’ll end up with people similar skilled in Unranked
I actually play a lot of “Turbo mode” in DotA 2, everything is 2x gold 2x exp. Games end faster! Towers have less armor and less HP. Games end at 12 minutes for stomps and 20ish minutes for even games
Brand loyalty. If i was busy with life after 2002 after enjoying d2 I’d also give money for Diablo 3 and 4. But being in the know… No thanks. D4 is made to acquire money from the players. Last Epoch is made to allow players to play the game.
I also ignored the game for a long time until the anime came out on Netflix, then i bought the same game on steam during a sale. Honestly super worth it for $30, (talking original 2077 and not the dlc) so much story side quests and content. Hours of fun and shit that’s hilarious haha
My experience was on the train line so I have major bias lol