N64 is my favorite console of all time, but yeah, the controller is truly batshit insane. I even had a game that intended you to hold the left and right… prongs instead of center right. In a shocking twist, it was… still pretty awkward.
I do like PS5 controllers - mostly play N64 games on them, never even owned a PS. Used a PS4 controller before that.
Nothing at all, if it’s been maintained and “upkept” much better than theirs has. But, y’know.
Starfield is starting to seem pretty spackled together, and the engine was already sort of infamous for bugs. It’s not just BSW being sloppy about content (although they are), it’s also the engine and tooling. The CKs tend to look… grim.
For starters they keep making mostly the same game over and over. They’re essentially doing the Bethesda shtick except their end results are better. Sticking to stuff that can mostly be made in the same engine as the thing you finished 15 minutes ago is going to shave off a lot of time compared to making a new game.
Of course that’s not to shit on incremental improvements or engine reuse or anything. That is just sound thinking as long as the games are good.
Far Cry 3 with Ziggy’s Mod for added challenge… Casual version, I kind of like it.
Ocarina of Time randomizer keeps being pretty fun.
Oldschool Runescape.
Super Mario Bros. 3 is a nostalgia mainstay.
I also gave Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion a try and got to the second boss. I mean to get back to it, as it’s a cute game and pretty funny.
Morrowind was always this for me. I started the series with Oblivion and Skyrim. Those have their own issues, but at least you hit things when you hit them, and their leveling systems won’t actually screw you over if you don’t Excel it correctly.
SMB 1 and 2. The SMB1 engine was revolutionary, but I hate the controls. SMB2, the Western one, just never felt like Mario, even back then. I also mostly started on SMB3 which had much better platforming and controls and was actually a Mario game, so that’s probably why.
I consider myself, more or less, a “Zelda fan”, at least from LttP to about half of Wind Waker. I will never play the first two NES games, though. Aside from 2 being “pretty much not zelda”, 1 is so full of arbitrary wonk, “Guide dammit”, and “Nintendo hard” that I don’t feel like it even for historical purposes.
These guys are getting harder and harder to take seriously. As disappointing as the game itself is, what the fuck is this? Defensively and passive-aggressively trying to argue with reviewers? Long ramblings on how unfair it is that one of the world’s most significant game studios, freshly taken over by enormous capital… gets a little criticism for the flaws it its products? Do you need to be an expert Twinkie mass manufacturing engineer, really, if a new product is, let’s say, a tenth of the size and tastes of sawdust?
If they’re gonna insinuate it’s not the obvious reasons, maybe they should’ve served up some less obvious reasons - I’m sure they would’ve been convincing.
[looks vaguely in the direction of Japan]
Five… four… three…