Synth noodling conceptual artist
It’s the first Mario game in a while where I feel that a huge part of what the game offers is completely beyond me.
That’s what the author feels is weird. That they find the game a bit too tricky compared to what they are used to. That and it feels new and strange.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems weird and scary to me, and it’ll happen to you, too
Grandpa Simpson
That’s not how money works.
Those people bought it at an agreed value with the information present at the time. Why would they receive a refund?
If that was the case, if you bought something that went on sale next month, does that mean you are entitled to a refund? And if so, what is the cut off date for that?
The side stories were mostly absent and not interesting at all.
I did the story for Far Cry 6 and some of the side stuff in about 12 hours, then uninstalled the game
Come on pal, I don’t disagree, it felt the weakest of the series… But this feels like you wanted to dislike the game before even playing it. Plus, you can’t really criticise something as being absent if you just chose not to engage with it.
You’d use a big ass gun upgraded with special armor piercing bullets, shoot a regular dude right in the head and he would just shrug it off and keep going.
Yeah? I had the opposite problem. Using the first rifle you get with a silencer and some armour piercing rounds you could one shot every enemy with a head shot. Took away a lot of the fun by making me have to ignore that and use different guns that were substantially weaker just for some fun firefights.
Really wanted to like this game. The hype had me.
I played it, waiting for it to get good. It just never did for me. Maybe I’m missing something, but after 10 hours I felt like I’d seen pretty much everything.
As for the anti-cheat, I understand why they’d have that. I’ve played so many games where people cheat and it just kills the fun. Even when it is PvE.
I don’t really understand the mindset of the cheaters though. Do they think we all talk about how great they are after the game is over? Like, Bobfucker326 sure did shoot more stuff than any random player I’ve ever seen, he must have a massive wang and be great at maths and stuff.
I think I want to like it more than I like it.
The loop is just pretty dull. The stakes never really feel that high.
Totally understand why some people dig it though, especially those playing with pals.
And yeah, can you imagine buying a ticket to see a film and being told there’s not enough room in the cinema, so stand outside and just wait. I’m not sure that’s a great experience.
The size of the open world doesn’t matter, especially if a ton of it is empty procedurally generated nothingness.
Likewise, the length of the game doesn’t matter if it is bulked out by empty, meaningless fetch quests and busy work.
It’s like boasting that you are serving gallons of 1% Beer.
Good for these guys.