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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


Oh, right. Yeah, I saw that video, he (allegedly) didn’t know the basics of map navigation and wouldn’t pickup good drops.

They already do that. I think it was Did You Know Gaming channel’s video about Pókemon ROM hacks and they mentioned that few of them were likely taken down because they were targeted by an AI crawler.

Ah, as in it provides respect? And sounds like cash? I know, I know, dissecting jokes is a lot of fun.

I didn’t find any references to “cache”. That’s the part I want to understand, what the significance of that part of the joke. Why “cache”?

Oh, it had like an inventory functionality? I love Oblivion, but I obviously didn’t get the armor and don’t remember the details. I suspect it also provided defense for the horse? In that case it’s almost approaching Assassin’s Creed’s “buy xp to skip grind” level of egregiousness, but still just a DLC.

It didn’t start with horse armor. And even then, while clearly stupid, it wasn’t egregious in the way modern mtx is. It was just a poorly priced optional cosmetic DLC. Modern mtx is a whole other beast, where companies use every psychological trick in the book to get people addicted to gambling.

First of all, I never said I buy them on release. I pretty much but all of my games on discount. Except for Factorio.
And also, you tell me to speak for myself and then immediately admit to buying an occasional AAA. So turns out I was speaking for you, too.
But most importantly, the point was that my statement will be true for vast majority of people. They aren’t gonna stop buying AAA games.

Might as well say “stop buying AAA games”, as they all are made by corporations, who are, as we know, scummy.
But we aren’t gonna stop, are we? Like, I don’t even play them, I play retro and indie games, but an occasional AAA still slips in.

That’s a shame there aren’t any players any more.
I’m a patient gamer, too. I almost never buy games at full price. But I try to strike a balance with online(-ish) games. Some experiences you just can’t have once a game with an online aspect isn’t popular anymore.

Dang, you’re patient. I played this back on PS3. Does it even have online players anymore? They are an integral part of the experience, IMO.

That’s ok an all, but I assumed that you do care about making a false statement, which was the point of my response, to let you know.

You are being downvoted because you’re factually wrong. While Android (especially on Samsung devices) had been getting more locked down over the years, even unrooted it has way more freedom than an iPhone. For instance, you can install any number of APKs, without jumping through any hoops.

For a second there I thought that Roller Coaster Tycoon creator got hired by Blizzard.

The hover feature works because it’s done on the iPad’s digitizer side, so afaik, it’s not the Pencil’s feature.