hasn’t worked yet, 2fa doesn’t help with third-party breaches, and apparently doesn’t help secure Apple’s back end either.
they’ve got to invest more in basic security infrastructure instead of placing the burden on the consumer, but I don’t think that’s going to happen either, since apple consumers are still happy getting breached every year.
yeah, these data leaks are all about break into iOS specifically to access iCloud data and accounts, I don’t know about their backup servers.
If they can get the data up front, why go around the back?
The iCloud leak from 2014 was all leaked login information also, it’s why they finally implemented encryption.
oh but Apple officially says that the 2014 attack was only due to fishing and brute Force attacks.
idk, enforcing encryption directly after that was a good idea, but I doubt they would do it unless it was necessary or vulnerable.
I feel like I read a new article with Apple IDs being leaked every year.
looks like there there have been six major apple data leaks since the 2014 incident you’re talking about, so a major leak based on exploits every year and a half, and then there’s also all the individual articles that pop up with someone saying they received notification that they’re iCloud data or Apple ID was leaked, which I don’t know the frequency of but I see all the time.
seems to happen fairly often.
I played that, and liked it.
but everyone everywhere keeps repeating that it is a canon sequel, and as far as I can find, John carpenter has never said that it is canon.
people have reported that he said this video game is canon, The statement is repeated over and over again, but I cannot find any evidence of that statement existing.
Okay, sounds like another pixel bug then, i won’t go crazy trying to solve it.
my phone had a bunch of those.
like, does the now playing feature work for you?
mine basically never works, and then every other week in the supermarket it’ll be like " hey did you know that this song is…" one time and then go back into hibernation.
google pixel six.
I can get into the wallpaper option, but whatever picture I choose even if it’s a screenshot of my exact screen, is blown up to about 3x proportion and i cannot make it smaller from within the wallpaper app, I have to artificially blow up the canvas size in an image editor and then try to use it in the stock wallpaper app
I got the whole set from epic, and tried one and two, but like you say, they’re pretty difficult to play at this point, so I’m excited to jump into the graphically modernized stories.
I’ve already downloaded, I’m going to try to install the mod today.
or at least as soon as some YouTuber makes a good video I can follow along with to mod f4, haha
Reading a book about an adventurer isn’t the same as being that adventurer, but that doesn’t make reading a book the wrong decision for some people.
Also, I’ll say, outer wilds is a very passive game. No matter what you’re doing. It mostly feels like you’re being shown things rather than actively taking part.
That’s part of the point of the game, that you aren’t an active participant in the events.
Once it’s boring.
Very specific kind of game, you have to settle into it and realize there are no stakes.
If the only problem is moving the shuttle, it’s probably worth watching a video and figuring that out, but if exploring is still boring for you, it might not be your brand of soda.
Watching a playthrough is a good idea too, it’s a good story and I think you’ll still appreciate it vicariously.
Maybe, I haven’t played any of the DLCs and remember a lot of talking in bl1 also.
I kind of wished for a way to turn off the character spoken dialogue every time I used my action skill in bl1.
I played as the assassin in 2, and at least he was quiet.
Great points, I’m kind of curious to go back and give BL1 another shot in a couple months or something and take all of these into account.
I don’t pay a lot of attention to the colors, but there are definitely purple ones in 2.
I feel like I wouldn’t have noticed the orange among all the yellow.
In 2 I got standard shotguns that were 250* 10 pretty early on, and a sniper rifle that shot a thousand at level 15 and then a sniper rifle that shot 2000 damage at level 20 or so.
I feel like both games had so many powered weapons lying around that I didn’t pay much attention to maximizing power, though.
I felt the same way.
I grind it until I could comfortably beat every regular enemy in the game, but I’m pretty sure it took me over 2 hours actually beat that God boss, barely hanging on and getting one shot in every three healing turns or whatever