nonsense regulation combined with some high profile failures from barely modified gen 2 designs being built in countries where there hasn’t been a nuclear construction industry for decades so they have to build the infrastructure from scratch each time. it’s the wrong approach. the SMR route way is better.
yeah, do a nuclear backup for renewables. this reactor outputs solar salt, which can store energy efficiently for hours and allow load following
china’s been building dozens of reactors, all of a common design which is the correct way
the earthquake didn’t even damage the plant, they thought of that. the tsunami knocked out the power lines and bad generator placement led to loss of power for cooling. build reactors to passively cool themselves (which should just be a mandatory safety feature on new reactors tbh, it’s not a big ask and improves safety a lot) and fukushima type accidents become impossible. that plant was so old that the original operating license was going to expire a week after the quake and the only guy who died had a heart attack. fukushima-sized death tolls happen in the rooftop solar installation industry every year, totally unreported.
indeed. also chernobyl and fukushima aren’t comparable, really. I’d support a law that all new power reactors need to have passive cooling relying on the laws of physics, not relying on external power, but that’s not a high bar and many designs already have it. remember that most currently operating reactors were built all at once in the mid 20th century and even then their safety record has been great. we can do better with new construction
Those are not at all cheap and are subsidized by enrichment for weapons purposes.
they aren’t, and the whole anti nuclear power movement is just people who don’t understand science not being able to tell the difference between a bomb and a power plant. I mean science education wasn’t that great in midcentury america but today we can easily know better
you use bittorrent. peertube can do this already and while I’m unsure about what already existing tech you can use for streaming it can’t be that complicated