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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Apr 03, 2024


I loved and hated Ultima VIII. It had a good story, was entertaining, had really good music, but it also had the most horrible jumping-on-moving-platforms torture of any game I have ever played. It also sent me on a quest they never implemented, a fact they forgot to tell the player.

Flashback was also a fantastic game, but I also do not ever want to play that again. I remember destroying a keyboard as a teen because I was so frustrated after missing the same stupid jump for the umpteenth time.

which wouldn’t be an issue if publishers stopped being so greedy and predatory

Hah. Good luck with that :)

Same here, none of my money for that shit. But to be honest, FIFA have been shite forever. Just one example: they ran a worldcup in Argentina when it was ruled by a fascist junta that took power in a coup and tortured and killed lots of people. FIFA didn’t care one bit then, why would they care now.

not understanding why I’d have to kill everyone around after making this choice (Maman Brigitte for instance)

That actually happened to me, too. Luckily, I didn’t mind too much, but yeah, it was a bit of a surprise.

Love it to pieces. Paid absolutely no attention to it before it was released, and due to some friendly advice from an online mate, waited a few months before picking it up, when most of the really bad bugs were already ironed out.

I love pretty much everything about it:

  • The score. The music is just so fantastic.
  • The settings. Brilliant. Any RPG that isn’t set in a plain vanilla fantasy world already has a big advantage when it comes to my affection, but this setting is just super cool.
  • The representation. Absolutely not in-your-face, yet so much there.
  • The world building. I think they paid absolutely absurd attention to details, like “where does everyone’s food come from” and “where does everybody’s garbage go”.
  • The story. I like it.
  • The characters. They feel relatable and their motivation makes sense, which is not always the case in many games. I find myself caring about (some of) them.
  • The quests. I like them.
  • The combat. It started out okay, but now, it is so much fun. I absolutely love what they have done with it after 2.0. I love being able to actually throw people at each others. I love the various melee finishers. I love the cyberware. I love using the wrist rocket launcher to blow up attacking cars. I love being able to throw knifes and axes without constly having to craft more. I love all of it.
  • The mods. I love what dedicated modders have done to make a good game into a really really great game. There are such fantastic mods for this game, it keeps bogging my mind.

So yeah, love it to pieces, and absolutely one of my all time favorite games.

To be honest, I thought that trailer was very weak. I am not sure it would make me pick up the game if it was free - and I loved the original VtM:BL.

No Bruce, the people that complained simply stopped buying and playing Bethesda made games. The people who bought that stuff are different people.

When was the last RPG they released that didn’t require tons of patching?

I would have said “that terminator game they made in the early 90s” but that is hardly an RPG :)

The European commision sure wanted TTIP to happen, so there’s that.

because they sell cars to China

For how much longer? Can German cars even still compete with the Chinese, or has that ship sailed already? Come, buy the best engineering of yesteryear! Yay!

China heavily subsidizes EV manufacturers (and production in general), plus they have cheaper environmental and labour standards… it’s not like there’s a fair market EU companies can compete in without some sort of handicap.

Hah. Volkswagen is in trouble right now because they fucked up the transition to electric cars completly. What do you think will happen now? That’s right, we the (German) people will have to save them now, with our money. Basically the same shit as a subsidy, just later in the process. Kinda like what the Chinese do, just the really stupid way.

Oh, and of course, it will be everybody’s fault but their own.