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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Inside Settings in Gmail you should be able to swap it, but you can only have one of them at a time. Another genius decision.

Mark as Read in the notification panel. How the hell is that still not an option? I’ve been asking for this over a decade since quick reply options became a thing (jellybean?). Options are still only Archive or Delete.

That was Alan Wake 2 for me, except they innovated one step further. I had to reinstall it on my NVME drive because my SATA SSD apparently wasn’t fast enough.

Reddit is hardly anti-American in the aggregate. And not nearly the same percentage of posts get political for no reason. Definitely agree on missing satire, though. Lemmy is just hyper-distilled reddit.

Lmao do you know what platform you’re on right now? I’m actually surprised OP is getting downvoted because this type of comment is the epitome of Lemmy. Missing satire/missing the point, anti-American, pointlessly bringing in politics/culture in a negative way. This has been my experience 80% of the time here.

That really only could be considered even remotely plausible if everyone played online, but most people quickly discovered it was a trash money grab. Otherwise it’s no better value than any other story driven single player game.

Psyonix has always been shitty on their own. And they sold out to Epic; they didn’t have to do that. Epic is a known quantity of terrible, but Psyonix is not innocent in any of this.

This would be an amazing game for Steam Deck, assuming it runs well. I’m in if they hit the mark.

As The Boys lovingly put it so many years ago, “nerds is cool now and jocks is pumping our gas.”

Some of us here didn’t grow up in the YouTube generation, where what could be a one minute read has to be turned into a ten minute ad-riddled video with over the top voice acting, “artistic” shots, and useless transitions.

What a stupid fucking name. I realize they’re targeting 12 year olds but damn.

“While we will forever miss Charles’ iconic voice, we are beyond excited to also announce today that Chris Pratt will step up permanently to make his own mark on Mario (and Wario!) history for all games and videos for the foreseeable future.”

Most of Europe (and even moreso the rest of the world) didn’t have serviceable mobile internet until years after US and Canada, so it makes sense that they missed the initial wave of hotspot premiums that North America suffered through.

And before any one tries to be snarky, yes Sweden rolled out 4G before anyone else, but it didn’t take off until well after NA already dominated the space.

But, but, but… this is Lemmy. I thought it wasn’t legal to say anything here that implies America is not the sole evil in this world?