• 2 Posts
Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Apr 26, 2024


Now, many years after the game’s original 2015 release target, developer Roberts Space Industries (RSI) says that, with just a year or two of additional “polish,” the game will finally launch sometime in 2026.


I just played Soma. They, like Bethesda of old, include thier engine with the game. They also have multiple versions of the engine, based on which game is attached to.

It made me realize that no matter how big the game is, as in how well it does, that doesn’t seem to matter at all. It’s when you start doing the multi hundred number of staff that it becomes a problem.

In Bethesdas case they went from a twenty man team in 2002 to whatever the hell they have now, and yet there’s been few tangable gameplay improvements. Imo throwing a fireball while holding a weapon has been the best thing they’ve “innovated” on… in Oblivion.

I had another point, but it’s 2am and I’m tipsy. Some devs are gameplay first, and some are not. And some change between those paragrames.

They update their engine with every game they make, just like everyone else that has their own in-house engine. The problem is that engine is updated by Bethesda.

He’s a 50-50 actor. When he’s good, like in Kickass and Bullettrain, he’s real good. But when he’s bad he’s absolutely horrible, like Godzilla and every superhero movie he’s been in.

Edit. I want to add that I didn’t even realize it was him in Bullet Train until half way through. He’s pretty entertaining in it.
The movie itself suffers from a “im sooo smart and clever” syndrome that some movies have. Johnson and whoever played the girl are the good parts of that movie.

Sadly the first game hasn’t aged well. I tried to play it not too long ago, and it feels like an old Unreal game.

Maybe I’ll try it again after my HL2 game. I might not have been in the right frame of mind before.

I like the story, it’s a neat concept. But a Sony movie about it is probably the last thing I’m interested in.

Unless it stars Dakota Johnson, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Jared Leto.

For having videos on such dry topics, i like this guy. He can be pretty funny. And he definitely does his homework for each video.

It’s possible, if there’s anyone working on such a thing. OpenMW took a long long time to become what it is today.

Todd seems like a good guy. That’s always the vibe I’ve gotten from him since being a MW fan and modder and whatnot. I don’t think anyone has ever really questioned that aspect of him. If your team is 60-200 people it’s hard to not know everyone.

It’s Howards constant drive towards making his games as mediocre as possible that everyone has problems with.

I see, thanks.
Maybe the team should make an indy spiritual successor then. Especially if the reason is that AAA gamea cost too much to make.

Didn’t they just remake the first one or something? That pretty much signals it’s a dead franchise. I’ve always seen remakes/masters as a sending off love letter.

Attacked? What are you talking about?

You don’t need an epic launcher to play any of their free games.

Because elitism about online video game stores is so mature, right?

Oh no, poor booby little has to visit a website for free entertainment

You don’t need any epic products to play epic games.

I definitely use a different burner phone for every app. It’s obviously the only sane way to use apps. Ive got my email phone. My weather phone. My alarm phone. A phone for each one of my contacts. Right now Im on my lemmy-only phone, with all of the others powered off and in thier separate faraday bags. Having a separate phone just for the app I use to order something is a must. How dare they tell me the status of the order I paid for? Who do they think they are!? On Sundays I use my magnet wand and wipe each and every phone, just to be sure.

That’s interesting, I didn’t know it was the basis for the Rage engine. Thanks.

Or, Angel Studios became Rockstar San Diego and they made Red Dead Revolver instead.

But I admire your hate version.

I didn’t know for like six months that mine has a cd/dvd drive. It’s practically hidden.

Not sure about the whole year, but I just beat Tunic twice today. That game is fantastic.

prominently those in the QA department, as a part of its restructuring efforts.

That’s certainly one way to make sure you hit a deadline.

While you’re not wrong, I doubt the Pan European Game Information ratings board cares that much about speech in America.

Yea. They’ve been doing it since the 70’s, and are still doing it now by trying to say Among Us made Luigi violent.

That doesn’t have anything to do with the millennial or gen z generations. The first “video game generation” was X.

Silent> Greatest> Boomer> X> Millennial> Z

That’s cool. Playing the outlier game could go on all day, but it’s obviously not the norm.

Boomers are the parents of Gen X kids.
What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense.

When did Assassins Creed become a RPG? It started as a Prince of Persia successor with no role playing at all. The last one i played was Black Flag, which also didn’t have any RPG in it.

Nah, Midnight Suns was not good. They had some good ideas in the actual game play, but the other 80% of it dragged everything down.

Who’s stopping anyone from enjoying their games?

I just cleared $1 million on my current save. Spring of year 3.

I think it’s interesting to look back at other game reviews. You sort of see how much they matter. https://lemm.ee/post/6176552