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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 26, 2023


They cornered themselves by trying to make that future story span multiple games. Especially because everything was written around one character, Desmond Miles and later Layla Hasan. They could have done a “Who do you think you are?” type of format and introduce a new character every game who has to explore his past to solve a problem in their future and just make every story stand alone with an ending but in the same universe. That way they can write better stories without the bagage of the previous games. The whole save the world with the Pieces of Eden story was so dumb

Why hasn’t the board already fired the CEO? Or is the board just full of family members?

Remember when everyone was on the Guillemots side when they fought to prevent a hostile takeover from Vivendi. The Guillemots became what they feared what Vivendi would have done to the company.

Guess all the people calling it woke still bought it.

I’m surprised that people feel safe to discuss those things in a Slack of a company that creates American Imperialistic propaganda. It’s a certainty that crypto-fascists are among them, no matter how progressive the companies policies are. The stuff they make attracts right wingers.

For most people the further they sit away from a screen the less they are going to notice it. And console gamers play on a tv from the couch. Of course if you show them a 60fps version after they played in 30fps they will notice but most people don’t understand why that is and thus not care. Like how many people watch movies with motion smoothing on since they don’t see that it looks smoother than the movies in the cinema.

Rockstar can get away with this since the vast majority of GTA player will be mainstream casual gamers that only have fifa/madden and CoD in their gaming collection.

That’s a game from Naughty Dog. Doubt Sony is gonna put that on ice Neil Druckmann made a lot of money for Sony with the Last of Us franchise.

If Nintendo is going to release it after the Switch experience tour the release will probably be after June. Last event date is in June in Seoul.

If they actually budget in a decent amount for CGI and don’t give a wife beater a role like in Flash it might be still enjoyable to watch to kill some time on a boring Sunday afternoon at home.

Also a shame that the best part was the opening chapter. The mission based stories didn’t do it for me. I’d rather had a linear game like it’s predecessors. Sure gameplay wise the sandbox open world gave players more freedom and playtime but it definitely came at the cost of the storyline.

It will probably need to run DLSS ultra performance mode to do 1440p@60fps. So that image will look like shit since it would upscale from a 480p base resolution.

Because FF games are expensive to make and going exclusive, even just temporary, is an easy way for Square to get some of that investment back before the game is even released. It basically lowers the risk of creating such a massive AAA game.

Copyright infringement also means small creators get their lunch money stolen by big Chinese corporations. Copyright doesn’t just protect corpos.

Hidden Folks if you help him with the hints.

The troll was able to spoof the Nintendo.co.jp domain because Nintendo didn’t setup their DMARC settings correctly. They have it setup but with policy “none” instead of “reject”. What a bunch of dumb asses. Such a big company doesn’t even protect their domains against spoofing. Probably why they got hacked, they don’t invest enough in IT security. Though this is typical for Japanese corporations.


Not going to happen since Valve doesn’t want to manage a database of IDs. It’s why sex games with real life actors aren’t allowed on Steam since that would require Steam to have IDs and consent contracts of all the actors stored on their side.

And Gaben is a hardcore libertarian, probably despises government IDs.

Ah yes Gamers™ would never abuse a system like that. There is a reason why many publishers have abandoned regional pricing, the loss in revenue is bigger than any gains they would make. Remember they are in it for profit maximization not customer base maximization. They rather sell 10 copies for 60 than a 1000 copies for 60 cents.

Ship of Harkinian, OoT port, has been up for a long while already. and the Mario and OoT decomp have been up on GitHub for years. Because non of them are distributing Nintendo’s copyrighted or trademarked work. The user has to provide the rom themselves. Nintendo has no legal ground to sue this project since they aren’t breaking any law, unlike many of the fan projects who are using Nintendo’s IP unauthorized.

I’m sure that if Microsoft was allowed to do that Sony would have bought up a Japanese studio with the backing of the Japanese government like a Capcom or Sega. Probably the only reason Sony didn’t buy a bigger share of Kadokawa is because MS isn’t a real threat.

It’s Kadokawa that forced Sony’s hands. Sony initially only wanted to acquire the anime and videogames assets. But Kadokawa told them that only acquisition offers for the entire company are accepted.

Sony definitely had plans to buy up FromSoftware.

This also pleases the Steam Store algorithm god. A big spike will bump the game up in the charts, then the algo will serve it to more people in the store and more people will buy it. The more sales momentum a game has the more the algo will show it in the recommended sections.

Unfortunately devs at Valve eventually will be swallowed by the money making machine called Steam. It’s the way the company is structured, the people working on the most profitable projects are rewarded the most.

Like the team working on In the Valley of Gods has disintegrated after Valve bought Campo Santo. The devs are all working on other things inside Valve.

They could’ve invested half of the funds in something else and never had to ask for another dime while keeping the game in perpetual development

Can’t really move to Linux if I have to make software for Windows since the majority of people won’t move to Linux.

You still buy a license from GOG like with any piece of software. It’s just that you get the files without DRM. You can’t resell those files like you could if you truly owned the game.

Yep. This gen has been pretty barren when it comes to AAA games that aren’t remasters/remakes and it’s not just exclusives. The handful of AAA games I want to play run perfectly fine on my low spec PC. Sure not at 4k60, but upgrading my pc or buying a PS5 pro just for those few games just isn’t worth it.

The service providers are the ones who dictate the costs. They provide the infrastructure. The costs for these kind of transactions are much much lower because of economy of scale they handle millions of transactions per day across all their clients. Because they handle so many transactions they can charge a small percentage fee. The loss they make on small transactions they will make up with bigger transactions.

While Steam uses a normal bank transactions to pay developers, because many of them are in the hundreds of thousands and some are in the millions of dollars so you don’t want to have a third party handling those that asks a percentage fee. You’d rather just pay the fixed fee the bank charges per transaction. Since it is cheaper for those large transactions. That fee can be $10-$20 especially on international transactions. That’s why Steam waits till that money is above a $100. And using a third party to handle those small transactions wouldn’t be worth the hassle. The percentage fee would be high anyway because of the low volume.

Rarely happens. The vast majority of game on Steam make the bulk of their sales within a few months of release.

No you pay a financial service provider who pays Steam in bulk once a month. So yes same principle applies.

The difference with physical is that you own the physical medium the license is stored on and are permitted to sell the physical medium with the license. With digital downloads you are not allowed to sell a drive with the files. Since you are technically making a copy.

They are not behind. Since they are not trying to catch up with Sony or MS. They purposely choose to use cheaper hardware and go a different direction. That’s not the same as being behind.

It’s their Blue Ocean strategy. They don’t want to compete directly against Sony and a trillion dollar company called Microsoft. Since the last time they did that it almost took the company under. They make a profit on each Switch sale since the first one was sold and they offer an entirely different gaming catalog that targets a different audience.

The dude was talking about the antagonist and not the playable character. That’s why the playable character says “She’s back” at the end. Also it was just a teaser trailer to remind us that the game still exist and to show some gameplay. It was definitely not a commercial to sell the game to us. The development is probably no where near finished.

Of course an app that is compiled ahead of time to run natively on the cpu would run faster than a web app that compiles it bloated JavaScript code on the fly.

The web app versions was to avoid having to download large apps, not to be faster. They are slow because the companies tried to have feature parity with the native app and also stuffed it with tracker software. Web apps are supposed to barebones.