? 200kbps, which written that was is kilobits per second, isn’t fine for anything? Thats 40KB/s, and will barely run 240p youtube, some videos it’ll need 144p.
If you mean 200KB/s, that’s 480p youtube. 720p would require a video without a whole lot of movement. If you think that’s fine, go tell everyone you know to never use HD video because that wont cause any issues at all, surely.
A 20% improvement on batteries wouldn’t make it wafer thin though. I get your point about how long it lasts being the part that actually matters, I just don’t see us having phones people want to use that can last a full day and are that thin. At least not anytime soon.
People right now buy phones that have way way more performance than they’d ever need, all the time, I don’t expect that to change for the general market.
Tencent isn’t the owner, or even largest shareholder of Ubisoft.
You know there’s an easier example company you could be using, right? An American company, worth and makes billions, has a ton of players and has had for a long time, and is entirely owned by Tencent?
Using Ubisoft as your example is why I think you’re trolling, because Riot is sitting right there.
Epic force refreshes pages including the library, that’s not a good thing. Don’t use shit I don’t want you to use. You can stop it auto updating the launcher though, which is a thing steam doesn’t seem to allow. In general, I don’t want any of my launchers doing things without me telling it to.
I have Epic on my computer, tons of games, even a handful I bought. It’s better than it was at launch, by a lot, but it isn’t something you can just leave open and trust to do fuck all for the most part. GoG is good for this, I can forget it’s open for days because it doesn’t do anything until you want it to
I actually wanted Epic to succeed enough that I messaged their support about the library being force refreshed, it’s apparently intended. If all I wanted was to suck up to a monopoly, why would I put any effort in to making it usable for me?
Epic is nowhere near as good as steam. Steam I can open, leave open and ignore. Epic force refreshes pages like the fucking library and then my internet cracks a fit at the sudden large data draw.
Shop wise both are equal, epic now has reviews on the bottom of games so you don’t buy some 1 star trash without warning, but they are both more than just a shop.
You can use steam without ever seeing an ad. Due to low internet bandwidth I just turned off the couple of popups and I currently see 0 ads if I don’t specifically go to the store part. Steam boots into library, so no ads, none in downloads. I don’t use the rest unless I’m actually looking for a new game.
Edge webview2 is used by some non Microsoft things as well, so I have to unblock it occasionally while it fucks my low bandwidth connection.
And it somehow unblocks itself occasionally, and is the only thing to have ever done that which is wild, but there’s probably a simple reason for it that idk. It still doesn’t deserve internet privileges 99% of the time.
That is default windows, if it’s misconfigured then it ships misconfigured. I’ve done nothing except click the slider that turns it on, and then 5 seconds later off again as the dark mode settings menu blasts me with the full force of the screen.
If default doesn’t work, I don’t really feel like repeatedly blasting my eyes with full brightness until I figure out how to make it not burn out my retinas.
I think the issue is HDR requires the r part, being range, and I want it to not blast my eyes which anything above 20% brightness does if I’m inside, and default probably uses 100% of the brightness range and that actually causes pain.
Edit: to be clear, never made it to a game. Getting flash banged by the settings menu was bad enough thanks, don’t need to deal with something intended to be a flashbang.
That’s default behaviour on windows11, I have an MSI titan laptop that definitely supports it. I’ve done 0 to configure it. My brightness is typically at minimum or near to, enabling HDR immediately and consistently maxes brightness on the majority of the screen. It’s utterly unusable. It goes with things that people say matters like 1000nits of brightness or whatever when I actually want like 300, so my eyes don’t start bleeding.
Valve is holding up the bar not because valve is great but because everyone else is so shit. I’ve had a ton of issues with steam throughout the years and it’s just… nothing else is better. I was actually excited for the epic store launch and it’s… Well, not the worst, because being the worst is a challenge some places take seriously, but certainly not a good steam replacement especially for low data people.
Steam may not let me control the updates to steam, but it won’t force refresh my library causing ping spikes all the time as an intended feature.
This is concurrent players, as in at the same time, I don’t think console is matching that, either of them.