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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


It looks like a PS3 game with post processing or ReShade. The texture quality is actually sometimes worse than a PS3 game.

Looking at games like Demons Souls, Batman Arkham City, MGS 4 + V, NieR 2010, etc, Wilds does not look like much of an improvement. And some of those games released early in the life of the PS3, so they werent even using the maximum capabilities of the hardware. Sure, Wilds has SSAO and RayTracing (if your GPU can even handle running that at an acceptable framerate), but if you turn those effects off to get better performance the game looks like a PS3 game. And by better I mean you go from like 40fps to 55fps, with Frame Gen disabled.

The game is an unoptimized mess and it does not provide a graphical improvement to explain the bad performance. Its not like Cyberpunk 2077, with hundreds of NPCs or something. There like, 20 dudes in a box canyon village tanking your fps down to sub-30fps.

Oh boy, I can’t wait for top end PCs to barely be able to run the games that look only slightly better than a PS3 game!

Waiter waiter, more poorly optimized games, please!

The point of this is obviously the charity, but I’m not gonna lie, after a quick look at the included games, if Tunic wasn’t in this bundle I would feel ripped off paying $10 for it.

I don’t see any of those other games combined being worth $10 to me. Multiple visual novels / story games, puzzle games, and many games that look like a generic Kemco published RPG Maker game but with a pastel color palette this time. Again, I get that the point of this is charity, but Tunic is literally the only game that I would say brings value to this bundle. If someone already owns Tunic and is considering this, I would say to just directly donate the money.

So is every server still massively overpopulated by cheaters? Have they finally implemented proper anti-cheat?

I played at launch and in like 3 days every server had players using cheats spawning explosions whenever anyone spawned. Pretty much killed my interest in the game.

Generals being open sourced is massively goated. I can’t believe EA finally made a decision I actually like.

Yes, I have. I haven’t had the time to play it yet, but it is on the list.

Its one of the games I like. I would never have followed the story if I didn’t play the game. OP doesn’t have to follow my list.

As a long time fan of Dino Crisis, an an avid hater of the REmakes for ditching the fixed cameras for generic, now over-copied over the shoulder camera, I am hoping Dino Crisis gets the “REmake treatment.” It makes me smile to see it so prominently featured in this image.

Dino Crisis differed from Resident Evil in that it was not truly a Survival Horror game. Capcom knew this from the beginning, as it was marketed as “Panic Horror.” In other words: “Action Horror.” The perfect genre description for the REmake games starting with RE2.

Survival Horror requires de-emphasis on combat, actively encouraging the player to choose to NOT get in combat (through severe item scarcity or boring combat mechanics that feel unfun to engage with). A third person over the shoulder camera inherently emphasizes combat by making the player want to engage in combat because they feel like they have greater control, and it is more fun. This is why I always say RE1 already has a perfect remake and should be left out of the “REmake treatment.” RE1 is purely Survival Horror, and was not intended to be like a “hollywood action movie” like RE2 and beyond. Dino Crisis, on the other hand, always leaned more into the action side, starting about midway through the original game, and then really almost getting silly in the sequel. Which is why an action camera like the REmakes have would be perfectly fitting to the action focus of the game.

We don’t talk about Dino Crisis 3. It is unfortunate that the Sep 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center happened so close to the games development, as that was the single reason why the game was completely rewritten to take place in outer space. I mean, it was a tradgedy that should never have happened regardless, but still, you hopefully get what I mean.

My personal favorites on PS2, as someone who did not own a PS2 while it was still being manufactured and sold as new. This does not include remakes/remasters or games that have better ports on other platforms (for example, Soul Calibur 2 on GameCube, Dead or Alive 2 on Xbox, Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 Another Cases on PSP, or Need for Speed Underground 2 on PC).

  • Haunting Ground
  • Kuon
  • CyGirls (Both discs are fun but I prefer disc 1)
  • Drakengard 1 & 2
  • Ico
  • Lifeline (requires microphone, very underrated)

Because the publisher usually gets a lump sum payment to put their game on these kinds of subscription services. Some money back is better than no money back.

Support is pretty much dropped for the game. No DLC or further content. Maybe they might have a small team assigned for something like bugfixes, but I doubt EA will want to.waste any more money on the project. They’re trying to recoup some of their development costs.

Hopefully they finally do something like 99% of Western Developers haven’t been doing and listen to some feedback.

It really is one of the best Yakuza games. The story so far is okay, its not as deep as 0 or 1 or anything, but its super fun and the gameplay is so crammed full of minigames and stuff to do that it truly feels like the most fun I have had with a Yakuza game.

Hope NieR Rein becomes playable again. Would be nice. Private servers, anything.

I have this game. Love the art style.

This game has like 4 people that play it only sometimes because the developers didn’t do anything to put the game out and the players that kept playing got too good for new people to learn how to play.

I would say to get the game, but I dont see the playerbase getting anywhere big enough from this for the developers to care about it again.

EDIT: The last update was October 2023, then for some reason 3 weeks ago a completely different development team of what appears to be just volunteers started updating the game. No idea what is going on with that but it would be nice if more than 1k people were playing again.

Plenty of early reviews for were positive for Concord and Dragon Age Veilguard, but those ended up being pretty worthless reviews. Access media has ruined critic credibility. It would be stupid to trust a reviewer that knows their media outlet won’t get review copies of the next game from a publisher if they review the game badly, because that will absolutely change the review to be more favorable.

If Star Wars Outlaws, a game connected to an IP that absolutely has a way bigger market than Assassin’s Creed, did that badly, I can almost guarantee that Shadows will not do better than Outlaws.

I think it’s really hilarious thay they think it will sell enough to have multiple games, considering how bad this game is being received. Thats not even to mention how dysmal the sales were for Star Wars Outlaws, Skull and Bones, and Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.

This game will be a colossal flop, and Ubisoft absolutely deserves it. That is what you get when you ignore feedback from literally everyone.

Super Metroid for 2D, Metroid Prime 1 for 3D.

Both games absolutely blasted it out of the water. Perfect masterpieces that no other game managed to live up to.

Metroid Prime Pinball is an untouchable god-tier masterpiece of a spin-off.

I think Zero Mission was a pretty good remake of NEStroid, and Samus Returns was an okay remake of Return of Samus. Prime Hunters, Prime 2, and Prime 3 were just okay, nothing bad but nothing special either. Hunters online was fun until the Action Replay users took over. IMO Fusion, Dread, and Other M were too linear. Federation Force was not great either, probably the weakest game to have Metroid in the title.

I appreciated Fusion’s story, it was interesting. I also appreciate the vision of Other M, it was certainly a game that, when it worked, the gameplay was pretty fun to look at. Finisher moves and quick dodging was cool to see, even if it made the game pretty easy. The first person switching was a really cool idea that I think should have borrowed a little from Metroid Prime’s Scan Visor, where the suit automatically highlights objects of importance, to lower frustration of “pixel hunts.” Its certainly got very good graphics for a Wii game, even if the environments are bland. But IMO Dread had some equally bland level design, and was too linear for my liking. I also did not really like the ending that much. Dread’s soundtrack is equally as forgettable as Other M’s soundtrack, except there are some songs I actually remember from Other M that were unique to the game and not a remix from an older Metroid title (for example, the piano theme from Other M, great song). I completed Metroid Dread in about 9 hours the week it launched and I haven’t played it since.

I fundamentally dissagree with the term “metroidvania” because Metroid and Castlevania are different. Both are what I call a “side-scrolling action platformer,” but Metroid gives the player powerups to encourage them to explore their environment, while Castlevanias powerups focus almost entirely on combat. Therefore Metroid includes “adventure” in its genre, but Castlevania does not.

I never got lost in a Metroid game, but I also have a pretty good ability to remember how I got somewhere. Metroid does a generally pretty good job making nearly every room memorable and unique to help players not get lost, and Metroid has mostly included a map to help players as well. If players are still getting lost, IMO that’s just a skill issue.

But I understand what the author is trying to say, and they are right. Actually getting lost is not what they mean, they mean level and game design that lends itself to encouraging exploration by trial and error. Level design and game design that shows the player some impassable wall early and then when they get the ability to pass it later on, leaving it entirely up to the player to remember. Backtracking is a mandatory staple, if a Metroid game has no backtracking, especially for item expansions, then it is not a real Metroid game. Making the player be the one to do the exploring and not holding their hand is crucial to a good Metroid experience. This is why I consider Metroid Fusion, Other M, and Dread to be among the weaker Metroid titles. All three have an obvious, forced always on hand-holding mechanic that you don’t find in other Metroid games. Like the developers don’t trust the player to actually be smart enough to figure the game out.

Most jobs provide some value, but I guarantee you the Chinese team already had double the amount of Chinese workers doing everything these 6 people did already. NetEase operates that way, its not unusual for them to have Chinese employees doing the same job as any of their small foreign offices, as it is cheaper for them to do so when they inevitably cut the more expensive, probably less productive team (be that due to language barriers or timezone differences, whatever the reason).

Those are terms set by the games publishers, Steam and other platforms pass them on to the customer. The only platform big enough to strongarm publishers to not do that is Steam, but it would definitely make some publishers pull out of Steam completely.

Though I will likely not be playing the game, I have seen a lot of people running into performance problems, crashing, and just bugs in general. You aren’t the only one.

Steam doesn’t give customers permanent ownership of their games. Its extremely rare, but game licenses do occasionally get revoked on Steam.

This is interesting. As AI continues to mature and advance, I wonder how they will be able to overcome AIs current limitations. I wonder how long it will be until people would even be able to tell if something is AI generated or not. One of the benefits of AI in art is that sometimes it can suggest or generate something that is unexpected, or something that when a human sees it makes them say “why didn’t I think of that.” Which, I mean, its because you are a human and it is software. Future AI improvment will certainly be interesting.

Also, this sounds pretty good. The guy who programmed it interviewed game developers about what they wanted and needed in game development. Then he created this tool that helps them quickly iterate from a starting point. I hope this can help some studios create games that have actually fun gameplay, because gaming has taken itself almost too seriously in recent years, with many games trying to tell a hidden message instead of just being fun to play.

No no, Kotaku.

6 people. 6 people were laid off, and the game’s real director, who is Chinese and is in the update videos, is still working on the game. Thaddeus Sasser, who is the director that was let go from the Seattle office, said that the Chinese director was in charge of everything relating to the game itself, and that Thaddeus was basically only in charge of budget and hiring.

Yeah, he didn’t even use the Star Wars Force Brain Wave Headset. What a loser.

“A skater?” Does he kinda look like that one guy, what was his name? Tony Hawk?

EDIT: Tyshawn Jones, unfortunately. Average Journo missing an opportunity for click bait.

It is amazing to me that developers now are paid more and given more time, yet developers from 20 years ago made way more with way less. Games come out now and the graphics might be great, but the gameplay and story is garbage, bug-riddled, etc. For an old game with a smaller dev team, smaller budget, and only like 1 or 2 years of development time, that is completely understandable. These days we get games that take 6+ years to develop with 150+ person studios and budgets averaging over $100 million per game, and we genuinely see these games get massively outperformed by 20 year old games in almost every way.

What do they hope to achieve with this? I understand they want more pay, but if their work output does not reflect that they are deserving of more pay, then they’re going to end up jobless anyway. Businesses are not charities, and work output that is subpar cannot sustainably be given bigger pay. That’s just rewarding lazy or bad work instead of rewarding good work. If part of their terms do not include “shareholders have no say in the product at all” (which is impossible, by the way, that’s not how that works), then they cannot possibly look to achieve anything other than getting a possible extension for a short time before ultimately being cut loose.

LOL. Classic Lemmy.

This has big “Big things are coming, watch this space” vibes.

Whether they mean it or not, saying this makes me feel like they are massively overhyping whatever they ar etalking about.

Is a video game social media? Is Roblox a video game? Is simply having social functions enough to define social media or is more necessary?

When I think of social media, I think of forums, Reddit, Lemmy, Facebook, Discord, etc. Platforms and software with the sole or primary purpose of providing social interaction between users. I don’t see video games as social media, though they may contain some content that provides a similar function such as an ingame chat.

Vintage Story and Dead by Daylight both contain ingame chat and multiplayer functionality, but I don’t see either as social media. Though if one were to define social media in a literal sense then they would qualify. Is Roblox any different?

Didn’t IGN give Dragon Age Veilgard a 9/10?

It is completely stupid. There are mountains worth of prior art that easily negate any patent Nintendo would be granted by this point.

Nintendo is a Japanese company, and the one thing you can rely on Japanese companies doing in recent years is not understanding that Japanese law only applies in Japan. They seem to think that they can apply Japanese law to US citizens or companies that conduct business in the US, so whatever strategy they think they can use will be swatted aside by the US government automatically. We have seen this already when Nintendo tried to sue Galoob Toys and lost.

Gaming at 20fps never looked this good lol

They gotta do something about triple healers and Hulk/Strange/Iron Man though. Too many people are picking it in casual/social mode and its not fun to play against.

Okay? Just make a good game, I dont think the main characters gender is really that important.

Though to be fair, the market is flooded with female main characters right now and with upcoming games, so I do appreciate the variety. Still, its an Ubisoft game and I probably wasnt going to buy it anyway.

PSN being down is a tale as old as time. When the PS3 was out and before the PS4 was announced PSN had been down like at least once a month. It was well known as the least reliable gaming network. Even though Nintendo had their “Nintendo WiFi Connection” which was basically P2P and super garbage, it did not go down like PSN did.

Xbox Live was vastly more reliable, likely because Microsoft has a better understanding of how to run a network, and they took the subscription money and reinvested it back into Xbox Live, growing and bolstering it to the point that it has its reputation for being the most reliable of the 3 gaming networks.