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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Same studio made a hulk game prior to prototype and a lot of similarities in how the player moves.

Don’t buy any game forced onto epic gamestore.

The only reason I can think to release it as it was, was for tax write odd purposes with how much money it was going to lose.

If you still got your CD Keys you can just use CD Images/ISO files to install the game and play that way. Much like emulators, it’s still legal if you own a legitimate copy.

What I wouldn’t get for another proper entry in this series. Game came out like 20 years too soon. We have proper VR now!

Thats fine, after 6, didn’t have much hype for the series left, guess this makes it easier to not buy.

It’s less that I hate free games, it’s more that a lot of games on Steam that are free are either the freemium model, where they are basically mobile games with inapp purchases you’re expected to buy to make progress, or some some shovelware trash that’s a one trick pony and generally just a knock off of something more popular and better executed.

Yes there are examples of great free to play games, but overall so many of them on steam are not worth downloading and clog up the trending list since if someone really wanted their game full of microtransactions to get noticed, they can just work a bot net to register new accounts and download the game to cause the steam algorithm to pick it up and put it on the trending page despite it having a poor user count.

When your core gameplay loop is all of 15 minutes long that feeds into a 40-60 hour repetitive grind to unlock a slightly better item, new title or recolored cosmetic, combined with a complete absence of quality or competent writing, innovative mechanics while it’s apparent most of the budget went into marketing and pre-rendered cutscenes that can be just watched on youtube, yeah it’s bad to give potential customers a 30 minute demo that displays everything your game is without hinting any additional benefit for purchasing the full game.

While I do enjoy rimworld and tynan’s model, I don’t think it would be a good match for Stardew given how the game has a particular branching story it wants to tell and share with the player navigating choices, where rimworld is more heavily into an (almost) entirely randomly generated story where your long lost brother might show up as a pirate or deceased cousin offended some govt official so now they are applying pressure to your settlement as pay back. The cosmetic option would be a much better fit so players could have alternate options on how characters, tools, plants or monsters appear, to say nothing of the home making segment. Yes mods already make this an option, but the entire point of Cosmetic DLCs is a tip jar for the developer you get something back for, and a way to show your support. New content and story pack expansion by contrast can seriously change the flow of the game and many players do not view them as optional in the discussion.

I think ConceredApe could follow the Deep Rock Galactic Model.

All content/story additiona are free updates. But to keep the lights on, every few months a cosmetic DLC drops that had no affect on the game what so ever, just lets player put money in the tip jar and get some cool threads and a hat for their troubles.

Precisely what the share holders don’t want people to know. They worship money and what the public to think more money = more good. If people realize these investor backed products are generally not anything better than someone can make in their garage they’ll stop buying overpriced junk. So here we are about to see how the sausage gets made.

The only reason they were making a sequel was because there was going to be a competitor to their 10 year old game that would absolutely take the market share of this niche. Now that the competition died they can put the devs back to making a bunch of overpriced DLC for another 10 years or when ever another viable competitive game shows up on their radar.

EA knows their current Sims game has been a flop they had to make the base game free to play. They wanted a games as service model but 2013 SimCity had such a strong backlash they had to scramble to make it something else and hope no one noticed. So here we are with an underperforming game from a series that pretty much always topped the charts when it released a new game or expansion pack. Thats how bad they screwed up.

Did it have to be Ubisoft? Couldn’t literally any other publisher pick this up?

Me reading the headline: “Why would Valve make a porn shooter?”

I just look for people in my friends list that don’t have it yet and curse them with owning a copy, knowing I won’t hear from them for like 2-4 weeks.

Funny how they praise success these studios achieved before suddenly slamming the door shut and firing those people, but 343 has literally been fucking the corpse of Halo for 12 years now and you still funnel then millions of dollars to keep ruining everything.

I think the people who live in the 100+ countries that the game just got delisted, are not supported by PSN, and Sony, the publisher, failed to region lock the game from being sold into, are rightfully pissed a game they bought up to 3 months ago is suddenly bricked because a corporation lied and wants to force a ‘feature’ onto an exsisting game just so they can get better internal metrics on people playing the game to bombard them with more advertising.

There are several camps here in the negative feedback side. The crux, is that Sony, who published the game, is making Arrowhead, the studio that developed it, to require players to login using a Playstation Network account to continue playing the game at the end of this month.

Communication about this requirement was murky at best, with Sony never really saying anything on behalf or about Helldivers at all, in a PR way at least, and Arrowhead never said anything about it until the new update on Thursday. This has lots of people pissed off, some for good reasons, some for slightly less.

Those rightly pissed off, are those who do not live in a country where PSN is not available. The game was sold globably for 3 months, with player data available to the public suggesting as many as people in 140 different countries playing the game somewhat consistently. The bulk of these players are in North America, Europe and Japan of course, but people observing the stats through SteamDB have suggested anywhere from a few thousand people, to 50,000 to potentially 100,000 paying customers will not have access to play a game they rightfully bought, come June 1st. If Sony’s intention was for the PSN requirement to always be firm and realistic, the game should only have been allowed to be sold in the 69 countries PSN is available. Instead they sold it globally for 3 months and only yesterday did they de-list it for sale in the 177 countries who don’t have PSN access. https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/?changeid=23416542 Which is pretty sleezy to do without even making some kind of announcement.

Others, are upset because Sony’s history with being hacked and data protection, is sloppy at best. With 7 major leaks or hacks in the last 14 years, People are not exactly thrilled at the idea to put their info in the hands of a company with a subpar security, especially if some of that info could be linked to a credit card or other personal info that could be used to steal their identity. If you take privacy and personal data security seriously, this is could be a big deal.

And then there is those, who are mostly just mad Sony is trying to put their service overtop of steam, as the game clearly works without that extra layer and login already, so it’s presence really isn’t needed for anything gameplay wise, and just some method for sony to add people to their internal metrics or potentially use it as a backdoor way to throw more adverts for other sony products onto users who don’t already own a playstation. The late entry of such a service and not even making it a requirement to at least register it to a PSN account even if the login feature wasn’t working as intended at the time could have at least cushioned the blow here.

Ultimately, this entire thing is a PR nightmare where the publisher basically did nothing and sold in regions they should have known were ineligible for PSN access, made no serious comments on the game or their intentions, and expected a small studio to handle everything on their end with seemingly no support aside from the start up investment in return for the studio pushing out premium warbonds once a month to keep the income flowing.

Me remembering all those origin fan boys going on and on how steam customer service sucks without taking that sliver of a second to ask why they constantly had to use EAs customer services all the time.

Their terms of service specifically say if you spoof your location or do not sign up in your country you will subject to review and punishment. Aka permabanned

6 is a direct sequel to 5, which was a reboot (and partially remake of with how much got recycled) 4.

I don’t think we’ll ever get a continuation of EDF 3/4 (2017/2025) aside from the continuity nod that was World Brothers.


Game came out in japan year and a half ago.

80% of the game was already made in the form of Fallout 3. 10 years prior NV would have been considered an expansion pack, not a standalone game. Most of what they did was story work and added a few new things like gambling mini games and use the ingame editor to make new npc faces and clothing. It was an impressive undertaking but they still bit off more than they could chew

For anyone who wasn’t into Fallout in 2010 when the game launched: it was a fucking disaster. Crashes, broken story triggers and in some cases completely unplayable. The fact that it got 80 was a miracle and it was only months after their original deadline they got the game working. A lot of fans were also rightfully pissed DLC was beinf dropped before patches for day one bugs.

Majority of their pay was contracted on a bonus to be awarded if they for a metacritic score of 85 by a certain deadline after launch.

The game was rushed and underfunded and Obsidian wasn’t really up to the task resulting in a pretty catastrophic launch that took over a year to fix all the bugs while also shoveling out DLC.

They were decieved into thinking it’d be an easy job and missed the mark just like how they fumbled the KotoR2 launch just 6 years priorr. And lost their bonuses as a result.

Not ruining the fun is kind of the point, and not all hackers and cheaters are benevolent, greifing other players in their game.

Further more, every victory adds to the score for that planet and factoring into the galactic score, which is the primary vehicle for storytelling to the community. Which the Devs clearly want to be a community effort of the players and also feedsback into how they balance the game.

So cheaters or hackers adding a lot of false data or win to that pool could result in the devs overturning new content, nerfing existing items or buffing enemies to put the difficulty curve where they want it. I don’t think many players would appreciate a sudden difficulty spike because cheaters made the game too easy.

You’re missing the point. Player counts for that game dived because despite fairly regular new content and replay value, the meta and power creep pushed all players into using very similar functioning builds with everything that could be considered an alternate playstyle being so underperforming many people couldn’t even make them work in the 2-3 difficulty range. HD2 has much better variance in maps and enemies, so as long as devs keep the trickle of new content and powercreep under control this game easily has a 6-8 year shelf life. Community will trickle downwards like all games do as they age and new games pop up. But as long as the devs don’t fall into the trap of caving to vocal minority of players demanding any exploits they find stay in the game, we could easily have 100k-200k regular pops a year from now.

Did you ever played Payday 2, where powercreep made us go from guns with all the best attachments could maybe kill the toughest enemy in the game in half a mag, or about 15 shots, to the devs needing to implement 3 (technically 4) more difficulty levels with new enemies that were just old enemies with more resistances or 10 times the health as their stock launch counterparts, and those things dying in 2 hits from all the meta build weapons. All because they kept introducing more powerful weapons, more attachments that made launch guns more and more obsolete, and general more power creep through skill tree expansions and entirely new jobs for perks. The player counts for that game dove off a cliff after players realized each DLC was just pay 2 win garbage and even using stuff you could get only from the base game and free updates left every weapon feeling samey with the same tactics being used and things not in the meta utterly ignored by anyone playing end game content. Because instead of reigning in the things that overperformed and broke the balance curve, they just kept powercreeping new items into the game.

For starters: complete lack of features and user support. EGS gives you the game and basically no way to interact with the community around that game. They don’t support Linux, which is huge for some people, but also makes some peripherals like Steamdeck that operate on Linux entirely incompatible.

Because their user support is so bad, nobody really chooses EGS to buy/play games from, so Epic tries to take that choice away buy giving payouts to publishers to only let the game be on their store for six months or longer, meaning anyone who wants to play such a game has to come to them. This is also why you see a lot of free games, EGS trying to lure people to their “service”.

Which is where the real big problem comes in. Instead of user beneficial features, most of the storefront and game launcher is bloat ware that would rather show you more and more ads for other products on their store than let you get into the game you want to play. And if reports are true, advertising games already in your library. So they aren’t even trying to tailor a custom user experience, they are just blasting you with a bunch of shit till something sticks (or you uninstall)

There have also been allegations of EGS scanning personal computer files outside of its install directory, which is scummy enough on its own but its also transmitting that data back to their central server, which gets handed off to Tencent, the Chinese owned company that is a big investor in Epic and has their own history of scandal and anti consumer behavior. So if this all is happening, its hard to say just what data on your computer is behind handed off to Tencent and the Chinise Government because you wanted to play a silly game on an inferior game service.