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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


It’s on switch and always on sale. I think I got it for $20. I’m sure after a bit on PC price will drop.

I’m currently running through it on a switch. If they can port it to the fucking switch of all things, I don’t see why not PC. Wild that they are finally doing it like a decade n a half later

With how much JK Rowling won’t stop running her mouth about trans people, I’m surprised there’s still any value left in the brand. Imo it’s off putting having the writer tweeting all day to be an edgelord and refusing to just drop it. Oddly enough, my kid was just invited to a Harry Potter themed birthday today, and this is the 2nd time today I’ve heard about anything Harry Potter related, but in the last 5 years, I don’t think I’ve heard a peep.

I just hated the introduction of a new enemy. The Prometheans sucked, and so did their weapons. 343 clearly did that so they could put their own stamp on it. The new weapons sucked for the most part. They also Call of dutied up a bunch of parts of the multiplayer which was lame.

I don’t know about that with Jim Jeffries is one of my go tos. They see how much Jim knows about a given subject and have an expert in the field listening and grading. It’s funny z and I’ve learned a lot from it too.

My neighbor had a Saturn, and like literally no one else I knew did. Having said that, it was bad ass, and the graphics were unreal for the time period. Iirc it was out before N64, and had proper 3d graphics. It’s weird that it never succeeded. Was it just super expensive or what?

Makes sense. Imo little of column A, little column B. I used to be a super active gamer and played online a ton. At a certain point, online gaming just wasn’t fun anymore. It felt like what was once a level playing field got obliterated by micro transactions and loot crates. The last game I really played online was Halo 4 I believe, and I kinda stopped after that. Had a couple of kids n now I’ll play switch with them, but if I’m playing by myself I look for a good single player campaign game over any kind of multiplayer. I don’t even bother with them anymore.

Go figure. Bog down a product with micro transactions and bullshit, and people don’t wanna buy it. I’m shocked.

I stopped giving a fuck at like avengers 2 or 3. That was like 10 years ago, but they keep making em.

This game was a goddamn masterpiece and I won’t hear your slander on the controls even if I haven’t played ithe original in 20 years and it didn’t age well. They re-released it on Xbox about a decade or so ago, and I recall it being OK. Me n my jinjos got mad love for Banjo and / or Kazooie. Everything Rare put out in this gen was great.

This phone supported LTE

There might have been a windows version, but I definitely had an android one.

Or have them spawn during electrical storms.

Haven’t gotten around to Baldurs gate 3 yet, but I have heard good things. Those other examples are phenomenal games. Games like that are few and far between tho. Most are absolute grind fests and it’s not even fun to game online anymore.

I like it. If Google didn’t send me a new pixel 6a when my 5a broke, I’d have bought one right now. Hopefully these catch on and are still around in a few years when this one breaks. I’ll get one for sure…

If this isn’t the first multiplayer game where you team up to kill whales, idk if I wanna play