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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


i saw someone mention fennec in another thread. it’s on fdroid and updated a few weeks ago… seems to be wokring okay… but … like an hour in.

You can self host and the main matrix bridge maker works with them… also this year self hosted bridges locally on your phone incoming .

there’s a mod that works pretty well for that… nucleuscoop (it might have rebranded… haven’t loaded it in a bit)

Oh sweet, I have something either not suggested or I missed…

titanfall 2’s campaigned challenged me like the first half-life and moved me like the second half-life. and it’s often like 4 usd. the bad is that it’s a short campaign but the good is the campaign and its replayablitity. i hear they fixed multiplayer but i can’t play with those gods.

awesome, thank you… i’ll have to read into this more!

how does shelter differ from insular - assuming you know. I just haven’t seen that one and am curious


A lot of bangers in the comments, but I didn’t see my favorite!

container (kinda) for your apps https://f-droid.org/packages/com.oasisfeng.island.fdroid/

Titanfall 2 is 3 bucks again. Such a steal for such a good campaign… It’s a short campaign but it’s so fun

hmm, a surprisingly lack of mentioning of joining us moderately happy linux gamers. join us :) some games run better by ‘magic’

i cloud game and luckily there’s back ups. but i boot the cloud, boot moonlight and click skse64… about 1.5 months skyrim will update. and its a pita. steam just be like that. it’s honestly why i havent tried fo4 lately. i wanna bad.

There is… But let me tell you… I’ve had to restore my backups several times. Occasionally steam just will update it… It drives me nuts

Aye, I’ve always seen these things and never have a chance… Maybe that changes today

Edit - didn’t realize I should mention a game. I’ve been eyeing fallout 4 for modding and it’s hecking cheap atm

August 2023 they mention in the blog an update stuff from megi. Maybe since I’m in the chatrooms a bit more I see the stuff happening… It’s very active. But yeah the pine64 link might have not been ideal, but I wanted to show they were still about, but they don’t focus on deving perse

And I think that’s a fair assessment for the general population… I love my pro and can daily drive it. I carry it everyday but my sim stays in my android ATM, only because my job requires me to not miss a single call and my one work area is already spotty with my android… Long story short my android lives in tethering. That said, when ever I have an excuse, my pro is my main phone. I love the experience… But I’ve been fucking around with Linux since like 2005. If you’re not already a Linux nerd, I don’t know if I can say it’s a good first foray into it…

there’s been a lot of development.

https://pine64.org/blog/ https://xnux.eu/log/ https://linmob.net/

just depends what you’re into. megi just figured out audio stuff for calls but he be busy. plasma mobile is a ton of dev’ing going on.

Not really a huge comment or critique… More just wanna spread the good word


No. I genuinely doubt it ever will… Huge pinephone stan here but I don’t see it happening. And before you make the purchase… Please be sure you know what you’re getting into… I’m so sick and tired of folks popping in the chat rooms asking how to install android. We’re actually dealing with a lot of spam lately due to a clearly butt hurt person…

I was so hype to watch two big ass robots do nothing to each other… I’m down for another hour long video, regardless.

If your unrooted it involves downloading the APK and patching it with the manager. Can take a little to figure out what patches work or not. Luckily they recently added ‘recommended’ patches to make that a bit easier. It was a bit of a roll of the dice prior