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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


Yeah I don’t believe a single thing CDPR says anymore. I’m still waiting for them to release the patch that makes your decisions in Cyberpunk actually matter. Fool me once.

Still waiting for the patch that makes this game feel a little less* soulless.

Shame that EA ruined SimCity. I miss it so much.

While most everyone loves Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

We do? I’m still waiting for a release date!

And shit like this is why I don’t like MMOs. The game should be ending once I’ve played long enough to max my character. Like you said, the journey is the point of RPGs IMO.

I don’t know how old you are, but I feel like younger people say this more often than older people.

As someone who saw the transition from 8-bit to 16-bit to 32/64-bit in their childhood, graphics were everything from the 80s until at least the 2000s. Each new generation was leaps and bounds better than the last; I remember the discussions in the playground being centered around nothing but graphics every time a new console was announced. Nobody talked about the games.

Nowadays we have incremental updates at best, so now people care less and less about graphics like they used to. Not me, though. I’m still a graphics slut and an absolute whore for path traced games. I’ll play a game I don’t enjoy if it has the latest in graphics tech.

Well the game is out and luckily the rumors weren’t true.

With a medium-density city, I get about 40 FPS @ 4K in the sequel. With the same-sized city, I used to get 20 FPS in the original, so twice the FPS is a massive improvement IMO. But people are still salty cause we live in a world where anything less than 60 FPS @ 1440p is unacceptable. Which is stupid as fuck cause you don’t need 240+ FPS in a city-building game with next to no action in it that would require such a high framerate.

It’s worth the cost, given the fact that a computer holds considerably more value in terms of usability. You can’t write a resume or edit videos on a Playstation, for example. (Well I’m sure you could if you were determined enough, but you get my point.) And like I said, accessories like controllers are generally more expensive on consoles, and you have to pay a monthly fee to play online. This stuff adds up quickly; you’ve paid less up front, yes, but in the long run you spent more on your console than you would on a PC over the course of its lifespan.

Not to mention that PCs work just as well in the living room on a giant TV. I’m typing this comment from such a setup. Keyboard in lap, mouse on either the armrest or a table directly to the right of it. It’s very comfortable.

Lastly, I get the resale argument, but it takes decades for most games to gain enough collector’s value to be worth my time to sell it (if it ever happens at all). More often than not, you’ll get $5-10 at best if you’re lucky. It’s cheaper in the long run to just take advantage of Steam sales, and there’s the added bonus of getting to keep your games forever.

edit: Also, mods.

You could fix it somewhat with mods, by forcing cars to take specific lanes. Didn’t solve the problem, but it helped. Can’t wait to try the new traffic AI in the sequel.

This article on their website goes into detail on exactly how they’re planning on fixing the traffic issues. The AI will actually change lanes this time!

Yes they improved a lot of the gameplay in FO4, but Bethesda sucks at writing a good story. Just look at Starfield.

And yes, FO76 is worse. I was careful with my wording in the other comment.

I’d still give it a try. FO4 was one of the worst games in the series.

So you’ve never played Fallout: New Vegas?

Wow, just wow. You’re missing out.

Reminds me of the early days of PUBG, when they started banning people for using Reshade. Instead of, you know, fixing the blurry, desaturated graphics. They eventually added a sharpening setting but to this day the game still looks dull, which makes enemies hard to spot in a game that heavily relies on being able to see.

Does it have a hardware switch to prevent apps from taking screenshots? I hate so much that they can do it at any time without you ever knowing.

Aren’t layoffs the norm for the games industry? You hire a bunch of people to make your new AAA title. A few years later, the game is out and the bugs are fixed, and now you don’t need all these employees anymore. Rinse and repeat when you’re ready to make the next AAA title.

Not defending the practice, but developers shouldn’t be surprised when they’re laid off after the company deems that they’re no longer needed.

The sad thing was that CoD Mobile was the last decent game in the series. Just think about that for a moment: a freaking cell phone game is better than any CoD title to come out on actual gaming systems in practically a decade.

You can already play it in VR with Vorpx.

I’m more interested in a VR remake with path tracing.

Beautiful landscapes, boring gameplay.

You’re right, I didn’t notice that anything was missing until I started reading threads here and on the Steam forums. I’m having fun playing casual.

Don’t worry I don’t bother with all that shit. I practice by playing deathmatch. I just want to be good enough to stay out of silver this time around. That’s enough for me.

Been playing casual. Doing a lot better than I thought I would. So now I’m wondering if I’m better than I thought, or if casual matchmaking is skill-based as well.

They should have called it CS: Source 2, then. The game hasn’t changed enough to be considered a sequel. They made the same amount of improvements to this one as they always have in the last. Doesn’t make sense to call it a full-blown sequel.

They probably figured that if Blizzard could get away with calling it Overwatch 2, despite being the same game, they probably could too.

So do you think the game is worth getting back into now, or should I just give up all hope at ever being half decent at this game?

Last time I played was in 2014. Started as a Silver I, and worked my way up to Gold 1. I was never a competent player. I feel like if I try to get back into it now, the game will just be full of the same old players from past CS titles and I’ll still stand zero chance of ever getting gud. Or do you think the sequel will bring in enough new players that I might do alright?

Why is it called CS2, though, instead of CS4? I mean, it’s the fourth game in the series, isn’t it?

  1. CS
  2. CS:Source
  3. CS:GO
  4. CS2???

Good. Can’t wait to destroy noobs in multiplayer a second time around (before they practice and get better than me like what happened the first time the game was released.)

Yeah that’s what I’m saying. Furthermore, if you want a high framerate (120+ FPS) and no-compromise ray tracing, you’re going to have to spend way more than $500. The PS5 is an extremely good value for what you get.

Well as someone who has played the PC version, I can immediately tell that this game is probably running on Medium or possibly even Low. There’s fewer confetti particles, the explosion is less detailed, the fur doesn’t look as real and the lighting isn’t as good. Not to mention that it’s running non-native resolution/no DLSS cause you can clearly see the ailiasing. That said, it looks great for a $500 machine. My PC was over $4K cause I just had to have a 4090 (after I saw how disappointing the rest of the RTX 4000 lineup was. I usually only buy midrange GPUs).

In other words: Optimization.

You’re probably right. I like RPGs and I love science fiction, but for some reason I just can’t get into Cyberpunk. You’d think I’d enjoy it but nope. The story just doesn’t captivate me and there isn’t much to do outside of the campaign, so…

How are you enjoying Starfield so far? I somehow managed to play for over 30 hours before I realized that the story isn’t very engaging and that I’m not having any fun. The only entertainment I’m getting is from looting a bunch of junk I’ll never use, but I can do that in literally any Bethesda game. Just curious what you think.