Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.
I want to add, this was an existing ruling, they just clarified the rule. Every article it seems is using each-others clickbait titles(the linked article even references it in the edit).
The change that they made was that they added a dedicated section to the developer guidelines, where before they only had it on their pricing page.
This rule has been in effect for 5 years now according to steamdb.
Honestly this really depends on how much you use the service $80 a year is probably four or five decent games that you keep forever versus every game that’s part of the catalog which is constantly rotating. But if you are someone who plays a game once to completion and then never touches it again, using subscription-based services like this makes Financial sense, unless you’re planning on using physical copies only and selling after
If you are more interested in games that you keep forever>! ignoring licensing clauses cause steam!< and you run on pc, I would highly recommend humble choice it’s like 150/$160 a year and they give you like six or seven games a month that you can have forever, not all of them are great but in my opinion it’s worth the money paid.
I feel like I need to add in this is being disingenuous. As someone who had the Ps3 during that time, for the most part PlayStation network was fairly reliable. With the exception of the 2011 Anonymous hack that took their entire system down for a month. But they came back and gave a handful of games free to everyone that was involved out of it.
Like sure it would be down for an hour or two at a time periodically during update windows, but that’s standard and it was a mostly reliable service,
I would play the PS3 basically daily cuz I was a massive Cod fan at the time. I rarely ever had an issue of logging on and having the network be offline.
Because at the end of the day it’s not worth it for the company, they don’t have enough reputation loss out of not having the product available to Warrant the effort to put the system like that. They’re not losing any money because the scalpers are still buying, Plus for some reason users aren’t putting two and two together that if they didn’t buy the scalpers products the scalpers would stop scalping and therefore the cycle just continues
If people would just stop buying cards at or above MSRP from third-party sellers, this problem would have been done away with 5 years ago
What I’m saying is that you have to look at the bigger picture. Not only Sony would be affected by that, back in 2011 when they were breached consumers were charged in the estimated tens of millions of dollars range. A figure that Sony only ended up having to repay about 15 million in settlement fees for after a solid year and a half.
Additionally, Sony still managed to go up in profit that year, despite the PR nightmare out of it. Going up from 1.2 billion after operating costs in 2010 to 1.4 billion after operational costs in 2011 and still made 1.1 billion in 2012 ( after the 172 million in damages was done)
I understand hating big business and their practices as much as the next guy, but I have a hard time getting a sense of satisfaction knowing that at the end of the day the company itself isn’t going to be impacted by the hack more than a small itch, while fucking over the everyday consumer significantly more
Why would you want them to be breached? The only people that are going to be negatively affected by that are the users who was involved in the breach.
Understand hating a company but I find it to be pretty selfish if you’re okay with third party being affected just to fit your personal agenda.
It’s what separates the corporate tiers with the consumer level. The ability to care.
It looks like that is how they’re currently implementing it, they are sending to the providers as well but this is how they’re doing it with the app itself currently. So you are correct if you’re using anything that isn’t Google messages currently it doesn’t do anything
I’m expecting this technology to eventually evolve to have a setting where it detects if the person you’re sending to is currently on a technology that supports it and will warn you, like how the RCS system currently Works
I have an unpopular opinion in this it seems.
Like to me it’s an obvious feature, the ability to delete after sending is standard on every other IM style tech out there. It makes sense RCS will have it as well.
Just from a comvienence point of view it would be amazing to have. Talked to them in person? OK I’ll delete this since o longer needed. Sent the wrong item? I’ll just delete it. Autocorrect fucked up and sent something atrocious to your significant other? Believe it or not, delete and try again.
Sure it could have issues with preserving court evidence but, they could also just screenshot or have something that logs messages.
Also looking at the implementation it looks like it’s still going to show evidence that something was deleted much like how Facebook has it, where it says a message was deleted so it can still be used as this is where the evidence was, but they deleted it.
And judging by the fallback message shown, it’s also entirely possible that it will be a setting much like how the RCS setting is, where you can toggle if it deletes or not.
I did follow the entire story, the lead dev was very adamant that they were not going to be given any support for it. They said their Linux userbase wasn’t worth the hassle(wasn’t enough players using it). They were also dismissive of any of the linux discussion for people that wanted to be. I guess “hostile” wouldn’t be the right term, since they never said anyone should not use linux, but they were extremely against Linux as a whole, due to the ideology that they believed that it was mostly hackers on linux. Potential workarounds were provided to the devs that would have allowed it to continue working under wine, their excuse for it was that the crash reports the incompatible WINE clients would have would poison their reporting datasets, which in my opinion is a full cop out.
being said, I do want to add that there was some devs that wanted to keep it wine support, and they did so which is why it was allowed to function under wine for so long, but unfortunately the lead devs and a few managers with this ideology made the final call and disabled it.
I guess I would prbe concidered more of a usual Sim fan, I can’t tell if your tone is intended to be dickish or if you’re picking fun, I’m leaning picking fun
To each their own, if you can find fun out of something that the game doesn’t provide you then so be it. I however much rather preferred a structured gameplay so I found the game to be tediously boring once you ran out of objectives. If you can find entertainment through other means then feel free to do so.
As I said this game was fun as a every once in awhile thing, but in terms of structured content there is no replayability you have to find your own fun.
I’m hoping that they can run through a more structured style gameplay with the Paradox acquisition, but they’re pretty 50/50 on full sandbox versus structure
I’m sure this is a big factor as well, Roblox… well is old, like it’s something that was launched back in 06, and while it didn’t have as much monetization push back then, it was a lot more friendlier of an environment and had the feeling of an accepting platform where you could just chill. It has since devolved into your typical corporate entertainment zone. People might like the platform but, you can only rinse and repeat the same tactics so many times before people get sick of it being shoved into your face. Like you used to be able to enter maps without having 3 subscription tiers thrown in your face, you used to play them legitimately without having to worry about accidentally spending money on a game because you stepped on the wrong block. It’s very heavy “give me money” now. So I’m sure that something that gives a breath of fresh air might be something people are interested in as well.
I assume that it’s his relation to endorsing X again after he left it’s(bsky) board after bsky refused to enter federation territory and then proceeded to add moderation tools to the platform (an action he was strictly against as he wanted it to be completely freedom of ideas).
TBH I agree with a lot of his mentality on it(that it should be further into the federation territory), while I do think some moderation tools are needed, but I think he loses all credit to his claims by endorsing X as the platform that is capable of doing what he wants.
I feel this is likely assisted by the fact that they have been extremely hostile to the Linux user-base. While the people that used linux as a whole were a minority, a good portion of them were devs. There is a reason that roblox studio kept wine support where the main client blocked it, they didn’t want to isolate their map devs from the platform. However as it turns out, it’s hard to create maps on an OS that you can’t actually test your creations on, which is why the innovation as a whole for their maps have stagnated in the last few years. Less people willing to make maps for a platform that is super in your face with cash grab moments, while also being inconvenienced by artificial restrictions placed by a Dev team who still has the mentality that Linux = Hax0rs
Thank god, this was well overdue. In my opinion though they should have changed the color to be the red backdrop like what they do when the game is incompatible with your system, because people are going to miss that notice since it doesn’t look all that different from the standard Early Access notice
depends on how its being implemented tbh, steam for example has protections against that stuff. But if they keep the “third party account may be required” style of warning on the page, like they had with helldivers 2, steam will likely not do anything until Sony ok’d the refunds.
Defo avoid buying period unless that warning is gone.
NGL, loved palworld but their last major update that added the new research system combined with the new summoning system killed my passion to wanna play.
The new research system is clearly just a filler system because when playing boosted values people were finishing the game too fast. It’s moreorless a time lock and I hate those.
Hopefully they can address those issues in later updates, but I’m not holding my breath
that site must not work on mobile, every picture posted there is in black and white for me, which makes them look really ugly
The second link works though, as long as I stay on that image
Yeah definitely a mobile thing, because I just changed the filter over to gradient and you can tell there’s slight color involved but everything looks like shown through a dirty glass pane
I love that Banner though
For myself, I love the fact that it’s clear that it’s not an actual game controller, however you can tell it is meant to be. This gives the first glance look at a community that is gaming related without defaulting to a specific platform.
I would say that if the game controller icon gets changed it should keep that individuality, meaning that I wouldn’t recommend it become a picture of an actual controller or a diagram depicting an actual controller
The banner I can see yea I never noticed that before, but I like the community icon, it isn’t a currently valid gamepad(that I can recognize), but gets the point across it’s game related without hinting at a prioritization or preference of system.
If the icon changed I would love if it kept it’s individuality by remaining a fake controller instead of being an image(or depiction) of a real one.
They offer payment plans for a cell phones I’m waiting for the day that they start offering payment plans to purchase video games. They’ve already trialled with it with the hardware with the Xbox Series X launch with their all access pass, which don’t get me wrong was a great deal but, eventually we are going to hit the point where the everyday person if they want to buy a video game is going to have to do one of those by now pay later plans through like affirm or something, which is a scary thought. As is if it gets much higher than $100 it will qualify for paypals 6-month equal financing deal if you have their credit card, if this change had been just 6 months prior it would have already been qualified for it because they just recently raised their minimum so I think it’s like $120 or $140
This is my ideology as well, not the piracy part but the I refuse to buy a game for more than $30 and that game better have rocked the internet in terms of how amazing it was. For prospective the last game that I purchased for $30 was Elden ring when it went on sale a few months back and the last one prior to that was satisfactory when it launched on epic games
To be honest, they could launch the game as a 1 MB file that brings you to a black screen that says get fucked, and they would still make their money’s worth just out of the people who will blindly buy the game because they’ve been waiting for GTA 6 for so long that they bought it release day.
And then they could just move back to GTA V pretending nothing happened because the same people that would have impulse purchased GTA 6 with zero research are also the people who play GTA V religiously spending money on the micro transactions there and that isn’t going to cut their addiction
Just a reminder that no one’s forcing you to spend $100 on the game. If enough people refuse to do so the base cost of the game will go down again. Icarus is my most recent for example, I’ve had it on my wish list for almost a year and a half now, because I wasn’t willing to spend $35 on what that game provided. It’s currently on sale on Steam for $9.
God of War 2018 is currently $20 on PSN
I got Elden ring for $30 a few months back despite the fact that it’s still selling full price at 60.
If y’all are patient and wait they stopped making money on the game which means that they lower the cost to try to incentivize people to buy it.
Plus the first year of sale of a game is The Game’s most important release window, because companies generally will use the first year to decide how popular it was. If enough people refuse to buy the game at their original price point it will destroy their sales metric for the first year which will make it harder on the studio to justify to their parent company that it’s worth making another game, which means that they’re more incentivized to lower the base cost of the game within the first year of launch.
The rate of this is significantly slowed down if everyone is just like oh okay I guess it’s $100 now and then buys it anyway, have patience and hold out, especially a game like GTA 6 where they’re going to gain more money off microtransactions then people actually buying the game. Honestly GTA 6 probably should have just been sold as a free to play because they operate like one
this is actually protocol at Walmart for exchanges. if you buy a game that is opened and try to return it you can’t return it, you can only exchange it. but since obviously you are getting a new game they open the seal for you to ensure that the person doesn’t just turn around and return it unopened in another store.
I agree with it on exchanges. I don’t think it’s a good idea for actual new sales though, I would be more on board of just opened all video game merchandise by default and selling it full price as open box, but that also causes issues with the return process, as there is no proof the game wasn’t used, it would need to force the return policy to be a no return once purchase policy like how video game CVP’s are.
Honestly the better option is just make it so video game merch is gift card only for returns. Receipt required + can only get it back as a gift card would be a better option, as they would then need to find a seller for the gift card to convert it to money, and at that point they would just use a different defrauding system.
The downside of this is, it momentarily screws over people who accidentally buy the wrong game, or buy a duplicate game someone else got them, but they could just swap that game out for a new game (or anything else in the store) as an alternative. An option which is still far better than merchants who generally have a strict no return once bought policy.
This is also assuming that the issue is at the store level with someone abusing the return system. This could 100% be someone at assembly level defrauding the cases, and there isn’t anything the store level can really do about that without screwing over legitimate customers with the return process.
That’s what I’m thinking, I’ve never even heard of this game so now gotta go check it out
Okay I’m back, and just looking at it I’m real concerned about these sandbox aspect of it, most of what I liked about satisfactory was the free roam but guided adventure, and sandboxes don’t generally have that
My issue with the ruling wasn’t the ruling itself, cause I can understand the argument. It was the non-equal enforcement of it. Games with actual gambling in it were rated lower than a game with the similar aspects but no actual monetary aspects. That’s ridiculous. If you want to make poker 18+, then just do it across the board instead of picking and choosing your ratings.