• 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


If gameplay itself is dependant on online servers, the game has to release a working version of the server code so it at least could be run by fans, or be refunded.

I replied to one of it a while ago and basically, this part is impossible since developer also “license” 3rd party backend/plugins/software solutions to make their server working. The developer do not have the right to release licensed code/api etc.

meaning, say if a backend have the free learning version of license, the developer are bound to the commercial license, which dictates if they can release code that involve 3rd party code/api.

so they embeded a separate launcher?? welp, it’s also not necessary, the EOS backend does not need the Epic launcher. As far as I know, the only cross platform/cross play back end is EOS. Sony have their own PC/PSN cross play in example of Helldivers 2. Capcom have their backend and the up coming Monster Hunter Wild is their first title to support cross play. (it was always separated in their past games.) Some big Chinese/Korean dev have their proprietary cross platform backend to support their mobile/console/PC games. (like Genshin)

If you do know any 3rd party cross play back end service please let me know.

Steam backend are not cross play ready for consoles, EOS backend can.

I will wait until they fixed some issues DF mentioned before I’ll buy it. (also currently busy with other games.)

I checked the website, so it’s like a micro scripted app compilation?? Does the thing is a run/tweak then close, or does it needs to reside as a background service/task?

Rocket League, still enjoy the game play, it will not likely “dead” anytime soon until they figure out how to make actual way to merge entire thing into Fortnite. (fortnite’s long input lag just aren’t good enough for rocket league atm)

I have not doing any other F2P or GaaS for a long time. ( does Monster Hunter series considered GaaS?)

“Giving away free games seems counterintuitive as a strategy, but companies spend money to acquire users into games,” said Sweeney. "For about a quarter of the price that it costs to acquire users through Facebook ads or Google Search Ads, we can pay a game developer a lot of money for the right to distribute their game to our users, and we can bring in new users to the Epic Games Store at a very economical rate.

Good for Epic.

“And you might think that this would hurt the sales prospects of games on the Epic Game Store, but developers who give away free games actually see an upsurge in the sale of their paid games on the store, just because their free game raises awareness. And it’s so much that often developers, when they’re about to launch a new game, come with us wanting to work closely on a timed release of a free game, just to drive user awareness of their next game. That’s been an awesome thing. And it’s been by far the most cost effective aspect of the Epic Games Store.”

Good for developers, that have decent enough games.

“We spent a lot of money on exclusives,” said Sweeney. “A few of them worked extremely well. A lot of them were not good investments, but the free games program has been just magical.”

Exclusives, of course this is the expected result, because that how game publishing/marketing works. People in this thread talking like publishers make a lot of money on 80% of their released games. (<-- it’s not, in case you did not get it. ) I think it’s just Tim Sweeney’s way of saying, we will adjust our approach in the future, like what any publicly traded CEO would do.

Someone will have it and then later if necessary there will be community re-written version. (crowd funded for example ) Doesn’t make sense to chase down a taken down version at this point.

edit: article was updated, the maker gonna re-do the parts from pre-AMD funding point so it’s a clean one.

Andrzej Janik updated the GitHub repository a few minutes ago with the message:


What happened

The code that was previously here has been taken down at AMD’s request. The code was released with AMD’s approval through an email. AMD’s legal department now says it’s not legally binding, hence the rollback. Before anyone asks: I have received no legal threats or any communication from NVIDIA.

What now

At this point, one more hostile corporation does not make much difference. I plan to rebuild ZLUDA starting from the pre-AMD codebase. Funding for the project is coming along and I hope to be able to share the details in the coming weeks. It will have a different scope and certain features will not come back. I wanted it to be a surprise, but one of those features was support for NVIDIA GameWorks. I got it working in Batman: Arkham Knight, but I never finished it, and now that code will never see the light of the day:

So six months after the code was made public as open-source, at the request of AMD’s legal department, that ZLUDA code has now been removed. Though given it’s Git and may have been cloned, the open-source code likely exists elsewhere by those that were intrigued by this effort.

recall, immediately foot the bill and still have to fix something they probably haven’t fix yet. (the article mention maybe microcode update in August. ) taking lawsuits, they can drag it on and buy themselves time to figure out how to deal with it.

the legal side thing is, unless the claimant can prove that intel “knew” about this and still selling the broken item, there is not much they can do about it other than going through warranty process and get a replacement. However, now many outlet prove that to be a case from small companies to big data centers, they can’t keep selling those units as if they are not broken. Some thing needs to be done properly(like as MS for a mandatory update if detect such CPU or work with MB for BIOS update with a feature block) from their legal dept and make sure new buyers have ways to mitigate it.

Yes. If for device or system that use dx->vulkan wrapper like proton, then it’s possible to enable it. It’s a driver side provided feature once compiled to support it you can enable it. (like frame gen basically)

edit: features like FSR3 or DLSS requires game side support means the game binary needs to compile with their tech to support.

frame gen is not miracle algorithms, you need high enough frame rate to begin with to get smoother interpolation. And spider man or games that have fast change of camera speed disregarding momentum is not going to help.

yeah, I’d have to solder a PS1 controller to printer port back then. even when controller moves to wireless(like dual shock 3) the protocol was proprietary until windows have a proper driver for them.

I think honestly they might be looking to have their own platform on PC one day to not paying the platform fee.

if they keep using steam backend for part of their PC framework, they will pay a lot more in the end, compare to invest now take some flames and properly push for their account backend on PC WHILE have steam’s market place/distribution work for them.

Don’t get me wrong, Sony already have the capability to server digital contents to all the PS5s, but it’s a closed system and no worry about hacking etc as much compare to PC.

It took me so long to bake all the maps and future map updates from Mods(threewave mostly) and publish on our dorm FTP. People that still play on CPU is at disadvantage for sure.

But after a while anyone that plays 3d game already have one. It basically trickle down to other players. (ie my voodoo1 was sold cheap to one of my friends back then when I got the voodoo2.)

you forget the amount of time needed to bake Quake translucent water patch.

It depends on how the studio signed the publishing contract and should they part ways, who owns the IP. But if the game loop is proven good and have fan base to sustain a studio, someone will take the torch if the game was shut by publisher.

I’m willing to double dip just to roam the world with my ultrawide oled again, I’ve never really touched the coop mode anyway in Ps4 and then later PS5’s remaster. I want to support the studio and I hope the Helldivers 2 event sends Sony a clear enough message. It’s only 2 days in and they will be monitoring metric etc. Remember how well that reddit blackout worked? But this time, steam seems to willing to refund for those delisted countries no issue, so players in those region can hit Sony in the pocket. (and sadly, AH as well. )

You can even skip the whole suite if you don’t need the AMD per game driver tweaks. OBS now come with direct AMD av1 support and also can record HDR content.(which relive can’t do.)

the creations are really small if I remember correctly, they are like kilobytes or things put together in a container. (there are maximum objects limits for the creation as well. ) I don’t know the max amount of favorite you can keep though, haven’t played the ps3 ones for quite a while.

which is really odd consider that they just released a console HDR patch and says they are working toward releasing FSR3.1 for both console and PC “soon”.

ST:E servers also crash at times so it’s not HD2 only feature. XD

I just want them to get MORE bugs(like way more, I know it’s more than what HD2 currently sustains, but with dedicated server they should be able to do more), MORE player support(>16, preferably have 32/64 players missions), and if bugs can fucking pile up like in movie I’d buy whatever cosmetic they have in store post launch.

If bug spawn is scalable to player count in the mission that would help as well, like a L4D AI director that spawns enemies depending on the difficulty slider and how well they are doing. We will see after today’s update.

I go look up and woah, Squad is almost 10 years old, next year would be it if including EA time. seems received quite okay with recent reviews on steam. DLC seems to be cosmetics only, I guess they need those extra cash from community haha. I don’t remember the mod drama, but if that’s the case the modder can just sue them for sure. (I do know they bought the Australian faction from modder if remembered correctly. )

I do think the ST:E xp wipe is justified and they do manage to keep career xp/level. If not I’d settle with some unique title or decal that only EA people get before 0.7 for their contribution. I mean EA player are basically paying alpha/beta customers that are willing to tolerate big changes/crashes/issues if it’s better for the future release. I think ST:E and Helldivers 2 are fundamentally different games and ST:E is just really rough on the mechanics side(since it was a squad mod originally), I have hope as it’s always one of my fantasy to shoot waves of bug and climb over their bodies since the movie. And just 4 players with orbital strikes doesn’t really fit that scenario of squads getting thrown into meat grinder. (yes, I also wish they can support more > 16 players ) It would be fucking insane if we can play 100 players against thousands of bugs. Actually, I’d settle with 64 as the game mechanism and enemy spawn now can’t sustain that many players doing coop and many player would get nothing to shoot with. well, man can dream, :P

care to expand on this more? I do know Squad seems to have a quite community split update but since I don’t focus heavy on milsim so I just take whatever youtuber presented and said. ST:E is still EA and judging from the last live stream they seem to bite the bullet hard upgrading to UE5, but engine upgrade is always hard but should pay dividends later down the road. Especially for a EA game, I think the general expectation for game to just blow up fro EA is really odd. Look at say BG3 or Hades during EA, they don’t have that high player count as well even though they are made by more well know devs than Offworld.

I paid and still get peppered with their promotion. So I stopped paying, then if it gets worse I will uninstall and use the web app as you can block elements with the ad blockers. (so even site hosted stuff you can single out elements to block. )

edit: yeah, unfortunately I can’t really just stop using it entirely, until my regular group server and some of the game’s server move somewhere else.

same, I was interested in the game but until recent video shows a ton of other things that I didn’t know stopped me in the track, reading the reviews didn’t help as well.

  • it has the survival loot shooter with RE inventory management phase which I don’t want to play, like not at all.
  • it has those mundane tasks like filling ammo for turrets etc, which I think doesn’t fit the game type I imagined.
  • it seems to have boring AI issues even during the siege phase so that’s another blow.

I think they have a good game in the beginning but throwing too many other things into the pot.

vs the linear plot AI, yeah, it’s super boring consider how OP the main character is. It really depends on how they execute the multiplayer side of thing as seen by the success of Helldivers 2. I honestly think that would be a cool coop/pvp game during my play through and fell short be cause the variety of the “gun” is lacking and perks are RNG based. The time limited mission kept repeating and gets boring after a while, so I just beeline and finished the story and post game(including DLC).

I refunded D3 after finding out how they gate the auction house and drop weapon level during launch window. Never even tried to get the updated version or D4 at all. Blizzard is dead for me at D3.

in short, the market is formed by the money spent and what kind of product people buy. Simply don’t buy the stuff you don’t want, and spend actual money on things you want. People need to learn that their own preference does not reflect the actual statistic distribution on what others find “worthy” of their money.

Yeah, they know they are doing though, they are aiming for those that work 9-5 have life and kids and some spare changes and milk them hard. Like this game would take 200 hours to complete fully with X hundreds of hours of post game content that was designed to make your grind, but you can also pay for this [xp booster, resource pack, legendary set, etc] to make sure you can enjoy the post game content if you don’t have the time to grind the game how it’s “meant to be played”.

In my AC:Odessey example, I think at one point the designer might be doing a heavy zelda influenced where you just pick up stuff enemies dropped and the blacksmiths are there for you to repair items broken as resource dump. (which make sense and very fitting of that era and how resource would work) But once that MTX department put their finger in now you have a derailed system. There is a spread sheet that list the hours required to upgrade a legendary piece to which level, and recommended level to get them(as their starting level is fixed and not like the enemy droppped item that matches your level), I saw the numbers and downloaded the cheat engine table the next hour.

I got AC:Odyssey during one of the sale cause I dig Greek mythology, had to get cheat engine and spare me the grind for upgrading gears and ship. Like sure you can just keep picking up randomly dropped Epic/Rare and replacement them when you leveling up(there are even player quest that put in specific spot to give you resource for those upgrades, just so other players can farm it) But I ain’t get any time for that, I just cheat engine in max out resource and upgrade my Legendary gears I found through out the game. And you know what? By the end of the game(and I didn’t find every Legendary, like maybe 60~70% of them) it would take me setting the resource to max twice to fully upgrade all my legendary + epic(with perks I like) gears. It would take probably months of my gaming time should I got it on console and can not use cheat engine.

No, upgrade gear is not required to finish the game. But after this experience I decides to never get another Ubisoft AC game nor any RPG on console or with always online feature(which means all transaction are done and authenticated to prevent cheating. ) I’ve done plenty open world, RPG, Monster Hunters without having to cheat. But the recent single player grinding + selling time saver booster pack make me whip out the cheat engine again. And I only cheat those stupid resource gating game that are designed to pad hours in to your play through.

Because FSR3 is really new, released Sep 2023. Even the games that actually can patch in FSR3 didn’t get to do it properly until Avatar nailed it and just earlier this month released another update to push it further. In short, AMD is working with devs to improve their plugin integration to various engine devs, and I don’t think 3.1 is the “end goal”.

FSR 3’s result really depends on how developer understand and work with the proposed render pipeline compare to DLSS(which basically runs AI kernal to guess what pixel values to fill). Especially with games that features pip scope(fake UI scopes with on the fly fov changes are fine) or some translucent elements where it can not do the velocity buffer properly. (basically most of the fringeness on edge or flickering/swimming are mostly from precision, and ghosting are from wrong velocity when you see the old FSR artifacts).

Not affiliate link, I happen to check and found it's at this price since last November. I order one and it won't be delivered until Feb 4th. https://www.amazon.ca/MSI-MEG-342C-QD-OLED/dp/B0C15JDWF4 If anyone has this let me know what things I might need to prepare(other than the size of the monitor, it's huge but I can fit it on my desk after measure the HxDxW. ) If there is any bad experience with it also let me know as I can always cancel it before it's shipped. It seems really highly reviewed monitor where the size is small enough to fit on my desk and is not like 2000+.

Gamesir T4 Cyclone Pro impression
I bought a controller after reading some reviews and just offer my opinion here, only after about an hour or 2 playing HiFi Rush, since the game does not support wired DualSense. And following is compare it to DualSense. 1. The controller feels really light compare to DualSense, it's not a bad thing but if you are using more sturdy cable instead of those soft cable you might feel the cable drag more. 2. the textile feels okay, not as good as DualSense one but it rough enough and won't slip around. You can feel the dot pattern that helps the controller stay fixed with that extra friction. I am no engineer in this area but if DualSense feel slippery, this will definitely feel better if not too rough. My honest opinion is that maybe it will feel better after use more time with our hand grease etc. 3. The stick cap have good grip BUT your skin bits will get trapped on it. From the look of it after I test the polling rate and play some of my palm skin are stuck on the left stick cap and it looks really hard to clean off because of the pattern it used. Might need to buy stick cap rubber just to make it easier to clean. 4. the face buttons are mechanical, as my first controller that has this feature I have to say it does require sometime to get use to compare to majority that use membrane buttons. Your muscle memory will play tricks to you as how far/hard you need to press and would mess up timing for games like HiFi Rush. So even though it's more precise and less prone to sticky button like membrane ones, you do have to test it out to see if it's what you can work with. If you play between PS5 games and the PC games using different type of buttons it might be a bit problematic. But they are really responsive microswitch and doesn't really need much force to push. 5. trigger is really light, since it's also haul effect, the tension is probably similar to DualSense without the game default status, but since PC game probably don't have standard to utilize those trigger resistance thing, I probably need to find the app to config how heavy the trigger should feel if they offer that option.(as this controller seems to provide trigger vibration, which means it should be able to adjust the trigger resistance. ) 6. It does come with 2 back button you can map to any of the existing buttons. I didn't enable them yet and might use them in the future. 7. There are no windows app to do the settings. There are short cut keys to allow you to switch between different modes or bind buttons but more detailed settings does require the phone app. 8. The controller come with latest firmware already. No 1000hz polling rate yet. It's pretty consistent and close to 500Hz when I use the gamepadla test. 9. The LED on the controller home button is really bright, if you like to play in the dark it's gonna be a bit distracting. I will probably use a sticker to reduce it's intensity. You do need the led to show you what status it's in when your try to pairing and use with phone app or other device, like switch, so removing the led is not a good idea. But I am going to use this controller mostly wired so I guess I can tape it. Things to look out for? * how long it actually last as the sensor don't drift doesn't mean the springs etc won't degrade. * as mentioned in many reviews, the dpads are not as good. if you play fighting game with a pad this is not for you.(very easy to miss diagonal) I don't play fighting games on a gamepad so I am fine with it. * connector quality, this is also something that could get worse over time, and won't know it until it starts to break. But from initial use, it does hold the USB C quite firm and well.

Exclusive: China removes official after video games rules spark turmoil
Well look at China back paddle again, where is that "evidence" some troll mentioned about and psychology class 101 blah blah. This is so predictable just like the western "think for the kids" policy changes without any long term thinking or any science backing that decision. (like some US states pushing for abstinent for sex ed instead of safe sex and then cost a lot more social or politically cause unwanted baby or black market abortion.) For any one that tries to hail that and ban mtx, gacha, season pass, but do not put more energy on pushing legislation to ban lottery, casino, mall gacha eggs, trading cards, kinder eggs or McDonald kid's meal collectables, you are a hypocrite. We need more education on math(probability and game theory), sales strategy and involved psychology tricks( FOMO, door in the face, etc), financial/budgeting literacy and planning like you teach how to eat healthy and exercise, as they affect your everyday life. We can push for things that collect data for strange spending behavior(enforced if they play those gacha/mtx/online casino) and catch vulnerable people that are prone to become gambling addicts and direct them to therapy and bar them from more spending if cross a threshold(say $500/month) defined by law or regulation to protect their finance(play.com in Canada has something similar if I remember). Well, until the psychologist and bank says okay as we can't stop retirees to burn their fun allowance for whatever they like, like we can't stop you from buying collector edition and then they sit somewhere collecting dust. Or, you know, go to arcade burn like 100 dollars and then your ticket only trades for toys you can buy at dollar store for maybe 10 bucks total. Some people burn that money for the experience knowing fully well they won't make a return, and are not addicts. And for the trolls, I don't care about the up/down votes anywhere, feel free to waste your time do that.