Better than butt stuff

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Not to say it looks bad by any means, but I think it’s a shame that a game with such phenomenal pixel art is moving to 3D

I heard they were trying to use magnets for the first switch, the snapping sound effect supposed to be them snapping into place. However, they caused too much interference so they switched to the runners. I imagine, if they’re trying again, they’ve been working on getting them working for a while.

I believe that was the same year as Fallout 76, which has come out as being made to boost Bethesda’s stock before the Microsoft buyout. I would not be shocked at all if the trailer was put out solely for the same reason.

Sony has twice tried to make a handheld work, twice did fantastic with hardware with features ahead of its time and then… nothing. They immediately give up. I loved the Vita and see the Switch as basically Vita 2. A bit more work and that could have been yours, Sony.

I would love for them to get into a handheld fight with Nintendo, as both Nintendo and Sony put out much more quality stuff when they are trying to prove themselves against someone and both have been coasting in their corners for a while now.

This is fair. I am usually not in spaces where I’d see it much but have heard tell. Part of why I say it is to not have people feel shamed if they just generally like the culture/pop aesthetic involved without any baggage and to encourage people to do what they can to counter co-opt attempts

This is hyperbole. A large amount of racists and bigots are into norse stuff? Maybe. Almost all people in the norse stuff are racists and bigots? High doubt, and shouldn’t be allowed to be coopted anyway. Loki is one of the few ancient figures with some gender fluid markings as it is.

Feels like this is made in an attempt to get outrage clicks, but I’m pretty sure the show has a legitimate claim to “The Game Awards” as a trademark.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines Not only is it fantastic, it would benefit greatly from a remake due to how the code is held together by tape and dreams of a better future

PC games are a bit different simply from how open they are. It was too easy to rip disks which is part of how the perception of PC gamers as nothing but pirates came about in the 00’s. Part of the reason that early Steam sales were so legendarily good was because so many publishers had written PC gaming off as a lost cause.

Any time a company says “People don’t want x” what they mean is “We don’t want people to want x”, usually due to money, effort, control, or a mixture of the three.

Ah yes. If there’s one thing that the Playstation has been known for over the years, it’s been a very narrow selection of games to draw from.

Yes, I believe all the UbiArt games did. I would defend all three of those and wish they didn’t slip into the wind

I mean, hey, refunding is at least a cool thing to do. Should be the bare minimum, but tons of publishers seem to just take the money and run.

I feel like lukewarm is the best Ubisoft has managed in about a decade now so seems like it should have been within expectations.

This game had a lot of good ideas but I feel like it was failed by limitations of the AI. It thoroughly went from scary to frustrating for me. The alien would regularly get into patrols where you had no chance of sneaking by, it would move along with you even if you were being stealthy just so that you weren’t fully rewarded for sneaking away, and the number of fake out endings got tiring.

I mean, 30k daily users and 45th most popular on Steam isn’t something to sneeze at. There was going to be a drop regardless so staying that popular is pretty good.

Interestingly, 8 years ago was 2016, the year Overwatch came out, so I have a hunch I know what got the dev train moving.

People complain a lot about Borderlands 3, many very rightfully so, but I find the actual moment to moment quite fun. I’ll be interested in seeing how this looks so far as Randy Pitchford hasn’t scared off whatever staff learned lessons from the several weak points of 3, as was the case for 2. It’s a shame that the studio is plagued by such an inoperable hemorrhoid.

Four is better than two, but two is still much better than zero

Loved the previous steam controller but probably passing on this as it is missing what I think is the killer feature: the rear buttons

Also you can’t fire without cause here, and the burden of proof is on the employer should it be contested. Instead they do this and rely on the cooperation/feeling of obligation/“the implication” to get employees out.

Cinematic was fun, but was not expecting a hero shooter from it. Was a bit deflated when they revealed it as “5 v 5 shooter”

I’m not pissed at this strategy like typical ones, however I absolutely hate having my collection of a series split across platforms and feel like this isn’t the least common idea. Now, if they were to include the older game in with the new one in this strategy or have some sort of cross buy feature for older titles, but this will never happen.

I feel like Steam would make more than 12 billion pounds in the time it would take for a take over to finalize

The article says that they couldn’t find subgroups to show trends, so seems to be pretty flat across the board

So far up his own ass he’s back out the mouth and heading for a second entry

I don’t see the methodology in here, so any influence I could guess is pure speculation. The mentioned lack of strategy games is a possible culprit. This would also prevent people from discovering an interest, as new eyes wouldn’t be on the genre. I’m sure a lot of people discovered they like some RPGs via Baldur’s Gate 3. One I might suggest exploring is that as gaming expanded in audience to different types of people, the new members would proportionately be less interested in deep strategy skewing the average interest as a whole. As a guess, a lot of people who have gotten into gaming via their phone are more interested in things that can be done while focusing on something else or something with a shorter run time than the typical strategy game.

It was more niche when you were 10 so if people were playing games they were probably playing similar games. Plus, the people you were meeting probably had a higher probability of the same interests at that age

Closest is Terraria. 2D, yes, but very expansive and tons of content

I’ve heard that the original Switch was supposed to have magnetic joy-cons, the snap sound they using being the sound of the magnetic joycons attaching. However they couldn’t get the magnets to not mess with the electronics at the Switch’s form factor at the time

I feel like this game got announced crazy long ago as a push for Xbox to get more Japanese people on the Xbone. Crazy to see it coming out now

Haven’t played the game yet, more due to still not having explored the Vermintide games enough to move to another, but the name got me temporarily excited at a Repentia addition. Not the best literacy from me, sure, but whoops

Seems a lot like competing launchers, a lot of companies want a slice of the pie that Valve discovered but aren’t willing to do the same amount of work. I’ve heard good things about the Ally, at least.

We have the technology to make an infinite variety of characters and we’re just using it to recreate the limitations of real life.

I am unplugged from a lot of advertising, but this seems very much like a game that is spreading due to word of mouth/direct exposure rather than purely marketing driven. I know that I usually wait at least a year to pick up games, especially multiplayer games since I’m almost always playing those solo. Enough people I know actually got this one and praised it, though, leading me to break my habits and pick it up.

Interesting considering “record engagement.” I can’t imagine that was just a lie, was it?

Talented team, based on putting out some of the only interesting recent stuff in Activision’s catalog. I look forward to what they put together!

Visual November 2023
For the last several years, I've made a gimmick month for myself of November. As can be guessed from the name, I spend the month focusing on visual novels of varying types. I am a big fan of the genre and some of the experiences one can find in it. Setting up the limitation of a specific genre can additionally force you into playing games that might have been overlooked in favor of flashier or newer titles and, thereby, find some hidden treasures in your game list. As usual, I didn't reach all that I would have liked, but my results for this year are in play order: Blood Code - Holy crap. This one was a whiff. I found out early that it was an otome game (girl targeting, one girl many guy romance game) which isn't my genre. But! I also think that it is important to go outside of your comfort zone at times. Plus, while I haven't played them myself, I know that there are a number of high quality otome games that I could likely enjoy. Sadly, this was not one of those. I started to write out all of my feelings about this but the page started to stretch out toward infinity. The el, dee are: poor translation, broken time management mechanics, a flawed money system, and a clumsy writing style made this a pass from me. Maybe it's better if you can play it in its native Chinese? But hey, you can date Christ! Grade D Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk ... - So I had played the first of these and was ultimately unimpressed. I appreciated how different it was in its story... narrative? in what it was and its presentation, but ultimately it felt a bit too art house for me. This one is also very art house, however it landed better. Maybe it was just the production value, which is dramatically higher, or that it's a bit more obviously introspective and my dumb self could latch on better. Either way, I enjoyed this quite a bit. It doesn't really go anywhere, acting more of a snapshot of the protagonist's mental state. A weird, weird snapshot. While the fan named milk-chan rambles, can contradict herself, and really needs a therapist, her stream of consciousness remains tight enough to remain interesting and engaging. The harsh monochrome of everything outside of the main character creates a really striking environment that I enjoyed the limited window into. Grade B Just Deserts- Despite having never played one previously, random selection handed me two stat managers in quick succession. I enjoyed this one more than the other and not because it was more catering to my preferences. The game is longer and allows for better pacing in presenting information as a result. The characters themselves are much more cartoony and by no means deep, but interact with each other in endearing ways and are shown more respect by the writers than I was expecting than I was expecting. The story is... there, and the prose did its job. I may have stuck around and explored more if it weren't for the holy shit painful battle system. The game uses a turn based battle system as the method of gathering money and it works about as well as you might guess a turn based battle system in a visual novel engine runs. The original Final Fantasy would be considered a bastion of quality of life features in comparison. Overall, an alright time if you don't mind its fatal flaw or just really like stat managing dating sims. Grade C World End Economica chapter 1 - So this was actually a continuation of last year. I had started it, made it about half way, but lost interest and got distracted with other things. Felt bad about it so went back to finish it. The game is from the writer of Spice and Wolf and is another venture into economics parallel to mystery girl genre. The writing of this one is quite good, though very, very bogged down with details and narrative regarding day-trading. I just... couldn't get excited by it. I can see people really digging it, but it wasn't for me. Some points of interest are that the characters, while still not the deepest in the world, don't fit quite as neatly into trope silhouettes as those in other works, particularly this year. I enjoyed that the main character actually has a personality, flaws, and a gradual arc through the story rather than being an empty vessel for the player. The world that the work inhabits obviously had a lot of thought put into it and is quite interesting as a result. While it doesn't lean much on scientific explanation, the game is far more grounded than your typical sci-fi story and builds a very believable picture for its setting. The hardships presented are those of real people and while the abilities of certain characters are high, they aren't so infallible to stretch credulity. Outside of struggling personally with the story, my biggest complaint is the ending. To maintain a hands off approach to the plot, it is very much a part one of three rather than something that can comfortably stand on its own. Given my struggle with the plot, I doubt I'll visit the other chapters Grade B Utawarerumono (Prelude to the Fallen)- So I wasn't having the best of months this year. I was getting most of my true enjoyment from sharing Little Busters with my wife through the month, which I will not be talking about here as it's something I've played in the past. This turned things around, though. I originally debated if I should play this as it started early with a difficulty select. A very odd thing to lead a visual novel. Steam has a habit of labeling anything that has dialog heavy scenes with the visual novel tag so I was afraid I had been had once again. However, a bit of research showed that it was most commonly listed as a visual novel with srpg elements rather than the other way around. So I gave it a shot. I loved this game. It definitely has flaws, most notably with the above mentioned rpg elements, but the novel itself was very solid. It was very refreshing to see a fantasy setting from a Japanese writer that takes place in a Japanese themed world. The writing, especially in the quiet moments, had the comfy character interaction that I crave. Despite its length, it was constantly moving and didn't ever spend so long on a single plot point that I felt it drag. This was my first game from Aquaplus, or Leaf, and I knew very quickly that I would be looking further into their games. Now for the bad part. This was not a fatal flaw for me, however I could -easily- see it being so for others. The combat. It has a number of tactical rpg fights throughout the game and the whole system feels half baked. There are a number of good ideas there, but none of them are expounded on enough to really shine or tie everything together. While your choices do matter and total victory isn't guaranteed, they are absolutely balanced in the players favor and winning will not be a problem to most. Given that I was here for the story and characters, I could just power through these to continue. I can not ignore it however, though, given that the game would be better if they just weren't present. Anyone approaching this game looking for a proper tactical RPG should hard pass, though. Grade B (Would have been an A if not for the battle system) Elisa the Innkeeper - I made it one scene and hard pass. Either the translation is terrible or the writing is. Either way, no. Grade F Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Tatarigoroshi-hen- I've been moving through these one a year for the past few years now, this being the third. I had watched the original Higurashi anime when it aired in the late aughties and had been a fan. Visiting the VNs years later has been a very fun experience as a result. While I know most of the mysteries being presented, the presentation and characters are written in a way where I can still get quite a bit of enjoyment. Sometimes the experience is elevated from knowing what's going on in the background and thereby the tragedy of some of the actions taken. These games are updated versions of the originals, but the original assets are all present. It's easy to see that these were extremely indie when originally made. The sound effects and filtered photos used as background come together for a very ambient experience. Despite being one of the weaker chapters in the series, still ended up a very enjoyable time and something that I would recommend to anyone who likes the anime. Grade A Cat Hustle - Very light visual novel with some fantasy elements. Went in not expecting much and came out feeling pretty good with the experience. It doesn't try to be anything more than a short, fun time and succeeds in that regard. I've gone back off and on since completing it to go through different routes but it lacks a proper skip feature which is grating Grade C Coffee Talk - Unfortunately it is hard to play this without comparing it to the far superior VA11-HALL A. It is quite good fun for what it is and the light fantasy theming is fun to explore. Had the legs to hold a lot more substance than it had, but too short is always better than too long. Grade B

Games with characters you miss most after completion.
It's a bitter sweet feeling afterward, but I love it when a game has characters where, after the game is over, I miss seeing a part of their lives. Be it due to the characters themselves or the interaction they have with one another, exiting their world feels more like a loss than when normally putting a story away. Are there any games where you experienced similar? While it can be a bitter sweet feeling, I know that it is a sign that I really enjoyed what I was playing and love to find these experiences.