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Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


When Star Wars (1976) came out, it cost 12 million to make and had almost no advertising. The “advertising” was word-of-mouth.

Modern games and movies wouldn’t need to set aside 100 million dollar advertising budgets (on TOP of the cost of their product) if they would simply stop writing shit.

“But we acquired a successful franchise! All we have to do is attach a handle to it and crank it and the money will come flying out!”

This. You don’t “negotiate” with the Patent Office. The courts decide whether patent infringement has occurred. You “negotiate” with THEM.

What was it last week? China had invented Internet hardware that was 5,000 times faster than any current hardware? And a few weeks earlier, they had built a new particle accelerator more powerful than the one at CERN? If you’re going to make shit up, at least make it believable.

I suppose next week, China is going to invent Cold Fusion. And the week after that, they’ll put the first man on Mars!

Yup. This nonsense (pcie-5 burnout) should have been detected immediately during quality control.

The “1 trillion” never existed in the first place. It was all hype by a bunch of Tech-Bros, huffing each other’s farts.

Well that makes TWO things I won’t be getting.

There’s nothing wrong with the business model of selling older games at affordable prices. This is about poor management. (Or deliberately bad management by a “CEO” who was hired to destroy GOG to remove a popular choice from us).

I’m sorry, but after Borderlands 3 trashed the franchise, why should we give even the slightest crap about anything Gearbox makes? They went from Handsome Jack to the farking Calypso twins. Also, Randy Pitchford is a dick.

Intel should have pulled it’s 13/14 Gen chips the moment it became clear they had serious problems. Admit you screwed up and fix it.

Continuing to sell something you know is crap is a long-term reputation hit you are NOT going to recover from.

How about “genocidal assholes?” Can they still say that?

Steam has a native Linux client that uses a custom version of Wine called Proton. It handles all the emulator settings for you. All the Steam games I bought in Windows run just fine under Linux. And amost all my older, non-Steam games (like Deus Ex or Giants: Citizen Kabuto) work great under Wine.

I also recommend NewPipe for Android. It lets you download in multiple formats and shows comments in a mobile format (you can get it through the F-Droid store or from github.)

Youtube isn’t some one of a kind miracle. There’s at least a dozen already-established streaming platforms that would take its place. There are thousands of websites that have no problems hosting gigs and gigs of porn, so it’s not as difficult as people think.

The scam involving the fake CFO was only discovered when the employee later checked with the corporation’s head office.

A surprise teleconference resulting in the transfer of $25 million dollars? You can bet your ass I’m going to verify that transaction by calling the CFO on his direct line before any money is sent.

I heard the number 6 is a lucky number in Chinese culture and that explains why there are so many Chinese companies with 6 letter names, like “Dingbo” and “moofoo” It seems to me like they just used a random letter generator.

Yeah, but think of all the money Amazon saved by not hiring customer service reps. Lol.

What the heck IS Copilot?

I hate articles that tell you, "Blorp is amazing! Blorp is coming out in 3 days! Everybody should have Blorp! Don’t miss out on Blorp!’

Musk only buys things that he thinks will keep his name in the news, and he’s always looking for that next bong-hit of attention.

Nobody likes him. Nobody cares about him. And he makes it so obvious WHY with his racist, apartheid bullsh*t.

If you’re taking illegal performance enhancers to get you through your work day, then whatever you’re doing there isn’t worth it.

If you have some kind of niche fetish, Valve is the last company you should expect to keep it private.

And don’t expect us to buy Elder Scrolls 6 until at least six months after release. We’ve been through this before, Todd.

Serving up unblock-able ads is just a small part of what this DRM will do. It will be used to track you, as well. VPNs will be useless because the tracking won’t be done through your IP address, but through your browser, identified by DRM and tied to your Google account.

That’s what this is really all about. They want to know who you are, where you are, where you go, what you see, what you buy, and who you associate with. And don’t think for a moment that Google won’t hand this information over to any government officials who are looking for an excuse to abuse you. Forcing you to watch ads is just the icing on the cake.

This won’t be used just to block ads. If you’re signed in to Google, this DRM will be used to track you, as well. VPNs will be useless because the tracking won’t be done through your IP address, but through your browser, identified by DRM and tied to your Google account.

That’s what this is really about. Knowing, where you go, what you see, what you buy, who you associate with. Forcing you to watch ads is just the icing on the cake

If you don’t know how a 3500 dollar investment works, then the head scan is just a formality, proving that you have more money than brains.