Ask here, mate
Sorry. I dont think my stupid lemmy app can properly link communities :(
I wish the EU would just stop getting their grubby hands ibto everything they possibly can
its for the environment… EU has set carbon emission goals etc by 2030, and 2050 ?
batteries are terrible for the environment…
but one thing that is worse is… throwing away a used phone because the battery is terrible, because replacing the battery is gonna cost the same as a new phone.
my last 3 phones, for example, where all replaced because the battery was shit. unable to replace it without paying the same as a new phone…
making products having a replacable battery (available to purchase as well) will cause fewer products to be produced, meaning fewer emissions.
also the old batteries have to be recycled 100%.
Hopefully this doesn’t just manifest itself as simply not selling these devices in the EU. Seems highly unlikely that would be the case, but a possibility I suppose.
EU is ~450 million people
lots of potential customers, with money.
its almost always worth it.
it’s 25ish % of apples revenue, for example.
Im not sure about total hours…
But several thousand in WoW. Back during release and for at least 5 years i played like 8 hours per day on avg. I would guess.
I would estimate 10000 - 12000 hours. Maybe a bit more.
I dont play it anymore though.
The game i have most time played on, on steam, would be Gfim Dawn. That game is amazing.
Firefox on android already has ublock origin available