My dude, the world isn’t only about you.
It’s not about you and your inferiority complex, either.
You’re much closer to ending up on the street than you are from any billionaire that exists.
I’m also much closer to the center of the earth than the sun, I’m still quite far from either, and I’m not very worried about being near either anytime soon.
Short of world war 3 or some other world-shaking catastrophe that won’t be my problem alone, I’m pretty sure my biggest worries are my health and not getting hit by a car, rather than sudden bankruptcy, and I don’t live in the US so the former can’t lead to the latter.
Now off to the block list you go, people like you don’t deserve anyone’s attention.
You’re not a plane, you don’t need to announce your departure.
That seems to be wrong at least according to the ESA.
The software itself is copyrighted, the invention is patented, either way the Nemesis system seems to be protected in europe.
Implying I care LMAO
I’m more than economically comfortable, by no means a billionaire but I’m not hurting like, at all. I own my own home, I am set to inherit like 2 more houses, I make good money at a stable job, I have time for my hobbies and a family I love.
I want for nothing that I can’t have, with some patience.
Gaben having a Yacht collection makes no difference to me, Steam existing and Valve doing what they do does, so I am happy to see them thrive.
Not everyone is an envious crab in a bucket who feels the constant need to compare themselves to others and ensure nobody is more well off than they are.
What a sad life you must lead that you get this angry over something that doesn’t affect you in the least, or did Gabe outbid you on your dream yacht?
You realize that the cut they’re taking ends up being used to pay for a yacht collection, right?
God forbid a man spend his money however he wants. Get that commie bullshit out of here.
Money changes hands consensually and Gaben/Valve have more than earned mine. Treating your customers like they are your priority in running a service will do that.
There’s nothing great about Valve at this point
Except their massive contributions to the Open Source/Linux ecosystems with Vulkan and Proton, SteamVR being the only properly supported agnostic VR library, and them basically being the one thing between us and Microsoft becoming a walled garden when it comes to gaming, and more recently the Steam Deck?
If you gotta be a hater, at least be correct.
That is called a “No true Scotsman” fallacy.
It is a feminist action because a large swathe of South Korean feminists openly adopted it as a shibboleth, whether it is consistent with the principles of your preferred brand of feminism is irrelevant.
It’d be the same as saying protesting in front of abortion clinics in the US isn’t Christian (except Christianity has explicit rules so the comparison isn’t 1:1) when most if not all protesters would cite their religion as their motivation.
Not only that, even the ADL try as they might can’t really make that claim with their chests. They qualify that pepe edits exist that have antisemitic connotations, which is true of literally any of the 4chan template meme characters.
There’s nazi trollfaces, nazi wojacks, nazi chads, you can’t use that as a reason to call pepe an antisemitic dogwhistle.
Worth mentioning that the main US senator supporting this, Mark Warner, received substantial donations from Disney, which also poured 1.5 billion (with a B) dollars into Epic Games.
Wouldn’t be surprised if some bigwig at Disney pushed for this investigation, too, especially given how fucking flimsy the results were (55% of all hate symbols were fucking pepe the frog).
Yeah I mean, it’s got upsides and downsides, like everything. Unparalleled access means anyone can make something, which means a lot of things that have niche appeal can find their audience, etc.
It also means a lot of things without any appeal will be out there.
It’s not good or bad in itself but it can be impractical on the consumer side of the equation, and it makes even the remarkable stuff very likely to just disappear in the shuffle.
You realise this isn’t make believe at all, right? Stocks are ownership.
If a stock dips low enough it’s possible to do what microsoft did with Activision Blizzard and buy out another company wholesale, for instance.
Speculation on the stock market isn’t the reason the market exists, it’s a side effect of its pricing mechanisms, the actual point of it is to gather money for companies and gather stake for buyers.
If a major company like Ubisoft keeps tanking, odds are you can look forward to another major buyout and merger which will make the already horribly oligopolistic game industry even smaller, which is not good for anyone involved.
Because it’s pressvertising.
Veilguard has had a year (at least) of relentless, shameless astroturfing, ever since BG3 got GOTY, because EA knows it’s not gonna be even close to competing with it and they (rightly) fear Veilguard will get shat on, especially since Bioware is on a 2 games abject failure streak with Andromeda and Anthem both failing horribly and Inquisition having at best a mixed reception with how buggy and repetitive it was at launch.
As a rule of thumb: if an article comes out before a game’s actual release, it’s positive about an aspect the game or franchise is known to be lacking in, and it sounds like John Oliver’s parody of a corporate shill? It’s pressvertising.
It’s access-for-coverage, a trading of favours that stays undisclosed because technically no money changed hands; however, in the past we’ve seen what happens to outlets that don’t kiss the ring and use the access to actually speak negatively of the product, or even neutrally, so we know there is an implicit (and explicit if you know the history of these dealings) pressure to be positive at any cost.
So in short: it’s a bad article pretending to analyse the content they have early access to when really they’re just advertising the game uncritically. It’s literally just source-washed marketing material.
Both of your points are only partially correct.
I think we can state as a truth that they have less potential profit.
Wrong, they just take less effort and have a more constant revenue stream.
Potential for profit means nothing, when so many attempts at milkable forever games end up like Suicide Squad or Concord.
Also you can come into them half baked and pull the plug if the game doesn’t sell (because it’s half baked) like they’re doing with SS and they did with the Avengers game.
They spend more money.
They don’t, you can’t spend money you don’t have, whales are working adults.
Kids spend money for less. Better ROI, not higher payoff.
You make the 18302nd skin and troves of kids will badger their parents for fortnite bucks so they can buy it but not everyone will. The upside is that making a skin costs you single digits percent points of the profits, so even if one or two are a dud, you’re fine, the good ones will make up for it.
It’s a business model you can throw money at once the game’s got an audience base, which is very attractive to companies, because it’s uncomplicated and reliable.
Is there a preferred metric to measure this by?
For the sake of my asscheeks’ preservation, I’d say “if in ~20 years (that’s how long it’s been, god I feel old) it’s regarded with the same high praise and fondness as Bloodlines.”
Preferred by me of course.
But honestly, I’m definitely going to at least pirate and play it, and I’m a man of principle, so I’ll own it if i think I was wrong.
Your word picture is just so funny that I want to root for the game’s success just to be the person that quotes this comment and @s you, even if I tend to agree with your assessment.
Nobody ever spares a thought for my asscheeks! Everyone just wants to see me fail! Assless and suffering! But I’ll show you!
They could be your favourite football team, too, that still doesn’t fill me with confidence on their level of preparation for this.
Bloodlines was an extremely ambitious mix of immersive sim and RPG, in the same vein as early Deus Ex, TCR’s most gameplay heavy game has an ineffective monster that takes several seconds to kill you and myst style puzzles.
There’s a mismatch in milieus here.
Don’t be, this game won’t quietly peep its way into obscurity, it will be an uproarious fart all the way across the halls of the internet.
If it even does, it will come out and literally nobody will like it because a) it has an impossibly high bar to clear even in the hands of competent devs and b) it’s been made by walking sim developers as their first attempt at a real game with gameplay beyond simple puzzles.
I will literally slice off my own asscheeks, cure them into honey glazed ham, and serve them on rye if it comes out as anything resembling the success of the first.
LMAO way to assume shit about me.
I only go by steam reviews and gameplay videos/demos, if the games aren’t recommended by someone I know personally.
Game journalism has always been essentially marketing, the publications are way too tied to the industry and way too dependent on advertising from the same companies and products they’re supposed to be criticising, hence why big titles that get less than an 8 are equivalent to normal games getting a 2 or a 3.
Good games will rise to the top organically, some might get lost in the shuffle but it won’t be the perennially 2 weeks late big budget crap apologists at whatever game “”“news”“” publication you care to name to fix that.
I just have noticed a trend of Origins people that come into any dragon age thread just to talk smack, and I think it’d probably be better to just play a game you like instead of focusing on how much you hate ones you don’t. ya know?
Eh, there’s plenty of time to do both and the games are absolutely worthy of a good thrashing.
I am annoyed at them because they show an utter disregard for the user’s time and money. I wanted to like them, and I was exceedingly disappointed in the product.
especially considering how excited people are for the new game.
Are they? All I’ve seen is suspiciously defensive articles about BG3 comparisons not being fair (despite DA having the full might of EA and the >!soulless husk of the!< company that made BG1 and 2 at its helm) and shittons of astroturf and fluff pieces.
You are the first person who openly calls themselves a DA2 fan I run into in the wild.
I came into origins because it was in a branch I liked, so yeah, I have eaten well in the past and there’s more than enough for me to keep eating well for a good long time.
To me it’s mostly the obvious lack of care of DA2 towards the lore and even the internal consistency of the world and characters in that same game that made me acutely aware of the downfall of BioWare.
I’ve since moved on to other things. Mostly indie stuff, and stuff like BG3 which is much more in my general direction.
I’ll miss OG BioWare (Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2 BioWare, to clarify) but I’ll live.
That’s very neat then, you’d probably get sued anyway cause companies don’t care, but it does make me want to make a game like that and see what happens.