I really dislike any game with difficulty scaling. It might make some sense, if you fight random bandits in the middle of nowhere, since they had time to level up a little, but in most places it’s just annoying.
I’d rather have my character level up and be able to literally destroy everything with one hit when I spend a shit-ton of time making it stronger. See: Gothic games or classic RPG’s.
There’s nothing new in this article. And I don’t think Nintendo ever said that emulation is illegal, just emulating their games is, which technically is true to some part at least in the United States, where sometimes you need to circumvent some security measures to get games emulated which is a forbidden (this is mentioned in the article).
I’ve just finished playing Half-Life (or in fact, the fan-made remake Black Mesa), and Half-Life: Uplink (the demo version that was released after the final game, and it consisted of a short non-canon scenario that’s not included in the final game, but lately was included in the 25th anniversary version).
I will be playing HL: Opposing Force and Blue Shift next. And in general I am planning to fish every Half-Life game this month (except Alyx since I don’t have good enough hardware for me to enjoy it, and playing it on GTX 1060 3GB is not enjoyable at all), and if it goes well Portal games as well.
That’s probably something a person who has no clue about Pokemon could say. You underestimate how many mechanics older games contain, since like half of them are not obvious for casual players. Although I am not sure about gens newer than IV (Diamond and Pearl is the most recent I’ve played), since I haven’t played them. But most people agree that the best games were around that period (Gen IV, or V), and they only become worse over the years.
Oh it looks like your PC is not supported because you turned off single option in UEFI. Go to this link and buy your new Windows 11 PC today!
In no particular order:
With honorable mentions (also in no particular order):
Finished first Quake recently (EXCELLENT game, still very much playable even after nearly 3 decades, definitely 9/10), and currently playing Perdition’s Gate, it is kinda unofficial Doom 2 expansion released in 1996, and it had chance to be included in Final Doom (which are two additional official episodes for Doom 2), but ultimately it was decided against it.
Perdition’s Gate is kinda interesting as it has some unique elements and I genuinely enjoyed it even though there are probably much better Mega WADs nowadays, later maps are too short though, and it looks like they have made them only to accomplish 32 maps total like in the original game. Secret maps are also… odd… definitely not bad, but… just odd (and disappointing to some extent I guess), although I am not going to spoil them for you. Also the locations for secrets are also weird.
Interesting and odd is I think the best description for this Expansion/WAD.
In 2050, when Bethesda releases TES 7, it will be just a launcher to Creation Engine editor with half-assed models and a single empty map where modders collaborate to make the game themselves.
In 2127 with the early-access TES 8 it will be just a README file where they say that game should be ready for Christmas of 21XX, if modders won’t fuck around and finish making the damn engine.
The only step up is a full on fascist country like China or russia.
You are confusing fascism with imperialism. Netiher China or Russia is fascist state despite of what some shitty non-scientific sources say. However it’s not hard to see increase of fascist movement in Russia (which could become a huge problem in post war Russia no matter the result of the war), but also in some other European states or even USA (Republicans come to mind).
I’ll be riding my bike till I feel and die.