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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


It may not be your cup of tea, but a lot of people (me included) really like SoT.

Me too. I will not spend a single cent on Epic, but I’ll happily buy Steam games.

Too bad about the horrible Monster Energy product placement. It totally ruined the game for me.

It’s been tried multiple times and it just doesn’t work. Physics (the speed of light) ultimately dictates latency. Streaming only works for a rather small subset of games that doesn’t rely on reaction time or latency at all. And then only works for people who play those games a lot (you’re not going to sub to a streaming game service if the majority of the games you want to play don’t work on it). There’s a reason Google Stadia died.

Don’t be sad. It was the shitty version with Monster Energy ads and pruduct placement

I would like to put my hat in the ring for Aliens: Fireteam Elite. It was recently free on Playstation Plus but I missed it by a single day. My wife has taken over the Playstation so I’ve been gaming on my laptop, and I forgot to keep up with the monthly games. I’d love to play it though!

Yes. This post apocalyptic wasteland in the far future is littered with cans of Monster Energy drink which act as healing potions. So it’s not like you can avoid them either.

Is quake 2 the recent remake? I got that one on steam and loved it.

I’m pretty sure he meant to say “not to be confused with ‘the outer worlds’

I’m playing DOOM: Eternal too, but I can’t play it for just 30 minutes or so. I really need to finish a level in one sitting, or else I’m utterly confused when I jump back in. So for me I really need to set aside a solid 2 hours or more in order to play it.

I always wait a few years before buying a game. It prevents situations like this and saves aot of money to boot. Not just the game price but also because I don’t need the highest spec pc

No Man’s Sky is a great redemption arc, but it would have been better if the game hadn’t sucked at launch

I recently finished Diablo 3 (finished the campaign, then went into adventure mode and played until I got sub 3 minutes GR 90 runs). And yesterday I finished the main storyline for Q.U.B.E. Anniversary Edition. Now working my way through the bonus sector 8.

That has to be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen

I picked up Diablo 3 a while ago but didn’t really play until now. Finished the campaign, jumped to adventure mode, got my 6 piece set and I’m now grinding for ancients. I just finished a greater rift lvl 100. It’s fun so far but I should probably have started a seasonal character instead of a standard. But I’m too lazy to do it all again.

Yes, but those buyout prices aren’t negotiated in a vacuum. When the number of entitlements goes up, studios will demand higher buyout prices. There’s a reason free game quality has been lackluster lately. Studios demand a higher buyouts and Epic doesn’t want to spend too much money, so they go with smaller titles.

They pay a fixed amount based on expected/average number of units given away. If that number is higher, devs can get more money.

Epic still has to pay the developers even if they give away the game for free. I’m happy to help bleed Epic dry by taking their free games. But I will never ever spend a single cent on their platform.

Maybe it’s time to revisit it sometime then, thanks.

My wrists can’t take any more flask spamming abuse.

Stupid question: why call it 2K24 instead of 2024? It’s the same amount of characters…

I think the problem is that the ruling now establishes that overlays and injected code are a copyright violation. Therefor any overlay or injected code is now illegal unless you have permission from the authors if the game.

A shit update, bad handling by the devs and complete refusal to listen to the player base. So, the things that usually plague big games.

Cool! I got this in the summer sale but haven’t had time to play it yet (I finished Doom 2016 first). I didn’t know it had Denuvo DRM. Is there an easy way to check my library for Denuvo games?

I’m nearing the end of Graveyard Keeper. Pretty fun so far!

Internet speeds are already fast enough. The problem is latency and it’s impossible to fix. You can’t beat the speed of light. You just can’t have a 200ms delay between your controller and something happening in the screen.

Compulsory licensing for streaming should be a thing. It exists for radio, why not video? Let services get 1-2 years of exclusivity. After that it’s fair game for any streaming service to stream it. All services pay into a pool that gets refistributed to the rights holders. We have been doing that for decades for radio, for the EU blank media tax, etc. It’s a solved problem.

Courts have often agreed with shareholders in shareholder lawsuits about such things

The rule is so that you can see what part of the fee is mandated by the government and what part is charged by the ISP. The ISPs are trying to blame price increases on the government. This will show they are lying.

I finished both Diablo 1 (devilutionx) as well as Diablo 2 (remastered). Both are still great games

I played the demo of this during the last Steam demo week. I liked it!