
Thought to have been an ordinary falling star.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


DAYTONAAAAAA… Let’s go away!

Gonna be controversial and say Metroid Prime Hunters… mainly because that’s the one I’ve spent the most time with.

Zero Mission takes a close second, though.

When I did a legendary Combat Evolved solo run, there were one or two speedrunning strats I borrowed. Probably could do the same for H2 - one of the later levels, you can skip entirely if you do it right.

Halo 3 is a lot of fun, and it’s got some brilliant setpieces, but in terms of plot it’s always felt a bit of a rush job.

Even so, I love it to bits and it occupied many memorable evenings between 2008-2010. Definitely a much easier Legendary experience than Halo 2.

As a (almost) lifelong TS2 fan, even I would be hard pressed to pay what they’re charging.

This just reminds me of the mod situation for early versions of Minecraft. These days it’s as simple as pressing a button and dropping your mods into a folder, but back then it was a case of directly modifying the main Java file, removing specific bits, adding specific bits in specific places… not smooth at all

Can you shoot the other one too? Y’know, the one that’s in the Albert Hall

Was there an alarm clock in the first game? There was in TS2, and it’s a bit of a lifesaver (except when they went to sleep dead late and then refused to go to work)

Even better knowing it was the third or fourth game in that series

Not to be confused with the Soulsborne edutainment game Nounfall.

And yet they exist for absolutely anything.

This is, unfortunately, the market. For many IPs, the only collectable that exists is the Funko Pop. So, it’s either one of those, or no memorabilia at all. (Personally, the latter is far preferable, but folks like their doodads.)

Diversity, equality, and inclusion. All very terrible things, as you can see…

Oh yes, I keep forgetting about that. Must give it a try sometime.

Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle was a rare gem from Ubi. Other than that, their best “recent” game is probably Rayman Legends, and that’s like a decade old now

A video game that happens to get big updates every so often…? Call 'em expansion packs if that makes life easier

Ooh, Oddworld is a good shout. I loved 100%-ing Abe’s Exoddus

Lego Star Wars TCS took a LOT of backtracking… but I did have fun with it. Think it took me about 40 hours by the end?

You can 100% the first three Spyro games in about 9-12 hours each. The first one can be done without any backtracking, even, since you have the same move set throughout.

I believe modern games take 100% runs way too far. I enjoyed 100%-ing the 3D Mario games… and then I got to Odyssey, and it was such a ridiculous slog that I couldn’t get much further than the standard ending.

XCOM 2 Legacy Soundtrack. Some darned good beats on there.

Halo deserves a bit more than a fun action show, yaknow?

Apologies for being out of the loop, but… queue? Isn’t it single-player? Or were they throttling downloads?

If there was ever a suitable time to release a game to the public domain…

If you’re getting a big heap of money from Microsoft, who cares what decisions you make? (Playing devil’s advocate)

This is what happens everywhere: they’ll just keep chancing it until such a time as it’s acceptable.

Okay, so while you can’t literally use nothing but the SSG for the entirety of Doom II (especially since you don’t get it until MAP02), you can comfortably use it at least 90% of the time on UV. Shells are plentiful throughout the game.

Oh, nothing was missing. In fact, Galaxy’s one of my absolute favourite games ever, and it feels fantastic.

I just personally feel 64 feels perfect, in ways that no other 3D platformer (let alone any 3D Mario) has matched. If I could try Galaxy with a regular controller, though, that might change things. (I know you can play it on Switch, but you still need to point at stuff, and it’s not ideal)