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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


In that case I’m sure they’re enjoying their 60 cents per month

You could actually run an actual legit miner on the thing, but yeah, you’re not getting ahead your electricity usage.

Crazy that we can treat shit like this, well done whoever worked on the thing

When did I say I support microtransactions? It doesn’t have to be both at once.

Thing about a book (and a movie) is, that once it’s out, it’s done (99.99% done).

For a game like GTA Online (be it V or VI), there are ongoing server costs, massive content updates, support, all that jazz.

I’m not saying I support it, just that I understand

Yes, Valve will reverse the bans once everything is sorted out

Couldn’t agree more.

It’s great you can do it and you’re free to, but not using javascript often means revamping the whole codebase and making everything 5x more complicated.

Which just won’t happen to make 6 users happy

It’s about creating at least a small barrier for not-very motivated people.

If a script kiddie wants to create a couple accounts and spam a bit, paying for and integrating such a service might just discourage them from actually taking the time.

Just a small cost if you’re dedicated though, for sure

Pretty sure it’s supposed to launch together with HL3 👍